Understanding Manage New Hires Page
  • 27 Feb 2024
  • 8 Minutes to read
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Understanding Manage New Hires Page

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Article summary


The Manage New Hires page provides you with an improved experience when bringing new hires onboard.

The Manage New Hires page allows you to:

  • Display and select filters against the new hires you are authorized to access, making it easier to locate them.

  • Use filters to help limit the information that displays

  • Customize the columns that display on the page. You can add up to 25 columns. There is only horizontal scrolling. Known issue: During horizontal scrolling, the check box may disappear from the view. To select it, reverse the horizontal scroll.

  • View the progress of new hires within task groups.

  • Perform bulk actions, making it easier and faster to send emails and discontinue onboarding for multiple new hires.

To access the Manage New Hires page, select the Expand the Onboard Manager Navigation icon. The navigation menu has a Manage New Hires link.

The Manage New Hires page contains:

  • Filter pane (can be displayed or hidden). You can customize the filters that display by selecting Edit Filters. Standard and public and client-specific custom filters can display on the Manage New Hires page, in Filters.

  • Results pane (shows results of the filter). You can customize the columns that display by selecting Table Display.

Procedure - Using and Customizing Filters (filter pane):

  1. Select the Filter button to display a filter pane that will allow you to limit the information displayed. Note: Selecting the Filter button again hides the filter pane.

  2. From the filter pane, use the Load link to select the saved filter you want to work with. The name of the filter displays in the Filter Name field. Use the Save, Save New, Manage, Load, and Clear links to manage your filters.

  3. From the filter pane, select the filter criteria you want. Use the expand icon


    to display the selections for each filter. Use the collapse icon


    to hide the selections. Use the X icon to remove a selection (such to remove a first name you entered). The default list of filters in the pane are as follows, but through configuration, additional filters (like for E-Verify or Country) can be added. When there is a long list of filters, the five most-used filters display.

    • First Name

    • Last Name

    • Candidate Start Date

    • E-Mail Address

    • Candidate Reference Number

    • Requisition Number

    • Onboard Status

  4. For date filters, such as the Candidate Start Date, you can enter both From and To dates.

  5. For free-form text (such as First Name, Last Name, E-Mail Address, and City), there is a type-ahead feature, providing matches (with check boxes and scroll bar if needed) in a drop-down after three characters are entered. The order is alphanumeric, and multiple selections are allowed.

  6. For integers, you can enter minimum and maximum ranges, and Boolean (Yes/No) displays as two radio buttons.

  7. Note: The number of selected filters displays in both the filter pane (as a number icon number_icon.jpg ) and in the results pane (Selected Filters field). Selecting the number icon in the filter pane redisplays that filter and its specific selections. Selecting the number in the Selected Filters field displays the specific filter selections.

  8. Select Edit Filters to customize the filters that display. The Edit Filters pop-up displays, allowing you to search for or select available filter fields. You can You can add/remove/position the filter fields as needed, using directional icons.

  9. Select Save to save the selected filter criteria. Note: if you don't save the filters, the filter persists only for the session.

  10. Select Clear to deselect the selected filters and clear any entered values.

Procedure - Using and Customizing Columns (results pane):

  1. Select a new hire's name to display the Onboarding Tasks page for that hire. From this page, you can select menu items to display hire profile tasks.

  2. Select a task status link (such as Completed from a task group column such as I-9 or E-Verify or New Hire Ready) to view all tasks within a task group. This lets you view the progress of new hires within task groups. A pop-up scrollable window displays that contains the task group name, the new hire's name, the number of tasks in the task group, and the following columns: Task Name, Task Owner, Due Date, and Status.

  3. Select Table Display to customize the columns that display on the page (maximum of seven). The Edit Columns pop-up displays, allowing you to search for or select available column fields. You can add/remove/position the column fields as needed, using directional icons.

  4. Select a pointer icon

    pointer icon

    to sort information (ascending/descending). When selected, the pointer icon becomes highlighted

    highlighted pointer icon


  5. Select new hires by either selecting a global check box or by specifically selecting new hire check boxes. When there are no selections, you can sort (by Name, Requisition Number, etc). Once you select any check boxes, you can no longer sort.

  6. Once you select new hires, the Take Action link becomes enabled, allowing you to display a menu that lets you perform bulk actions:

    • Send Communication (send bulk communication).

    • Discontinue Onboarding (discontinue bulk onboarding).

Table 3. Manage New Hires Fields




Name of new hire (last name, first name). It is alphabetically sortable

Other columns, such as Candidate Start Date)

Other column headings in the results pane. Each column is sortable.

