Cancel An Event and Configure Reminders as an Assessor
  • 29 Feb 2024
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Cancel An Event and Configure Reminders as an Assessor

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Article summary


Product: Event Manager


Cancel An Event As An Assessor

Assessors have the option to cancel from an event when they cannot attend.

  1. To cancel the event as an assessor, select Events → Assessor Scheduling → My Schedule.

  2. Select My Events.

  3. Select the event, and select Cancel.

Configuring Assessor Reminders

If configured, an Event Manager can send Assessor Reminder Messages when creating an Event.

  1. To configure Assessor reminder messages, when creating an event, select the Messages Plus icon.

  2. Select a message template for the Assessor Reminder by using the pull-down menu.

  3. Select a number of days to send the reminder to the Assessor before the Event.

  4. Select Save.