I-9: Auto-Complete Third-Party Approver Assignment Template
  • 28 Feb 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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I-9: Auto-Complete Third-Party Approver Assignment Template

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Article summary


An admin can configure the Onboard I-9 Third Party Approver Assignment template to be auto-completed when the approver is passed through B-O integration so that the admin doesn't need to manually complete the task.

Onboard Manager:


Onboard Configuration:

  • If there is no data, or if the data found does not have a user associated with the correct user group, then no auto-completion is performed.

  • The configuration setting drives the allowing of auto-completion.

  • If Onboard Start is completed, then Assign I-9 Approver must be manually completed.


When configured at Level 3, Assign I-9 Approver will auto-complete only after the completion of a Level 2 task.


Result in Onboard Manager:


A new setting called Enable I9 ThirdPartyApprover Assignment Auto-Completion was added to Onboard Settings and it MUST be enabled for this functionality to work.


The task is marked as completed by Onboard SystemUser in the database to show the difference when the setting is enabled.
