Candidate Form Management
  • 19 Apr 2024
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Candidate Form Management

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Article summary


Product: Workbench

Manage Candidate Forms

Infinite BrassRing manages candidates with the use of forms. These forms might include a Resume/CV Screen, Interview Evaluation, Offer, and so on. Each company creates forms specific to their hiring process. Workbench is used to create new forms and make modifications to your existing forms.

  • There are three types of candidate forms in Brassring:

    1. Candidate Forms collect information about candidates and can be attached to candidates in any folder type and are only linked to the specific candidate.

    2. Candidate-req Forms collect information about candidates and can only be attached to candidates filed in Req folders, associates the req number with the candidate form, and can display auto-filled req information such as Job Title, Location, and Salary Grade.

    3. Talent Gateway Forms

  • A form is composed of different components that are called fields and list options, although not all field have list options.

  • Candidate forms are designated as Single or Multi-candidate forms during implementation.

  • Fields on candidate forms can automatically be completed with candidate information (such as name, address, or education institution).

  • A form can also contain fields that pull information from another candidate form (such as data from the Offer Request form can be pulled to a New Hire form).

  • Form attributes are defined as the characteristics of a form. These characteristics include specific information, such as the form name (and name translations); user access to search or display output by designated form fields; and user access to view or modify the form data after it is completed.

  • There might be times when you need to edit a form’s attributes to include access for an extra User Type, to edit the disclaimer message, or translate it into an additional language.

  • After a form has been created and saved, there are form attributes that are viewable. Infinite has the privilege to edit the form attributes.

  • You might see the database field name in BrassRing when viewing Data Insight Tool exports or setting up letter Communications.

  • When selecting user types, hold down the Ctrl key and select the user types to select multiple user types at a time.

  • Build 19.06.03.Communication templates can be configured to allow edits to the Approvers without having to restart the whole approval process.

  • Build 20.07.28. jQuery rendering version in BrassRing is 3.5.1. If your organization provides its own HTML content the HTML must support jQuery 3.5.1 tags.

    • jQuery is rendered on Question Labels in Candidate Forms.

    • jQuery 3.5.1 requires tags that have separate opening and closing tags in HTML, to have opening and closing tags coded, for example <div></div>, or <span></span>. Previously supported tags that closed within the tag, for example,  <div/> or <span/> are no longer supported.

    • Empty elements, or tags that do not have closing tags in HTML, can still close within the tag, for example <img/>

    • BrassRing attempts to update any tags to the new requirements. Any existing HTML that was created before Build 20.07.28 might need to be updated to meet jQuery 3.5.1 requirements.

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Add a Candidate Form

  1. Select Tools → Forms → Candidate forms.

  2. Select Actions → Add new form.

  3. The Add new form window opens.

    1. Insert the Database title. Database Title is the title of the form as it appears in the database tables. Spaces in the field are accepted.

    2. Insert the Title. The title is the name that appears on the form and in form lists in BrassRing. The field limit is 255 characters (including spaces). The field defaults to display in English (US). The translation option is available if using additional languages. After a translation is added as a form name, the language toggle appears on the form in BrassRing.

    3. Insert a Disclaimer. A disclaimer can be added to the end of the form (for example, a data privacy disclaimer). The field limit is 7,500 characters. The field defaults to English (US). The translation option is available if using additional languages. HTML coding is accepted for formatting and embedding URL links.

    4. Set and align the Form Image. Controls branding on candidate forms added/edited/viewed in BrassRing, and by using an eLink. You are able to upload an image and remove the uploaded image. File types: gif, jpg, jpeg, bmp. Maximum file size: 1.5 MB. Maximum image size: 130 x 130 pixels

    5. Select the user types that can Search for the form as candidate search criteria.

    6. Select the user types that can Output information from the form into candidate search.

    7. The Email filed is no longer in use. A RAM trigger should be set up for Candidate Form notifications. For more information, see Creating and Activating a RAM Trigger.

    8. Set the Approval process option.

      • No: No approval process is used.

      • Parallel: All of the approvers receive the approval email at the same time.

      • Sequential: Each approver receives the approval email in a chronological order.

      • Rules-Based: Smart Approval is the designated approval process.

      • URL: Associated with rules-based approval process. Infinite populates the URL field if this option is used.

    9. Check Cascade Approver Messages to include all previous approver messages in the approval request, so the next approver can view them.

    10. Set whether the Form can be entered once per candidate or multiple occasions per candidate by using the Form Multiples.

    11. Send existing form in edit mode specifies that when eLinking the form or sending it by using the Send Communication or Automation Manager features, the recipient can edit the responses, if needed.

    12. Select Yes to Gateway Candidate Integration Form if this form is a TG candidate integration form.

    13. Create Form from TG Designates whether a form is to be created if left blank on the Talent Gateway:

      • IGNORE is the default; each submission creates a form whether any fields are completed.

      • EVERY means that a form is created only if all fields identified with “Required for form creation” are completed.

      • ANY means that a form is not be created unless at least one of the “Required for form creation” fields is completed.

    14. Select Yes to Erase with Candidate to ensure the candidate data that is collected on this form is irrevocably erased when the user erases the candidate. Selecting No means that the form data remains in BrassRing when the user erases the candidate.

