Managing New Hire Portal Settings
  • 28 Feb 2024
  • 9 Minutes to read
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Managing New Hire Portal Settings

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Article summary


You can manage the system settings for an individual new hire portal.


You use the Default New Hire Portal page on the System Configuration: Manage New Hire Portals screen to specify or modify the system settings for an individual new hire portal. It houses most of the settings used to configure a new hire portal.

How to Access the Screen

  1. In the Global Toolbar, display the Settings menu and select Settings.

  2. Select the Multiple New Hire Portals tab. The System Configuration: Manage New Hire Portals screen displays.

  3. In the Show statement, Settings is already selected, and Default New Hire Portal is already displayed. It contains a number of panes:

  • Settings

  • Quick start settings

  • Deployment settings

  • Login settings

  • Screen settings

  • Password policy settings

  • Localization settings

  • Email settings

  • Security settings

Tasks You Can Do on This Screen

  • Create New Template icon

    - Add a new hire portal.

  • Clone This Template icon

    - Copy a new hire portal.

  • Save icon

    - Modify and save a new hire portal.

Field Descriptions on This Tab

Screen Item



Displays fields for specifying settings in other languages. Note: The New Hire Portal login screen’s labels and links automatically refresh into the new language. Users see the language links/options in Onboard ONLY if multiple languages are configured. If a single language is configured, no language links or menus display.

Name (list pane)

Lists the name of each new hire portal that meets the current show statement criteria.




Specifies the name of the new hire portal as stored in the system.

Display Name

Specifies the name of the new hire portal as displayed on system screens.


Specifies a brief description of the new hire portal.


Enables the new hire portal. Note: When a new hire portal is enabled, it appears in all lists of available new hire portals.


Specifies the organization levels that have access to the new hire portal.

Quick Start Settings


System Fields

Specifies the source of the initial system fields.

Display Text

Specifies the source of the initial display text.

Field Sequences

Specifies the source of the initial field sequences.

Deployment Settings


New Hire Portal Identifier

Specifies the unique ID that defines the new hire portal. Note: This ID should be unique per client as this is the only difference from client to client.

Number of Content Pages

Specifies the number of pages, in addition to the default pages, that house content in the new hire portal.

Content Page Name

Specifies the name of the content page. This field appears for each content page you specify. Note: This field appears only if the value in the Number of Content Pages drop-down list is greater than zero.

Select a Template

Specifies whether the content page is based on a template or an uploaded file.

  • Default Template: Indicates the default content page template is used.

  • I want to upload my own page: Indicates a separate page is uploaded.

Page Path

Specifies a page path URL.

Video URL

Specifies the URL for accessing the video, if any, on the content page. If no video needs inclusion, leave this field empty. Note: This field appears only if you choose the Default Template option for the Select a Template field.

Graphic File Path

Specifies the location of the graphic, if any, that appears on the content page. If no graphic needs inclusion, leave this field empty. Note: This field appears only if you choose the Default Template option for the Select a Template field.

Message Key

Specifies the key for message display text that appears in on the content page. Note: This field appears only if you choose the Default Template option for the Select a Template field.

Dashboard Video URL

Specifies the URL for the location in which the video for the portal dashboard (default screen) is stored. Note: If no video needs inclusion, leave this field empty to remove the video placeholder from the screen.

Dashboard Message Key

Specifies the key for message display text on the new hire portal dashboard.

Login Settings


Login Page

Lists content pages that can be specified as the login page. If no content pages were added, the default login page is used, and no options appear for this field. If you added content pages for the portal, each page is listed here as a possible option for the login page. You can choose one of the content pages as the login page. If you do not choose a content page, the default login page is used. Option choices are:

  • Dashboard

  • Content page name

Login Field

Specifies the value used for logging in. Choices are:

  • Username

  • Social Security Number

  • Primary Email

Screen Item


Screen Settings


Enable WOTC

Specifies whether the WOTC eligibility feature is enabled.

Display Help

Specifies whether the online help content is accessible.

Enable Image Upload

Enables new hire portal users to upload image files.

Help URL

Specifies the URL for the online help content.

Display Activity Overview

Displays the Activity Overview panel in the new hire portal.

Display Tasks

Displays the Tasks and Reminders panel in the new hire portal.

Display Applicant Main Screen

Displays the Applicant Information tab in the new hire portal.

Display Applicant Sub-Profile Screen

Displays the Profile screen for the Applicant Information tab.

Display Applicant Sub-EEO Screen

Displays the EEO Information screen for the Applicant Information tab.

Display Applicant Sub-Veteran Screen

Displays the Veteran Status screen for the Applicant Information tab.

Display Applicant Sub-Emergency Contacts Screen

Displays the Emergency Contacts screen for the Applicant Information tab.

Display Applicant Sub-Direct Deposits Screen

Displays the Direct Deposit screen for the Applicant Information tab.

Display Applicant Sub-Additional Steps Screen

Displays the Additional Steps screen for the Applicant Information tab.

Display Signature Main Screen

Displays the Signature Main screen for the Applicant Information tab.

Display Forms Main Screen

Displays the Forms tab in the new hire portal.

Display Agree Policies Screen

Displays the Agreements and Policies tab in the new hire portal.

