Entering Email Settings
  • 18 Apr 2024
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Entering Email Settings

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Product: Acoustic Campaign

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Enter Email Settings

  1. Select Menu → Data → Databases and select the database that is connected to Lead Manager.

    • Select Contacts.

    • Click Select Contacts.

    • Select the database that is connected to Lead Manager, and select Done.

    • Check Share template with CRM system.

  2. Enter the Subject Line of the communication.

    • Select Subject. The subject line can be static or dynamic depending on your selections. Enter static text in area provided. Dynamic subjects vary based on your selections.

  3. Select Address Settings.

    • The email address of the creator of the communication automatically populates the Sender and Recipient fields.

    • If your organization uses automated programs for sending communications, enter generic sender and recipient details into these fields.

    • Emails that are sent from Lead Manager, overwrite the details that are entered into these fields. These communications use the Lead Manager user details as the sender, and recipient email addresses.

  4. Select email Settings.

    • Only shared folders can be accessed from within Lead Manager. To set the template as shared, select Browse. Select Shared → Done.

    • Select the Unicode: utf-8 compliant message encoding.

    • Select the level of tracking to occur on the mailing.

      • Unique tracks results by identifying specific contacts, and actions such as links clicked.

      • Aggregate tracks results by quantity only, not by specific users.

      • Opens Only tracks only opened mailings. Data is collected about the specific contacts who open a mailing.

      • No Tracking tracks bouncing results only.

    • If your template contains branding, some email clients might not be able to display the content. Check Click to View in Browser link to add a generic link in the communication, which views the message in a browser in case the recipients email program does not display the communication images or formatting.

    • Enter any descriptive, identifying, or instructional notes for organization use in Mailing Notes. These notes are not visible to contacts.