Creating a Landing Page Site
  • 18 Apr 2024
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Creating a Landing Page Site

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Product: Acoustic Campaign

Creating a Landing Page Site

Landing Pages are created within Sites. You must first set up the Landing Page Site.

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Create A Landing Page Site

  1. To create a landing page, select Menu → Landing Pages.

  2. On the Landing Page Site page, select Create.

    Selecting Create

  3. Complete the following fields on the Site Settings tab.

    The Site Settings Tab

    • Enter a Unique Site name and an optional description of the Landing Page.

    • Set the Save to Location to Shared.

    • Enter the name of the URL (site folder) to be created by Acoustic Campaign.

    • Clickstream tracking is a form of reporting which tracks when visitors access the landing page from a Lead Manager communication. Toggle Clickstream tracking to on or off depending on your requirements.

    • Optionally, add tags to help you quickly find your site.

  4. Select the plus to expand the Optional Site Settings.

    The plus icon

    • Add the contact source:

      • Check Contact Source.

      • Select Browse.

      • Select the database that is connected to Lead Manager and select Select.

      • The Landing page site is created with the required settings to connect it to Lead Manager.

    Selecting the contact source

    • Complete the rest of the optional settings as required.

    • These settings include;

      • Adding personalized URLs.

      • Closing dates for your Landing Pages.

      • Adding Google Site Analytics.

      • Lead Sources.

      • Opt-in settings for Web Tracking.

      • Web Form Custom Labels.

      • Message settings.

  5. Select Save.

    The save button