Display Print Notifications

Enabled: When a new hire agrees to the Form I-9 Terms and Conditions, or selects any form’s Sign and Submit button, the system prompts the new hire to print the form before submission. Disabled: When a new hire selects the Sign and Submit button, the system submits the form without prompting the new hire to print it. If Display Print Notifications is disabled, new hires can still use the Adobe Acrobat print function to print forms if needed. Note: The Display Print Notifications check box is checked by default for all clients. Clients can opt to turn it off based on their business need.

Perform PDF Plug-in Check

Displays the PDF plug-in prompt to the new hire. Messages can be customized for the client through Manage Display Text. Note: This setting is turned off by default.

Office Code

Specifies the client’s office code.

Employer Identification Number (EIN)

Specifies the client’s Employer Identification Number.

Business Organization Name

Specifies the organization name.

Business Organization Address

Specifies the organization address.

Business Organization City

Specifies the organization city.


Specifies the organization state.

Zip Code

Specifies the organization zip code.

Everify Company Division Name

Specifies the client’s division name for using E-Verify. Hosting provides the name when you request a site if you specify that you are using this functionality.

Password Policy Settings


At Least One Alpha

Specifies whether all passwords are required to contain at least one alphabetic character (A-Z, a-z).

At Least One Numeric

Specifies whether all passwords are required to contain at least one numeric character (0-9).

At Least One Special

Specifies whether all passwords are required to contain at least one special character (!@#$%~`^&*()_-+={ }[ ]:;’”<>.,?/).

Minimum Length

Specifies the minimum password length (max 20).

Max Failed Login Attempts

Specifies the number of consecutive failed login attempts allowed before the user is locked out. The user cannot log in again until the Failed Login Lockout Time has passed. A value of 0 disables this feature.

Failed Login Lockout Time (Minutes)

Specifies the number of minutes a user who is locked out of the system for failed login attempts must wait before they can try to log in again.

Password Expiration (Days)

Specifies the number of days after which a user’s password expires.

Reset Password After First Login

Requires the user to specify a new password when logging in for the first time.

Require Password Entry for Signed Forms

Requires users to authenticate their e-signature when submitting completed forms by entering their username and password.

Require Password Entry and eSignature Acceptance for Signed Forms

When checked, this field allows users to enable additional verification for New Hires accessing the New Hire Portal (NHP) and the forms therein. Note: A separate ESIGNATURE VERIFICATION popup displays for the user to enter field information after the selected form is completed.

Localization Settings


New Hire Portal Default Country

Specifies the default value that should appear in the Country drop-down list on new hire portal screens.

System Locale

Specifies the locale setting (culturally influenced formatting options) for the new hire portal.

Default System Locale

Specifies the default locale for the new hire portal.

Time Zone

Specifies the time zone for the new hire portal.

E-mail Settings


NHP E-mail Sender

Specifies the email address for sending system-generated emails associated with the new hire portal.

NHP Company Name

Specifies the new hire portal company name used in system-generated correspondence.

W-4 Related Notifications

Enables generation of task/email notifications related to the completion of the W-4 form. Selecting this check box enables the User and Type of Notification fields.


Specifies the user to whom the W-4 related notifications are sent:

  • Role: Specifies the user by his/her role.

  • Name: Specifies the user by his/her name.

  • Primary Hiring Manager: Specifies the primary hiring manager as the user who receives the notifications.

Type of Notification

Specifies the type of W-4 related notification sent to the specified user: email or task. To specify both, select both options.

  • W-4 related Notification Email.

  • W-4 related Notification Task.

Send Forgot Password E-mail

Enables the user to send an email to retrieve their password.

Maximum Number of Attempts for Identify Verification

Enables the client to designate the number of attempts for user identity verification.

Send Registration E-mail

This check box enables the user to send a Registration E-mail.

Set Registration E-mail Expiry

This check box enables the use of the Registration E-mail Expiry (Days) field which is read-only by default.

Registration E-mail Expiry (Days)

Enables the client to designate and expiration date for the user’s Registration E-mail. Note: This field is read-only by default and is only enabled by checking the Set Registration E-mail Expiry check box.

Security Settings


Restrict Access to This NHP by IP Address

Specifies the authorized IP address or range of addresses used to access the new hire portal.

NHP Session Timeout (Minutes)

Specifies the number of minutes after which an idle new hire portal session should activate the timeout warning.

Managing New Hire Portal Settings

  1. Display the Default New Hire Portal screen.

  2. To:

    • Add a new hire portal, select the Add New Hire Portal icon

      Add icon

      . This displays blank fields. You can add new hire portals for clients as needed. If existing new hire portals contain configurations you want to use in the new portal, use the Quick Start Settings fields to specify the sources from which initial settings for the new portal should be copied. This quickly populates the majority of configuration options for the new portal. Quick start settings specify initial values for system fields, display text, and field sequences. You can specify those initial values be pulled from various new hire portals to populate the appropriate fields in the new portal. Note: You can configure quick start settings only when first creating a new hire portal. Upon saving, these changes are displayed in read-only mode and the portal becomes available for quick start selection when you create a new portal.

    • Copy a new hire portal, select the Copy New Hire Portal icon

      Copy New Hire Portal icon

      . When you copy a new hire portal, you can modify the Quick Start Settings, if necessary, prior to saving.

  3. In the Settings pane, enter a name for the new hire portal in the Name text box, a name in the Display Name field, and an Organization.

  4. In the other panes, enter needed information. Note: If you use Quick Start Settings, there are still some fields for which you need to specify values.

  5. Select the Save New Hire Portal icon

    Save New Hire Portal icon
