Candidate Purge FAQ
  • 06 Mar 2024
  • 8 Minutes to read
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Candidate Purge FAQ

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Article summary


Product: Infinite BrassRing

Frequently Asked Questions

How many purges can I run?

You should set up ONE daily purge at a time. Once a purge has caught up any backlog additional purges can be added.

I have not set up a purge for years and I have more than 200K candidates to be purged. What should my next step be?

Once the daily purge has been set up and run for a few days, please contact Infinite to initiate a services engagement for custom purge.

Is the candidate notified that their data was deleted?

No, not through the purge feature. However, the internal Admin receives a message letting them know that the purge is completed.

Is there an undo option for Purge?

No, Purge is Final

Will values that were originally active as part of purge criteria still be evaluated if they are later inactivated?

Yes, if they are inactivated but part of the original criteria, they are still evaluated.

How does the purge designate which 25,000 to delete first?

The Purge Tool deletes the oldest records to the newest records.


Clients can purge up to 25,000 only once every 31 days

Can the purge be done based on the req location to which the candidate is applying, instead of the candidate location?

Yes, it is possible.

  • If you are using the Standard Location or Division req field on your req form, and the field type is single-select, then you can select the criteria based on the req location.

  • If you are using a custom location field on the reqs, then it is not possible to use that field as an option inside the purge criteria.

  • If you are using a custom req location field, but want to purge based on requisition location then, as a workaround, you can add the standard location field to the req form and direct the users to fill out the standard field manually based on the value given in the custom location. Contact your Infinite representative to discuss this workaround.

Do we still advise clients to run the preview before the purge and have their legal teams review and approve it? The reason that I ask if a candidate has raised a legal grievance against the business and therefore can’t be deleted.

Advise the client to spend time looking through the preview and check DIT and get the legal team involved. You might create a separate candidate type for ‘Do not purge’ and not include that candidate type in a purge.

In light of GDPR, I know Infinite BrassRing purge can look to additional modules like Event Manager and purge from there as well. Do you know whether this is planned to be expanded to CRM (Lead Manager) and even to Campaign Automation?

Not sure currently.

Is it a best practice to keep the days back all the same time frame or do you see them vary?

They vary. It’s really up to you. Perhaps your RAM logic of 60 days is not enough, so maybe 120 days would be better. It’s up to the client to check with their legal team.

Why the change from a candidate limit to a record limit? As I understand they are not the same thing.

Talent Record = Candidate.

Are there any planned enhancements to the purge tool? Such as allowing clients to purge only what was in the purge preview?

Refer to Roadmap / RFE.

Are notes and communications included in the purge or partial purge?

In Purge: Yes. Partial Purge is only form fields.

Are there any plans to add additional req fields to the purge criteria?

Refer to Roadmap / RFE.

Is there a way to purge based on the profile's last login date?


Can you give us an example of where it would make sense to use the Partial Purge? What candidate form fields are most commonly included in the partial purge?

If you have information stored in a field on a form where you want to apply an earlier purge than to the whole candidate.

Are there any potential ways of managing the purging of candidate records (as opposed to the whole candidate account) if this is selected?

Purge only looks at the candidate and deletes it as a whole, not its individual applications.

When we view the purge preview and say it has 30 records but we want to retain one of those records for whatever reason (Exception to the rule), can we mention that? So look at the purge preview and remove one item from that list.

You need to take some actions to remove those candidates from the purge preview, e.g. Move them into a candidate type that is not selected in the purge criteria.

Is there any capability of notifying the candidate that their profile will be deleted if they do not update it within x number of days?

You can build a RAM trigger to address this.

Are there plans to be able to purge attachments? E.g we upload interview notes and would want to purge these after 6 months but keep the rest of the candidate record.

Refer to Roadmap / RFE.

Is there a possibility to do a bulk mailing to the candidates that come out in the purge report to ask them whether we can keep their data in the database?

