Approval Routing for Candidate Forms
  • 22 Apr 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Approval Routing for Candidate Forms

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Article summary

  • Approval Routing is configurable for One per candidate and Single per candidate/req forms on an individual basis to be used in the candidate form approvals process. The approval process is determined during the form’s creation on the Candidate Form Attribute screen. The process uses the same approval lists set up for req approvals.

    • Parallel: Forms are sent to all approvers at the same time

    • Sequential: Approvers receive the candidate form in a configured, sequential order. For sequential form approvals, BrassRing users with privileges to view a candidate form can resend the eLink requesting form approval to the next pending approver when necessary, if the original eLink is accidentally deleted or not responded to for some reason.

    • Rules-based: Rules for the approval process are configurable. Once configured, they are enforced by BrassRing

  • After adding a new approval group, you need to edit the placement on each candidate form to activate it. As a default, the group does not appear on the candidate form until activated.

  • Each approval level is automatically required for req creators. Therefore, consider having “Bypass” as an option for each approval level.

  • Infinite recommends using the Non-User feature if you are concerned about maintaining a very large user list in BrassRing on Cloud.

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Adding Approval Groups

  1. Select Tools → Forms → Approvals.

  2. Select Actions → Add new Approval Group.

  3. Insert an approval group Title. The title has a character limit of 50.

  4. Select the Approvers. You must select one of the following:

    1. Any Manager: This list is identical to the standard required req field of Manager. Names that occupy this list have the Manager field checked on their user profile in BrassRing, which is managed through the Admin+ menu.

    2. Any Recruiters: This list is identical to the standard required req field of Recruiter. Names that occupy this list have the Recruiter field checked on their user profile in BrassRing, which is managed through the Admin+ menu.

    3. Specific users: You can select the individual names of any BrassRing users from this list

  5. Select Enable Approval Bypass if this level of approver is not required for every position.

  6. Select Enable Approval by Non-User to allow users to enter the email address of an approver who is not in the approver list and, therefore, not a BrassRing user. This feature helps to reduce the number of users that need to be managed in BrassRing.

  7. Enable abridged Req view does not apply to candidate forms. This field displays a shortened view of the req to approvers when viewed via an eLink during the approval workflow.

  8. Select Save.

Editing Form Approvals

After creating a new approval group, the group must be activated for the desired candidate forms. You can also edit the order in which the approval routing flows.

  1. Select Tools → Forms → Candidate Forms.

  2. Select the Edit Form Approvals icon.

  3. The [Edit form approvals screen] appears. For the [Approve/Decline text area] field label, edit the field label for the text area the approver completes when approving or declining the form. HTML is accepted.

  4. For [Approve/Decline text area field input value is], select when the approver is required to complete the field.

  5. Build 20.06.29. Select Yes or No to [Make Approval step Required (while adding a new form)]. No is the default option. Selecting Yes disables the Submit option on the [Add Form] screen, and users are required to send the newly created candidate forms to approval.

  6. To send standard, non-customizable notifications to system users and users selected in the req form once all approvals are secured, set Send approval notification to Yes. Once it is enabled, you must check at least one of the checkboxes: Users selected in req/form or Specific system user. These settings determine which notification fields display on BrassRing forms.

  7. Select Yes to Send decline notification to send an email notifying prior approvers and the form creator when an approval is declined. Otherwise, select No.

  8. For Re-approval Routing, determine what happens when editing a candidate form in BrassRing after it has been sent for approvals/approved. After a change(s) is made, when the user clicks the Save button, the system resets the current approval statuses and send for new approvals based on your selection:

    1. Never: A change to any field does reset approvals

    2. Change to any field: A change to any field resets approvals; this is the default value

    3. Change to a specified field(s): Only a change to a specified field prompts for re-approval. Selecting this option makes the Select button available. Use the Select button to identify the fields that prompt the form for re-approval if edited. You can select any active fields on the form except:

      • Label

      • Text Area

      • Autofill with a source of Text area

  9. For Approval routing instructions, add instructional text that appears at the top of the approval routing pages in BrassRing.

  10. For Routing order, designate a number for each of the approval groups. The routing order is sequential. If an approval group is not to be included, the sort order should remain blank.

  11. Select Save.

Editing Approval Groups

  1. Select Tools → Forms → Approvals.

  2. From the list of approval groups, select the Edit icon.

  3. Update the Approval Groups and select Save.

Translating Approval Groups

  1. Select Tools → Forms → Approvals.

  2. Select Actions → Translate approval groups.

  3. Select the language that you want to translate your field options to. The first language displayed defaults to English (US).

  4. Type the translations into the fields. When you are finished with one language, use the Language pull-down menu to select the next language.

  5. Select Save, and then close the confirmation window.