Menus Resulting from Selecting Pointer by Hire/Task Name
  • 27 Feb 2024
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Menus Resulting from Selecting Pointer by Hire/Task Name

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Article summary


Menus help you navigate.

Selecting a pointer icon pointer iconby a hire name on the Currently Onboarding or My Tasks pages displays a menu containing:

  • Manage Onboarding Tasks

  • Profile

  • Documents

  • Onboarding Participants

  • Job Information

Selecting a pointer icon by a task name on the Manage New Hires (task group) or Currently Onboarding or My Tasks or Onboarding Tasks pages displays a menu containing:

  • View Task. Displays the task.

  • Reopen Task. Selecting a pointer icon by a task with a status of Completed displays a menu. If a completed task can be reopened, there is a Reopen Task option.

  • Claim Task. Allows you to claim the task so that you can complete it. This enables faster completion of the onboarding process. You can access all new hire records, and act upon an open onboard task, even if you are not responsible for a particular job (are not a job participant). The system (by default) sends the original task owner an email about the change of ownership, and refreshes the page so it reflects the change. You cannot claim a task that requires a new hire's sign-off.

Selecting a pointer icon by a hire name on a hire profile page displays a menu containing:

  • Discontinue Onboarding

  • Print Personal Info

  • I-9 Section 1. Displays only when I-9 Section 1 is configured as a standalone task (not paired with the I-9 Section 1 task). Selecting it causes I-9 Section 1 to appear as a task on the Onboard application My Tasks page (new hire needs to redo the task). Note: This menu item is automatically triggered by the system.

  • E-Verify. Displays only when E-Verify is configured as a standalone task. Selecting it adds an E-Verify task to the new hire. Note: This menu item is automatically triggered by the system. There must be an already completed I-9 form, or an error will display when the E-Verify menu item is selected.

  • I-9 Section 3. Displays only when I-9 Section 3 is configured as a standalone task (not part of the standard I-9 Section 1 and I-9 Section 2 workflow). Selecting it causes I-9 Section 3 to appear as a task on the My Tasks page. Note: This menu item is automatically triggered by the system based on the expiration of documents used originally in I-9 Section 2.

On a hire profile page, there is a menu containing the following items, which allow you to move between hire profile tasks:

  • Onboarding Tasks

  • Personal Information

  • Documents

  • Correspondence Log

  • Onboarding Participants