Running Reports and Exporting Lead Manager Data in DIT
  • 08 Mar 2024
  • 5 Minutes to read
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Running Reports and Exporting Lead Manager Data in DIT

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Product: Data Insight Tool

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Running Lead Manager Reports In DIT

  • For more information on running Data Insight Tool Reports, see the Data Insight Tool documentation.

    1. In BrassRing, select Menu → Reports → Data Insight Tool → Manage Templates.

    2. Select Create New Template.

    3. Insert a unique template name and description in the [Template Identity] window.

      • The Hide inactive items in Template Workshop field is checked by default. To filter options or items that were inactivated in the system, uncheck this box. After selecting Next this option cannot be changed.

    4. Set the Default [Report Type]. The Report Type filters reports in the functional area selected. The Default report type generates reports with current functions.

    5. Set the Template Output requirements.

      • Delimited by: Tab or Comma delimited. Comma delimited might be more useful to use for data exports that are to be uploaded into third-party systems.

      • Character Encoding: Selectable if Comma delimited is selected. Options include Unicode and ANSI.

    6. Optionally, select Exclude HTML tags from text fields and headers if your organization uses HTML tags in text fields or headers of forms.

    7. Check Make this template public if other users in your organization require access to this report. If Public Template is unchecked, only the user that creates the report has access to it.

    8. Select Next.

    9. The Template Workshop opens. Select up to 10 filters to be added to the Filters Worksheet.

      • Choosing the correct filter fields is critical.

      • Filters and Outputs can be searched by using the search box.

      • Filters and Output fields are added to the worksheet in the order in which they are selected.

      • The more filters that are added to a report, the narrower your report results.

      • It is recommended to select at least one filter field when creating a report.

      • Selecting the appropriate filters allows the user to get the report promptly, and reduces any chance of delays.

      • Filters are Static or dynamic. A dynamic filter is a filter with no filter criteria selected for it. Criteria must be selected before the report is run. This reduces the amount of time that would be needed to edit the report each time the filter needs to be adjusted.

      • To create a static filter, use the down arrow to add Criteria to the filter value. Select the criteria, and select Save.

    10. Select Add to Worksheet.

    11. Select Output Worksheet and select the Output files.

      • Select only the required Output fields.

      • At least one output field is requires and a maximum of 75 fields can be exported at one time.

      • Multiple fields can be added at the same time by selecting the fields before selecting Add to Worksheet.

      • Selecting a large number of output fields can result in the report taking more time to run.

      • Do not select Lead and Campaign fields in the same report.

    12. Select Add to Worksheet.

      • Customize the output field’s name by selecting the New Name line for the field, and entering the new name.

      • Select Reorder Columns to change the order of the columns on the output.

    13. Select Next.

    14. The Template Summary opens. Select Save template in library, and run now.

    15. Your organization might be configured to deliver the report by using an FTP server, and have a Delivery Type: FTP. If your organization has multiple FTP sites, you might have to select the specific FTP site for delivery.

    16. Select Save to save the template, or Back to make further changes.

    17. For more information on running or scheduling Data Insight Tool Reports, see Running Ad Hoc Reports, or Scheduling Reports.

Export Lead Manager Data

Lead and Campaign data must be exported separately.

  1. In BrassRing, select Menu → Reports → Data Insight Tool → Manage Templates.

  2. Select Create New Template.

  3. Insert a unique template name and description in the [Template Identity] window.

    • The Hide inactive items in Template Workshop field is checked by default. To filter off options or items that were inactivated in the system, uncheck this box. After selecting Next this option cannot be changed.

  4. Set the Default [Report Type]. The Report Type filters reports in the functional area selected. The Default report type generates reports with current functions.

  5. Set the Template Output requirements.

    • Delimited by: Tab or Comma delimited. Comma delimited might be more useful to use for data exports that are to be uploaded into third-party systems.

    • Character Encoding: Selectable if Comma delimited is selected. Options include Unicode and ANSI.

  6. Optionally, select Exclude HTML tags from text fields and headers if your organization uses HTML tags in text fields or headers of forms.

  7. Check Make this template public if other users in your organization require access to this report. If Public Template is unchecked, only the user that creates the report has access to it.

  8. Select Next.

  9. The Template Workshop opens. Select up to 10 filters to be added to the Filters Worksheet.

    • Choosing the correct filter fields is critical.

    • Filters and Outputs can be searched by using the search box.

    • Filters and Output fields are added to the worksheet in the order in which they are selected.

    • The more filters that are added to a report, the narrower your report results.

    • It is recommended to select at least one filter field when creating a report.

    • Selecting the appropriate filters allows the user to get the report promptly, and reduces any chance of delays.

    • Filters are Static or dynamic. A dynamic filter is a filter with no filter criteria selected for it. Criteria must be selected before the report is run. This reduces the amount of time that would be needed to edit the report each time the filter needs to be adjusted.

    • To create a static filter, use the down arrow to add Criteria to the filter value. Select the criteria, and select Save.

  10. Select Add to Worksheet.

  11. Select Output Worksheet and select the Output files.

    • Select only the required Output fields.

    • At least one output field is requires and a maximum of 75 fields can be exported at one time.

    • Multiple fields can be added at the same time by selecting the fields before selecting Add to Worksheet.

    • Selecting a large number of output fields can result in the report taking more time to run.

    • Do not select Lead and Campaign fields in the same export.

  12. Select Add to Worksheet.

    • Customize the output field’s name by selecting the New Name line for the field, and entering the new name.

    • Select Reorder Columns to change the order of the columns on the output.

  13. Select Next.

  14. The Template Summary opens. Select Save template in library, and run now.

  15. Your organization might be configured to deliver the report by using an FTP server, and have a Delivery Type: FTP. If your organization has multiple FTP sites, you might have to select the specific FTP site for delivery.

  16. Select Save to save the template, or Back to make further changes.

  17. The template is created. Select Run Now.

  18. The [My Ad Hoc Jobs] tab opens. When the status displays [Completed], select the Job Name to download the report.

  19. Select the download format and select Download.