Personal Settings
  • 28 Feb 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Personal Settings

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Article summary


Each user has access to the Personal Settings tab, which enables the user to specify preferences for a variety of settings that affect his or her user experience.


From a configuration perspective, you may need to access a user’s personal settings for troubleshooting purposes. For instance, if a user is having a technical issue, you can use the Personal Settings tab to make yourself a proxy user and access the user’s application to find and resolve the issue.

You may also access a user’s Personal Settings tab to enable or disable system features to enhance performance.

The Personal Settings tab contains several screens that provide access to a number of user-specific settings, including password, proxy user and interview schedule settings. From a configuration perspective, you can change any of the settings; however, users can override your changes.

Important: To change a user’s personal settings, you must access the Personal Settings tab from the Manage Users: User Details screen. If you simply select the Personal Settings tab, you display personal settings for your own login.

The following configurations are included in the Personal Settings:

  • Contact Information and Password Settings

  • Logout Warning

  • Tasks

  • Proxy User

How to Access the Screen to Change a User’s Personal Settings

  1. In the Global Toolbar, display the Settings menu and select Settings.

  2. Select the Users tab

  3. Display the Show drop-down list and select Users. The Manage Users: User Details screen displays.

  4. Select a user name in the list pane and then select the Personal Settings link.

How to Access the Screen to Change Your Personal Settings

  1. In the Global Toolbar, display the Settings menu and select Settings.

  2. Select the Personal Settings tab.

  3. In the list pane, select one of the personal settings tasks.