Accessing Onboard Configuration Application
  • 28 Feb 2024
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Accessing Onboard Configuration Application

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Article summary


You access the Onboard Configuration application (standalone/backend Onboard) from Onboard Manager.

There are two types of users who use Onboard Manager: onboarding managers and people who do Onboard configuration.

Both types of users reach the Onboard Configuration application via the Report link in the Onboard Manager navigation menu. Note: The Report link (whether it displays) is controlled by the Admin Branding application, on the Onboard Manager Settings page, in the User Types with Reporting Link Visibility field. Only the user types specified in that field (and they must match the User Types configured in Onboard Configuration) will see the Report link in Onboard Manager.

User type permissions (as configured in the Onboard Configuration application) determine what screens the users can access in the Onboard Configuration application:

  • Onboarding managers can only access the Global Toolbar (reports, etc).

  • People who are authorized to do Onboard configuration (configuring Onboard Manager and Onboard New Hire) can access the Settings menu.

This topic discusses how to access Onboard Configuration from Onboard Manager.

  1. In the Talent Suite, access Onboard Manager by selecting its icon from the application row:


  2. To display the Onboard Manager navigation menu, select the Expand the Onboard Manager Navigation icon.


  3. The Onboard Manager navigation menu contains several items, one of which is Report.

  4. Select the Report link. The Onboard Configuration application displays.

  5. To do client configurations, select Settings. If you have the proper credentials, a number of tabs display:

    • System Configuration

    • Users

    • Job Settings

    • Utilities

    • Career Centers

    • Personal Settings

    • Multiple New Hire Portals

  6. Select the tab you need. This guide describes how to perform various configurations. Note: You will be required to leverage Pass-Through Authentication for the sole purpose of configuring the TDI User.