Add Assessors, Specialties, Competencies and Rating Types
  • 07 Mar 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Add Assessors, Specialties, Competencies and Rating Types

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Article summary


Product: Event Manager.

Add Assessors, Specialties and Competencies

  • There are three ways to add Assessors to Event Manager:

    • You can search the BrassRing database for an assessor by name, user type, or you can add a non-BrassRing assessor. Use one of the following three ways to select an assessor, and then follow instructions to add specialties for each assessor.

    • You can also add multiple BrassRing assessors simultaneously. You must edit each of the assessor records (assessor fields and specialties) individually after they have been added to Event Manager.

    • Add an Assessor by BrassRing user name, BrassRing user type, or by adding a non-BrassRing assessor.

  • Specialties can be associated with Assessors, and used in Activity Templates when configuring events.

  • Competencies associate competency types and competency levels with Candidate, Assessor, or position requirements. Competencies can include any information pertinent to assessment or position requirements. After creating a competency, the competency can then be associated with event activities.

  • Rating types are configured with percentile level information. These percentile levels are associated with candidates to evaluate competencies.

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Add Assessors

  1. Select Admin → List Maintenance → Assessors.

  2. The Admin: Assessors screen displays. Select Actions → New to create a new Assessor.

    • Optionally Select the radio button next to Show inactive to view Inactive Assessor profiles.

  3. The Admin: New Assessor screen displays.

    • To add an Assessor by User Name, enter user's name in Search for: text box, and select Search.The search returns a list of user names in the Dialog Box. Select user by selecting user name in the scroll box list and select Continue.

    • To add an Assessor by User Type, select Search by User Type. Add the User Types to the Selected User Types by using the arrows, and select Search.The search returns a list of user names in the Dialog Box. Select user by selecting user name in the scroll box list and select Continue.

    • To add a Non-BrassRing user, select Other, and select Continue.


  4. Enter the Assessor details, and select Save.

Add Specialties

  1. Select Admin → List Maintenance → Specialties. The Admin: Specialties screen displays currently configured Specialties.

  2. Select New to add a Specialty.


  3. The Admin: New Specialty screen displays. Enter the required information in the New Specialty fields.

  4. Select Save to save the new Specialty.

Add Competencies

  1. Select Admin → List Maintenance → Competencies.

  2. If needed, select Show Inactive to view inactive competencies.

  3. Select New.

  4. The Admin: New Competency window opens. Enter the details of the competency, and select Save.


Define a Rating Type

  1. Select Admin → List Maintenance → Rating Type.

  2. The Admin: Rating Types screen displays. To add a Rating Type, select New.

  3. The Admin: New Rating Type screen displays. Enter the required information in the New Rating Type fields.


  4. Select New to add percentile information to the rating type.

  5. The Admin: New Rating screen displays. Enter the required information in the New Rating fields.


  6. Select Save.

  7. The Admin: Edit Rating Field screen displays listing the new rating within the new rating type. Repeat steps 4 - 7 to add the desired number of ratings.

  8. Select Save to save the Rating Type when entries are complete.

  9. The Admin: Rating Types screen displays listing the new rating type.