Getting Help
  • 27 Feb 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Getting Help

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Article summary


There is user documentation for Onboard Manager, and for the Talent Suite.

You reach the:

  • [Onboard Manager User Guide] from the Onboard Manager navigation menu.

  • [Talent Suite Help] from the User Menu icon in the banner/header row.

  1. To get help about Onboard Manager, select the Application Navigation icon., and then select Help from the resulting navigation menu. The [Onboard Manager User Guide] displays, into its own window.

  2. To get help about the Talent Suite, select the User Menu icon in the banner/header row, and then select Help from the resulting menu. The [Talent Suite Help] displays, into its own window. It is global to all Talent Suite applications. It describes the banner/header row. Select anywhere else on the page to hide the menu.

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