Client Reminders
  • 22 Feb 2024
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Client Reminders

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Article summary


The Client Reminders section reminds clients of recently distributed important notices and links to comprehensive documentation and training for the special features recently introduced.

There are client reminders for this current release.

Upcoming Browser Updates


Talent Suite browser support is regularly updated to reflect changes as needed.

Microsoft will drop browser support for Internet Explorer (IE) 11 at the end of November 2020.

Microsoft Edge is now supported.

New Default Background/Login and Hero Images


November release:

As part of our efforts to improve Talent Suite branding designs and user experience, there are enhancements to out of the box images to improve the overall style in Talent Suite applications. Newer default images for the background/login and hero images will be provided.

Depending on the branding you have configured, there may be a visible change inherited. There are three possible scenarios.

  1. For customers who wish to continue with existing custom branding.

    If you have implemented your own branding, using images/logos of your choice, no action is required should you wish to continue using your current branding. You will see no visible change following the November release.

  2. For customers who use the existing default branding provided by Talent Suite and intend to use the new default branding provided by Talent Suite.

    There will be an automatic visual change in the November release as the new branding default will replace existing. No action is required on your part with changes and adaptions to new images inherited.

    Figure 93. New Default Hero Image

    New Default Hero Image

    Figure 94. New Default Background Image

    New Default Background Image

  3. For customers who wish to continue with the existing default branding provided by Talent Suite.

    If you currently use the default branding images provided by Talent Suite, and wish to continue using these, please download these images, Background - Hands and Background - 3 People to your local computer.


    To save the image, right-click and select Save Image As.

    These can be uploaded to be reapplied again as custom branding by following these steps:

    For the Background Image

    As an Admin,

    1. Navigate to Admin → Branding → Theme – Images.

    2. Locate the specific saved image to add as the login/background page for your tenant by browsing for the image under Upload background Image and upload the image.

    3. Select Apply then OK.

    Figure 95. Upload background image

    Upload background image

    For the Onboard Specific Hero Image

    As an Admin,

    1. Navigate to Admin → Branding → Onboard – Images.

    2. Locate the specific saved image to add as the hero image page for your tenant by browsing for the image under Upload hero Image and upload the image.

    3. Select Apply then OK.

    Figure 96. Upload Onboard hero image

    Upload Onboard hero image

When to do this action by?

Before the release windows on these dates listed in the following table.

Table 50. November Release Window Dates


US Stage

EU Stage

Production - US

Production - EU

November 2020

Thursday 5th Nov

Thursday 12th Nov

Saturday 14th Nov

Friday 20th Nov