Task status link (such as Completed from a task group such as I-9 or E-Verify or New Hire Ready)

Displays a scrollable pop-up window that contains all tasks within the task group. It contains the task group name, the new hire's name, the number of tasks in the task group, and the following columns: Task Name, Task Owner, Due Date, and Status. By default, these columns are sorted by their workflow order. Note: There is no column sorting on this page other than the default.

  • Task Name is the name of the task. When selected, the task detail page displays. Note: The task name is not a link if the new hire is dispositioned on the job application concerning the task group.

  • Task Owner is the owner of the task.

  • Due Date is the date the new hire must complete the task.

  • Status is the status of the task.

There are five status indicators for the respective task group:

  • Not Started - Has not completed at least one task within the task group.

  • In Progress - Has completed at least one task but has not completed all tasks within the task group.

  • Over Due - When at least one task within the group is overdue. Overrides not started and in progress. Note: Overdue tasks go to the beginning of the list. Note: For Overdue tasks, the status order is: Overdue, Pending, In Progress, Not Started, and Completed. If there are no Overdue tasks, the status order is: Pending, In Progress, Not Started, and Completed.

  • Completed - All tasks are completed within the task group. Note: All completed tasks move to the end in the order they are completed.

  • Not Applicable - When a group is comprised of tasks where the conditions are not met to present to the new hire; or, when a custom task group isn't configured.

Skipped tasks (condition not met/optional, not completed) disappear from the list. Opted-out tasks remain as opted out. Started tasks and tasks the user does not have the capability, based on user type, to view are not selectable and do not show up as a link. With Completed/Discontinued new hires, task groups are not updated. New hire task groups are reevaluated when tasks groups are updated AND onboarding status is not complete or discontinued. Regenerated ad-hoc tasks DO NOT count against task group status.

Table Display

Displays the Edit Columns pop-up, which allows you to customize the columns that display on the page. You can search for or select available fields (up to seven maximum). You can add/remove/position the column fields as needed, using directional icons.

Global check box

Allows you to select all the filtered new hires (and deselect all). Note: You can also just select specific new hires rather than use the global check box. When there are no selections, you can sort (by Name, Requisition Number, etc). Once you select any check boxes (either globally or by selecting specific check boxes), you can no longer sort.

Take Action link

Once you select new hires, this link becomes enabled, allowing you to display a menu that lets you perform bulk actions:

  • Send Communication (send bulk communication). This allows you to send an email to multiple new hires.

  • Discontinue Onboarding (discontinue bulk onboarding). This allows you to discontinue onboarding for multiple new hires per requisition/job application. This is not discontinuing them system wide. Note: This task is Requisition Number specific (that is, for each new hire, the Requisition Number is present). This data is reportable and audit-able.

  • Task Completion (complete bulk tasks). This allows you to complete tasks for a group of new hires simultaneously per requisition/job application rather than doing this individually.

  • Revert Discontinue Onboard (revert bulk discontinue). This allows you to revert discontinue onboarding for new hires. This means you do not need to rehire a new hire to the job later if you make a mistake.

Table 4. Filter Fields



Filter button

Displays the filter pane, allowing you to select filters that will limit which new hires display in the results pane. Selecting the Filter button again hides the filter pane.

Filter Name

Contains the name of a filter. Each name must be unique (per user).

Number icon (in filter pane)


Indicates the number of selected filters. Selecting the number icon redisplays that filter and its specific selections.


Saves any changes made to the currently viewed filter. Note: if you don't save the filters, the filter persists only for the session. Note: There is no limit for the number of filters that can be saved.

Save New

Saves a new filter. The name must be unique (per user). The newly created filter name displays in the Filter pane (in the Filter Name field).


Displays the Load Filters pop-up, which displays a list of saved filters, allowing selection of a filter. The list of filters is sorted alphabetically. In the Filter pane, the name of the selected filter displays in the Filter Name field.


Displays the Manage Saved filters pop-up, which displays a list of saved filters, allowing them, if needed, to be renamed or deleted. The list of filters is sorted alphabetically. When the Done button is selected, the pop-up just closes. There is no message, even if a filter was renamed. With renaming, if you click outside the text box after the rename but don't select Done or X (in the window), the pop-up remains open but the editing is complete.

Selected Filters field (in results pane)

Indicates the number of selected filters. Selecting the number displays the specific filter selections.

Refine Results label

Indicates to onboarding managers that filter criteria can be edited/cleared, etc.


Deselects the selected filter criteria and clears any entered values in the currently viewed filter.

Edit Filters

Displays the Edit Filters pop-up, which allows you to customize the filter criteria that display in the filter pane. You can search for or select available fields. You can add/remove/position the column fields as needed, using directional icons.