Client Settings A to C
  • 28 Feb 2024
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Client Settings A to C

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Article summary

Table 3. Client Settings A to C.

Setting Name


Setting Dependencies

Agency Manager(s)

Enables the BrassRing Agency module. Further configuration is required to create an Agency Manager site.

Options: Off (default) or On.


Agency req unpost notification

Allows BrassRing users the option to send an auto-notification to Agency Contacts when a req is unposted by using the Posting Options screen. Field Name: Notify selected agency contacts at the time this req is unposted from selected Agency manager(s). This does not send a notification when the req closes due to reaching end date or moves to the closed status.

Released with R12.1: Agency Manager - Agency Posting History Tracking

Options: No or Yes (default)


Agency Locales

Allows the Workbench Admin to create an Agency gateway in more languages. Agency contacts view the Agency Manager user interface in the selected language. After a language is selected and the page is saved, it cannot be de-selected.


Allow communication template html source code editing in WYSWYG editor

Gives BrassRing users, with the ability to edit communication templates, the ability to use the template’s source editor to manipulate the HTML coding.

Released with R12.5: Communication Access to HTML Source Code Editor

Options: No (default) or Yes

Allow restricted HTML in approved fields should also be set to Yes

Allow icon configuration on Talent Gateway footer links

Allows the Talent Gateway footer configuration with icons.

If a workbench user selects Yes, and saves the setting, the configuration is disabled so that the configuration cannot be changed further


Allow override of completed forms in view/edit elink to candidate

This setting controls candidates’ access to the information on forms that are sent to them by using eLinks.

Options: No or Yes

Yes: Clients can keep the eLink authentication client setting turned on, but still allow completed forms to be sent to candidates for viewing or editing without requiring authentication from candidates.

No: Recruiter can send eLink for blank forms to candidates without authentication, but not completed forms. If a completed form is attached, candidate sees a message stating [You don't have privileges for viewing this form.]

elink authentication must be ON

Alternate sending domain name mapping

Options: On or Off


Automatically populate req data for edit to posting partner intermediate page

Allows mapped requisition fields to automatically populate the posting partner or vendor page during the job posting workflow.

Options: No (default) or Yes

When Posting partner vendor is Multiposting, set to Yes. Map Posting interface mapping requisition form field attribute for vendor posting fields.

Automation Manager

Enabling Automation Manager allows clients to configure various automated actions and communications to streamline their recruiting processes and save recruiter time on administrative tasks. After this setting is enabled, it cannot be turned off.

Released with R11.0: Automation Manager

Options: Off or On

Cannot be disabled if the client setting Rules Automation Manager is enabled.

BrassRing - Always Append TG Experience Update

Options: No or Yes


Bulk Upload

Allows users to configure the duplicate stacking logic for the Bulk Upload function in BrassRing. Stacking logic options in this list mimic the Talent Gateway stacking logic.


ByPass ClosedLogic when Updating HRStatus in RAM

Allows Rules Automation Manager to bypass the closed logic, tracking logic, or HR statuses, when updating a candidate’s HR Status by using a RAM action.

Options: No or Yes


Bypass RTR for candidate form approval

Enables clients to send forms for approval to users with no req team access. This allows the system to bypass the Restrict Talent Record setting check when the user selects the candidate form approval eLink.

Options: No (default) or Yes

No: The system enforces the Restricted Talent Record check when the user selects the candidate form approval eLink.

Yes: The system bypasses the Restricted Talent Record check when the user selects the candidate form approval eLink.


Candidate Bulk Print: Include All Attachments (not only Req specific)

When bulk printing is initiated from within a specific req folder, this setting controls whether attachments associated with other reqs to which the candidate has applied are included for printing.

Options: No (default) or Yes

Yes: includes attachments that are associated with other requisitions in addition to req-specific attachments and attachments that have no req association

No: excludes attachments that are associated with other requisitions

Requires client setting: Bulk print enabled

Candidate communication preference

Allows collection of the candidate email preference information in a Classic Gateway Questionnaire (GQ).

