Accessing Standalone Onboard
  • 27 Feb 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Accessing Standalone Onboard

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Article summary


Use the Report link in the navigation menu to access the Onboard standalone application.

User type privileges determine what a user can do within the Onboard standalone application:

  • Onboarding managers can access the Global Toolbar, which includes reviewing/editing reports as well as performing tasks that are based on the onboarding information gathered in the Onboard Manager application. This is useful when onboarding managers want to check for employees in-progress, for example, during a client account migration from the Onboard standalone application to Talent Suite Onboard.

  • People authorized to do Onboard configuration can access the Settings menu. Note: Configuration tasks are not discussed in this guide.

In Onboard Manager, onboarding managers can select Report from the navigation menu to reach the Reports capability in the Onboard Configuration application.

  • Onboarding managers can download reports having up to 75 columns in a spreadsheet format.

  • If an onboarding manager configures a report with more than 25 columns, then the report is automatically scheduled. The preview of 75 columns will not be available.

  • Any report that either has a result set of over 10,000 rows or more than 25 columns will be scheduled for export.

  1. Select the Navigation Menu icon (in the banner/header row that contains the logo). The navigation menu displays.

  2. Select the Report link. The standalone Onboard application opens in a new browser tab or window, allowing you to toggle between Talent Suite Onboard and standalone Onboard.

  3. In standalone Onboard, the landing page is the My Reports page (with the My Reports tab selected). To access other reports and tasks, you can use the Dashboard and Standard Reports tabs, as well as Reports in the Global Toolbar.

    • You can schedule reports not just at the client level, but also at the report level. For all reports, the schedule is copied from System Settings by default. You can change the schedule setting on a report-by-report basis, and can schedule reports to run daily, weekly, monthly, once, or not at all. If you choose daily, weekly, monthly, or once, then you can further select a report processing time. To reach reports, select: Reports > My Reports tab > Schedule Report pane > Schedule field.

    • When new hires provide a receipt as a placeholder for their pending List A/B/C documents, this information is exportable and reportable. You can create new reports or update existing reports. To add I-9 receipt data, the field option is Receipt (ReviewDocument). To reach reports, select: Report menu item in Onboard Manager > Onboard > Reports > My Reports tab > Content and Sort Selection pane > Choose Fields to Add to Report field > Receipt (ReviewDocument).

  4. View/edit the reports/tasks.