Candidate Field Associations (CFA)
  • 05 Mar 2024
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Candidate Field Associations (CFA)

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Article summary


Product: Workbench

Candidate Field Associations (CFA)

CFAs and RFAs create a relationship between fields, so that users can choose valid values on candidate form fields or req form fields. After the field is selected, users do not need to scroll through a list of options in another field that are no longer relevant. Typically, the configuration, maintenance, and initial import of CFA or RFA during implementation is completed by your Infinite Representative. You are able to export the child associations for each parent candidate form field into an Excel spreadsheet. The import feature is used to import new CFAs or RFAs and edit existing ones. As a Workbench Administrator, you have the access to add and edit CFAs or RFAs.

  • If applicable, create an export file of current data to be used as the import file after making appropriate changes to it.

  • Import File must be version 97-2003.

  • Validate all imports in Staging first before importing to Production.

  • Check all tabs of a successful import file.

  • If you are reusing an import profile, remember to select the upload new file option.

  • Field association can only have one parent field.

  • Parent fields can have multiple children fields.

  • Parent field can also be a child field.


Create a New Candidate Field Association (CFA)

Clients that are currently not using CFAs, but would like to add them, must first identify the parent and child relationship of the fields.

  1. Select Tools → Forms → Candidate Form.

  2. Select the Administer form fields icon for the form.

  3. Select the Edit field attribute icon.

  4. Select Save and Continue.

  5. Enable either the Parent or Child field in the Field Associations section. The Import creates the association between the Parent and Child fields.

Disable CFA

In order to disable a CFA, you must remove the field association from the Parent field as well as the Child field. You can choose whether to remove the association from the Parent field or the Child field.

  1. Select Tools → Forms → Candidate Form.

  2. From the list of forms select the Administer form field icon for the form.

  3. Select the Edit field attribute icon for the form field.

  4. Select Save and continue.

  5. Deselect Field associations → Parent.

  6. Select Show Children.

  7. Select the chidren and select Remove selected associations.

  8. Select Close.

  9. Select Save.

  10. Select OK.