Administer Agency Contacts.
  • 07 Mar 2024
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Administer Agency Contacts.

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Product: Infinite BrassRing

To administer Agency Contacts

  1. In BrassRing on Cloud, Select Menu icon → Menu icon → Admin → Admin+ → Agency Contacts.

    • To add an Agency Contact, select Add new contact and compete the form that opens with the contacts details.

    • To edit an Agency Contact, select the Edit contact pencil. Update the contact as needed.


    • Select agency code field lists your current Agencies. Select the Agency to associate this contact to.

    • First name. Enter the first name of the agency contact.

    • Last name. Enter the last name of the agency contact.

    • Language field indicates which language the agency contact views the Agency Manager user interface with. The languages that are listed here are dictated by the Agency Locales client setting.

    • Address 1, Address 2, City, Country, Location, and Zip/postal code fields are used to track the location of the agency contact.

    • Email Address is the Agency contact’s user name to log in to the Agency Manager site.

      • Your organization might choose to have one contact/login per Agency. If you follow this practice, all Agency contacts for the Agency have to login with this email address.

    • Contact phone fields track the phone numbers of the agency contact.

    • Agency Manager Password is the Agency contact’s initial password to log in. After logging in, the user must reset their password. The password requirements are:

      • Use at least 8 characters in your password.

      • Use a mix of uppercase and lowercase keystrokes.

      • Use a mix of letters, numerals, and special characters: {}[],.<>;:'"?/|\`~!@#$%^&*()_-+=.

      • Use a random set of characters, rather than a true word.

      • Do not use your user name as your password.

      • Do not reuse a previous password.

      • Do not use a "universal" password for all your secured online accounts.

    • Agency Manager access field is used to proxy into an agency’s Agency Manager account. Upon initial creation, there is no link available. The link becomes available when viewing an agency contact that is associated to an Agency Manager. This is used to help troubleshoot agency contacts.

    • Display as posting option for User Type provides an option to indicate which user types (and the users in those user types) have access to post to the agency contact.