    15. Select the Form Field Alignment.

    16. Set the Form Layout options.

    17. Select Enable Language Toggle to display a language link to the users base language on the form when the form is in a language different from the users.

    18. Include Common Service Vendor results is enabled when Infinite enables the appropriate client setting. An example of a Common Service vendor is a Background Check vendor. When the field is set to Yes the form is only available in the custom candidate form for vendor results.

    19. Select whether the form is an Event Manager Internal Event Form which are used to collect candidate registration information. This form is not visible to the candidate. Selecting Yes adds four form fields automatically to the form: candidate name, event name, event date, and time slot start time. Only the form field labels for these fields can be edited in Workbench.

    20. Select whether the form is an Event Manager Internal Event Form, which is used to either collect candidate registration information for integrations or applied to forms that are completed by assessors during/after the event. This form is not visible to the candidate.

    21. If using the Candidate Signature Capture features on a Gateway Questionnaire, select Create Candidate Signature Field for use in Gateway Questionnaires only to designate the text field as the field in which to store the signature image. This only apples to Classic Gateway Questionnaires, and does not apply to Responsive Questionnaires.

    22. Select View Form History as PDF to enable users with appropriate privileges to have the option of viewing the history of candidate forms. BrassRing saves a new version of the candidate form each time a user saves it. This list can be viewed and each version can be saved as a PDF from the new Form History screen in the candidates Talent Record.

    23. Enable Enforce Calculation upon Form Save to ensure any candidate form that has calculated fields that are configured automatically recalculates each time that the form is saved by a BrassRing user. A message Fields will be recalculated as per form level configuration is displayed to the users when they save the form after making changes in calculated fields.

    24. Build 20.07.28. Select the users types in [Add / View My]. If a User Type is selected, users can add, and view forms that they attach to candidates in BrassRing. This privilege also allows users to eLink blank forms.

    25. Build 20.07.28. Select the users types in [Modify My]. If a User Type is selected, users can modify forms that they attach to candidates in BrassRing.

    26. Select Delete My user types to allow the selected user types to delete candidate forms that they created. This helps users by allowing them to delete forms they have created in error without having to contact the system administrator.

    27. Select View - My Reqs user types to ensure users who have a my relationship to the form’s req ID can view the form. If the User Type has the View – my reqs privilege but is not the req creator, Recruiter, Hiring Manager, or on the req team, then the user is not able to open the form to view. This attribute applies to single/candidate or multiple/candidate req forms.

    28. Select View all user types to allow the user to view all instances of this form in BrassRing, even if they did not originate the form.

    29. Select Modify – My Reqs user types to enable users to modify the form for the reqs they are associated with. If their User Type is selected, users are able modify all instances of the form for those reqs they are associated with in BrassRing, even if they did not originate the form. This attribute applies to single/candidate or multiple/candidate req forms.

    30. Select Modify All user types to allow the users to modify all instances of this form in BrassRing even if they did not originate the form.

    31. Select Draft – Save/Modify/Delete user types to allow the user to save, modify, and delete forms that they have added in a draft mode.

    32. Select Delete - My Reqs user types to indicate which user types can delete candidate forms that are associated to the reqs the user has a ‘my req’ relationship to. This gives the user in that user type the ability to delete any form they have a My relationship with regardless if they created the form or not.

    33. Select Delete All user types to indicate which user types can delete any instance of this form in BrassRing. This is typically a Super User function.

  4. Select Save.

Create and Add Communication Templates for Approval Routing. Build 19.07.15.

  1. Create the communication template. For more information, see Configure Communications. It is recommended to keep the communication template generic, as all approvers receive the same communication template.

  2. Select the communication template by selecting Tools → Forms → Candidate Forms.

  3. Select the Edit form approvals pencil icon for the form to be updated.

  4. Select the template to be used for candidate form approval routing, by using the pull-down menu in the Select Communication Template section.

  5. Select Save.

Editing Form Attributes

Some of the form attributes for an existing candidate form display as viewable and can only be edited by Infinite.

  1. Select Tools → Forms → Candidate forms.

  2. From the list of forms, select the Edit form attributes icon for the form to be modified.

  3. Edit fields as needed.

  4. Select Save.

Allow Edits to Candidate Form approvals without having to restart the approval process.

  • Updated Build 19.06.03. This process is only available for the standard sequential approval process only. This change does not impact the Custom Approval Workflow system.

  • The form is not rerouted for approval if the Bypass re-routing for new approval on form approval changes setting is enabled, and if approvers are updated or edited exclusively on the req.

  • If the original reroute for approval fields are edited and an approver is updated or edited, the re-approval routing takes precedence over this setting.

  1. To enable this feature, select Tools → Forms → Candidate Forms.

  2. Select the Edit form approvals pencil icon for the form to be updated.

  3. Select Yes to Bypass re-routing for new approval on from approval changes?.

  4. Select Save.

Translate Form Names

Form names can be translated individually through the Form Attributes screen. You can also translate form names quickly by using Actions → Translate Form Name.

  1. Select Tools → Forms → Candidate forms.

  2. Select Actions → Translate form names.

  3. A window appears with the names of the candidate forms in the English Language.

  4. Select the language by using the pull-down menu.

  5. Insert the translations on the forms.

  6. Select Save.