The Purge Preview reports allow "email address" as an output field, so you can send a notification to those candidates (but that task is outside of BrassRing).

Does the partial purge process accommodate evergreen requisitions when purging candidate forms?

Partial Purge follows the same logic in regards to the criteria as purge itself, so whatever is selected above will or won't include Evergreen Reqs.

Any advice on how to address legal hold orders that require companies to retain documentation on certain reqs beyond the scheduled purge time for that country?

Create an extra Candidate Type which is excluded from Purges to hold these candidates.

Can you give us an example of what boxes or days you would fill out if you wanted to purge all candidates from "X: country after 365 days who have had NO activity?

Set the "Last loaded" dates to 365 and validate entries of the other date criteria.

What is the difference between Purge candidates and Partial purge?

Partial Purge impacts only candidates' form field data.

When the information is deleted, is it also deleted from the DIT? If so, is there a delay with purging the information from the DIT?

Yes, it is also deleted from DIT. Depending on how long it takes to run the purge you might see the candidate still appearing in reports in the next couple of DIT timestamps.

Using Partial Purge will delete the form data but keep the candidate.


What is the difference between Purge and Anonymization? we keep the Candidate Reference number and the legally required fields e.g. OFCCP but remove everything else. Is this Purge? or something else?

Purge is deleting candidates from your database. With "Anonymization" in reports I simply meant to exclude any critical information about the candidate.

Am I understanding correctly that when we run the report of who meets the criteria to be purged and we take 2 days to review it, when we run the actual purge, it will purge ANYONE who meets the criteria at that moment and not only those on the report from 2 days prior? Essentially the purge list is not "saved" where you can run it specifically for only those who were on the list.

Yes, use the Purge Preview report to validate your criteria. Double-check with DIT reports and checks directly in the system. Once everything is fine, set a schedule.

Is there a way to purge based on the profile's last login date?


Why can't the minimum be one day so we can test in staging? This is so powerful and can't be restored so why limit it to 60 days making it difficult to test unless you wait 60 days?

No need for Staging testing. Similar to Web TG API, you can "test" in Production directly.

Does anyone have a link to the calendar of scheduled maintenance?

Maintenance Schedule and Release Schedule

Is the 25,000 candidate limit available in a one-time purge?

It's available for up to 25,000.

Where do those numbers come from?

In your purge. This limit on the numbers is set to handle the system load at any given point in time as well as to limit the scope of impact in case of inadvertent incorrect purge criteria set up.

Where do those numbers come from?

In your purge. This limit on the numbers is set to handle the system load at any given point in time as well as to limit the scope of impact in case of inadvertent incorrect purge criteria set up.

If the candidate form is set to erase with candidates, you cannot also set fields to delete in the partial purge, correct?

These two settings are independent. Field level setting is ONLY used for partial purge, while Form level setting is used in Full purge. As per partial purge functionality, we will be able to purge only responses of form fields that are enabled 'Purge field via partial Purge' regardless of candidate form level attribute.

Does the folder include as well my personal working folders if I choose "any"?


Does "Any" (within the folders option) mean, any of the options, so also includes no folder?

No, it does include candidates who are filed into the ‘any’ folder. So, it doesn’t honor the option of “no folder” which is the opposite criteria where a candidate is NOT filed to any folder.

If a purged candidate was sent to Lead Manager (prior to being purged) and they are sent back to BR from LM at a later date, will they be given the same candidate ID that they once had? Would that create any issues?

No, they would be looked at as a brand new candidate since the system would have no record of them, as they were previously purged.

The candidate reference number is reportable in DIT.

Not necessary - only if some forms were excluded from the purge. It's reportable in DIT if a candidate is selected for partial purge or only some forms were excluded from the full purge for reporting purposes

What is a "big number" when performing the first purge?

This would be applicable to clients who are purging for the first time. We recommend they set up Daily purge criteria and the system would start purging the candidates gradually according to limits on the Daily purge set up in the system.