Candidate Form Field Overview
  • 04 Mar 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Candidate Form Field Overview

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Product: Infinite BrassRing

Candidate Form Fields

  • Form fields are used to capture data within a forms composition. Form fields gather information that can be searched, reported, and integrated with other systems that might be using the data.

  • You can add new fields to forms.

  • Field name is limited to 2500 characters, including spaces.

  • Form fields can be designated as Searchable and Output-able. Fields do not need to be designated as Searchable to be reported on in Data Insight Tool.

  • You can inactivate fields, which maintains historical data.

  • If you are using multiple languages, you can translate your form fields.

  • Modifications to Talent Gateway forms, fields, or options are only reflected for new reqs posted moving forward. Reqs previously posted do not adopt the new attributes.

  • Candidate Field Association (CFA) can filter lists of options based on the selection of an option from another field on the form.

  • Fields have an enhanced layout option, enabling you to change the field arrangement on the form.

  • You have the ability to auto-fill data from the Talent Record to your auto-fill candidate form field. This includes up to five sets of employment history, up to three sets of education history, and two fields for Start and End years of the most recent employment experience listed on the resume or CV. You must configure each auto-fill field separately for each candidate form that you want to have populated automatically from data in the Talent Record.

Form Field Types

  • Text: is used to enter up to 255 characters of text into a small box. Field length default and maximum is 255 characters. Field is searchable and outputable.

  • Text Area: Allows user to enter up to 4,000 characters of text in paragraph format in a large box. Field length default and maximum is 4000 characters. Field is searchable.

  • Single-Select List: A field associated with a pull-down list. Only one option might be selected at a time. Field length default and maximum is 255 characters. Option Source: Maintain Custom or Pull From List. Field is searchable and outputable.

  • Multi-Select List: A field that allows the user to select multiple options simultaneously. The Ctrl and Shift keys are used to select multiple options. Field length default and maximum is 255 characters. Option Source: Maintain Custom or Pull From List. Field is searchable.

  • Search-Select List by using the List button: Appears when more than 200 options are available. Users can type in a portion of the word or phrase they are looking for, and select List>> to display all of the options. Field length default and maximum is 255 characters. Option Source: Maintain Custom or Pull From List. Field is searchable and outputable when single-select is used only.

  • Radio Button: A field in which a relatively small number of options is displayed, allowing the user to choose only one of the options. Field length default and maximum is 255 characters. Option Source: Maintain Custom or Pull From List. Field is searchable and outputable.

  • Check Box: Similar to a radio button, except the user can select more than one option in the same group. Advised for no more than 3 - 5 short options. Field length default and maximum is 255 characters. Option Source: Maintain Custom or Pull From List. Field is searchable.

  • Numeric: This field allows users to enter integer-only characters (no leading zeros). No special characters are accepted. Enter number of minimum digits. If any number can be accepted, indicate 1. Enter number of maximum digits. If any number can be accepted, indicate 9999999999. Field is searchable and outputable.

  • Label: Field text appears in a shaded text area with no response accepted. Typically used to divide a form into sections and/or to provide additional information or instruction to users.

  • Date: Users enter a specific date by using either Day/ Month/ Year pull-down lists or a calendar icon. Double validation can be enabled. Enter number for “Up” years (from current year). Enter number for “Down” years (from current year).

  • Auto-Fill: Field data populates with information from another form field in the system. Note: To auto-fill from the req, the form type must be a Candidate/Req form type. Choose the field from which to auto-fill. To auto-fill from a req, the form MUST be a single- or multi-per req form

  • SSN: A field that is formatted to only accept US Social Security Numbers (XXX-XX-XXXX). Double validation can be enabled. Field is searchable and outputable.

  • Email: This field is formatted to only accept email addresses, and they must contain "@" and ".". Field length default and maximum is 255 characters. Field is searchable and outputable.