Agency Manager Submission Logic (Pre-Release)
  • 07 Mar 2024
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Agency Manager Submission Logic (Pre-Release)

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Product: Workbench

Agency Manager Submission Logic workflow PDF

This document describes the Submission Logic for Agency Manager.

Agency Manager Submission Logic (PDF)

Agency Manager Submission Logic

Candidate submissions through Agency Manager follow logic, which has been designed to assist in eliminating referral rights uncertainty. This logic cannot be disabled nor can the steps be configured. The following rules are applied to each Agency submission:

Step 1 - Candidate exists in BrassRing

This step evaluates if the candidate exists in BrassRing using the standard stacking logic that has been configured in the client's Agency Manager settings.

  • If yes, the candidate advances to Step 2.

  • If no, the candidates is successfully submitted into BrassRing and is associated with the Agency contact who completed the submission. The Agency contact association will exist for the duration of the referral rights period as set in the contact's corresponding Agency Code settings. The candidate will appear in the Active candidate's page on the Agency Manager for that user.

Step 2 - Candidate type test

Organizations can choose to block all submissions for candidates who already exist in BrassRing and have a specific candidate type. Any or all of the clients' candidate types can be chosen to block agencies from submitting if a candidate already has an existing profile.

  • If the candidate exists in BrassRing as a type that has been configured to block all submissions, the candidate record will not load into BrassRing. The candidate will appear in the Rejected Candidates tab for that Agency contact on the Agency portal.

  • If the candidate exists in BrassRing as a type that has been configured to allow duplicate submissions, the candidate may be a successful submission pending additional submission logic and whether a candidate is currently owned by another Agency on the same req or overall in the system.

Step 3 – Current Agency association test

This step evaluates whether the candidate was previously submitted by another agency and has a current agency association on the Talent Record.

  • If yes, the candidate advances through to Step 4.

  • If no, the candidate advances through to Step 5, skipping Step 4.

Step 4 – Agency contact match test

Only the same Agency contact who currently owns the referral rights to the candidate will be permitted to re-submit the candidate to BrassRing. A different agency contact from the same agency or an agency contact from a different agency will not be able to submit the candidate via Agency Manager.

  • If the agency contact is the same, the candidate is successfully submitted into BrassRing and the association with the agency contact remains. Depending on the setting of Refresh Referral Rights Period, the agency referral rights period start and end dates may be updated. The candidate will appear on the Active candidate’s page in Agency Manager for that user.

  • If the agency contact is not the same, the candidate will appear on the Rejected candidates page for that agency contact in Agency Manager where the submission took place.

Step 5 – Max resume/CV age test

This test evaluates if the candidate information in BrassRing is outdated. Your organization can set the rule surrounding the resume/CV record age cut-off date on a per Agency Manager basis.

  • If the existing candidate record is considered to be outdated, the candidate is successfully submitted into BrassRing and the referral rights are associated with the agency contact who submitted the candidate. The candidate is associated with the agency contact for the duration of the referral rights period as set in the contact’s corresponding Agency Code. The candidate will appear in the Active candidates page in the Agency Manager for that user.

  • If the existing candidate record is considered to be up to date, the candidate will appear in the Rejected candidate’s page for that agency contact in the Agency Manager where the submission took place.