Administer Gateway Questionnaire Widgets
  • 22 Apr 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Administer Gateway Questionnaire Widgets

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Article summary


Product: Workbench

Administer Gateway Questionnaire Widgets

  • Build 20.04.06. If more than 5000 widgets are added to a Gateway Questionnaire a warning displays stating: [This Gateway Questionnaire contains more than 500 widgets. Activation of such GQs might be delayed or may even fail. If in case you encounter any issues, please consider reducing the number of widgets or reach out to your Infinite support personnel.]

  • Build 20.04.06. If more than 50,000 options are added to a Widget on a Gateway Questionnaire a warning displays stating: [This Gateway Questionnaire has at least one widget with more than 50K options. Activation of such GQs might be delayed or may even fail. If in case you encounter any issues, please consider reducing the number of options on the widgets or reach out to your Infinite support personnel].

  • Build 20.10.12. If a duplicate widget is added in a Gateway Questionnaire, a warning displays stating: [There can be no more than one instance of each of the following types of widgets: Attachments, Resume upload, Cover letter upload, Education builder, Experience builder, Codes, Job-specific questions, eSignature, Work Opportunity Tax Credit.]

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Administer widgets

  1. Select Tools → Gateway Questionnaires.

  2. Select the Administer section/pages icon for the GQ you want to administer.

  3. The Section and page list screen appears. Select the Administer widgets icon for the page to add widgets to.

  4. The Administer widgets screen appears with one row. To add widget, select Actions → Add new widget.

  5. In the Widget properties screen, select the type of widget to add: Question, Text, Attachments, or Complex Widget. The following list details all the possible fields for each type of widget. The fields that display for each widget depends on the question selected.

    • Widget Type: Question

      • Field: Question Source. Details: A pull-down menu to select from where to pull the question. Choices include Gateway form questions (default, the Talent Gateway candidate form), Contact information fields, and candidate forms.

      • Field: Question. Details: A pull-down menu shows the questions to select. If Contact information fields is selected, the name of the field is Field.

      • Field: Custom Label. Details: Add the custom label here or select the Load labels from source button for the name of the question or field that appears blow the Question field. This field is optional.

      • Field: Inherited / Required. Details: A radio button to select the type of question:

        • Inherited: the question is only required if the underlying question is required on the candidate for you are pulling it from. This is the default.

        • Required: The candidate must answer this question to continue regardless if it is required on the candidate form or not.

      • Field: Scoring/Branching Table. Details: This table only displays if the question can be scored (that is, for single-select, multi-select, radio button, or check box question types). In this case, the Option and Score columns appear. If it is a branching question, then the Branch destination column also appears. In either case, there is a row for each field option. The Option column lists each possible option (answers to the question). The Score column lets the user define the score of the question, in the range 0 - 100. Notification thresholds are defined in BrassRing not at the Gateway Questionnaire level.

      • Field: Option. Details: This controls the relative position of the label and the control and the orientation of radio buttons and check boxes. The options change depending on what type of question is asked.

      • Field: Hide on GQ. Details: Select any options to be hidden on GQ.

      • Field: Score. Details: Define the score of the question in the range 0 - 100.

      • Field: Knockout. Details: Select Knockout, if based on the candidates response, they need to be directed to a section that provides an explanation of why the application process ended.

      • Field: Branch. Details: Select Branch for the option that show the branched field.

      • Field: Show branched fields (otherwise hidden). Details: Select the fields that are visible for the option selected.

      • Field: Disable pre-fill response. Details: You can disable pre-filling responses for candidate form questions only.

    • Widget Type: Text

      • Field: Descriptive Text. Details: Add the text that needs to appear. If applicable, select the plus (+) to add translations

      • Field: Use as subheading. Details: Select the checkbox if the text needs to appear as a subheading.

    • Widget Type: Attachments

      • Field: Label Text. Details: Add the text to provide instructions when candidate adds attachments. If making changes to the default text, change the translation provided as needed.

      • Field: Categories. Details: Select the appropriate categories that the candidate can assign for attachments.

      • Field: Optional / Required. Details: Determine whether uploading attachments is optional or required.

    • Widget Type: Complex Widget

      • Field: Label Text. Details: Enter instructions for the documents that need to be added. If changing the default text, make appropriate changes to the translation.

      • Field: Type. Details: Resume Upload, Cover letter Upload, Education builder, Experience builder, or Job-specific questions.

      • Field: Optional / Required. Details: Determine whether Complex Widget is optional or required.

      • Field Skills. Released to Production with Release 18.11.12. The skills field is optional to the application process and required in the Candidate Zone Profile section of the Responsive Talent Gateways. Editing the settings alters the candidate experience.

        • Display Skills as Optional displays the Skills field during the application process but makes the field optional.

        • Display Skills as Required displays the Skills field during the application process and makes the field required.

        • Hide Skills hides the field during the application process.

  6. Select Save when you have added the widget.

  7. Repeat the previous steps to add additional widgets to the page.

  8. When you completed adding widgets to the page, select Actions → Preview page to preview what the page looks like.

Edit a Widget

  1. Select Tools → Gateway Questionnaires.

  2. Select the Administer section/pages icon for the GQ you want to administer.

  3. The Section and page list screen appears. Select the Administer widgets icon for the page to add widgets to.

  4. To edit an existing widget, either double-select on the widget row or select the widget row, and Actins → Edit Widget.

  5. You can use the Actions → Cut widget and Actions → Paste widget to cut and paste widgets you have already created.

  6. The Actions → Delete widget deletes the selected widget.