Manage Templates
  • 16 Mar 2024
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Manage Templates

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Article summary


Product: Lead Manager

Manage Templates

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Set a Template category

  1. Select Menu → Manage Templates.

  2. The Template Management window opens. The communication templates that have been created in Acoustic Campaign are listed.

  3. Select Edit details for the template to be updated.

  4. Select a Category by using the Category pull-down menu.

  5. Select Save.

Enter a Template description

  1. Select Menu → Manage Templates.

  2. The Template Management window opens. The communication templates that have been created in Acoustic Campaign are listed.

  3. Select Edit details for the template to be updated.

  4. Insert a description in the description field.

  5. Select Save.

Deactivate a Template

  1. Select Menu → Manage Templates.

  2. The Template Management window opens. The communication templates that have been created in Acoustic Campaign are listed.

  3. Select Edit details for the template to be updated.

  4. Select Inactive by using the Status pull-down menu.

  5. Select Save.