Options: Email Format – HTML (default) or email format – Text or SMS

To continue displaying no preference options, select only email Format – HTML. This provides email in HTML format since email format – HTML is the default selection.

To make the Classic GQ question widget Communication Preference available for display on the GQ so that candidates can select an email format preference between text and HTML, select email Format – HTML and email format – Text.

When SMS is enabled for the client, to make both Classic GQ question widgets available for display on the Classic GQ so that candidates can select text or email as their communication preference, select all three options: Email format – HTML, SMS, and email format – Text. With this configuration, candidates can choose among email, Text or HTML, and SMS.

Released with R13.4: Gateway Questionnaires - Communications Widgets (LDP080)

SMS messaging – enable should be set to Yes before selecting SMS as communication preference for the candidate.

Candidate enforce continuity of history

This setting checks to see whether the candidate has gaps in their employment or education history.

Options: No or Yes


Candidate Portal - Append expiration date to all posted items (if posted with expiration selected)

Controls the visibility of the expiration date on documents, offers, file attachments, document packets, and forms posted on the Candidate Portal.

Released with R13.4: Communications - Posting Offer Letters to Candidate Portal

Options: No or Yes (default)


Candidate Portal – Auto-remove candidate form on completion

This setting helps enforce a single edit of a candidate form when posted to the Candidate Portal.

Options: No or Yes

If set to No, candidate forms that are completed by the candidate remain visible, in view-only mode, in the Candidate Zone. If set to Yes, candidate forms that are completed by the candidate are removed from the Candidate Zone.


Candidate Portal - Password for Non TG applicants

When attempting to post documents, and document packets, to the Candidate Zone, if the candidate does not have a TG profile and this setting is defined, the system automatically creates a TG profile for the candidate by using the selected option as the candidate’s Password.

Options: Single select pull-down menu: None (default), home phone, work phone, other phone, Zip/Postal code.

The setting Candidate Portal - Username for Non TG applicants should be selected to complement each other.

Candidate Portal – Post existing “single per” candidate/req forms in EDIT mode if form has “Send existing form in edit mode” enabled (else, use add mode)

If enabled, BrassRing users can post candidate forms to the Candidate Zone in edit mode.

If a candidate has multiple copies of a form on their Talent Record, the system picks the most recently completed form for the candidate and posts it to the Portal. If the system does not find any completed form instance, the system posts the form in Add mode. If a candidate completes the form in Add mode and wants to edit the form after submission, the recruiter needs to post the form again, at which time the system will find the existing form and post it in Edit Mode.

Options: No or Yes


Candidate Portal - Username for Non TG applicants

When attempting to post documents, document packets, and so on, to the Candidate Zone, if the candidate does not have a TG profile and this setting is defined, the system automatically create a Talent Gateway profile for the candidate by using the selected option as the candidate’s username .

Options: single select pull-down menu: None (default), email address, firstname, lastname)

The setting Candidate Portal - Password for Non TG applicants should be selected to complement each other.

Candidate profile providers.

No longer offered. This used to make ResumePal available, a universal application form for use by candidates with a United States address and zip code, so candidates can use a single application form to apply to jobs from multiple sources. Originally released with R12.2: Integration ResumePal Integration


Candidate purge – include Event Manager

If this setting is configured to Yes, Event Manager data of a candidate is purged when the candidate's record is purged.

Options: No or Yes


Candidate search - enable "AND" logic for multi-select form fields

Only applicable for the Classic UI. Enables BrassRing users to select either OR logic or AND logic when users search multiple criteria fields during candidate searches.

Options: No (default) or Yes


Candidate Search – “Days back” default

Only applicable for the Classic UI. Allows organizations to define the default for the Days back field on the candidate advanced search page.

Options: All, 1-30, 60, or 120


Candidate tiering

Allows BrassRing users to structure multiple tiers of candidates within a Req folder so that users can work with a more manageable number of candidates. Candidates within the first tier appear in the Req folder until they’ve all been moved into a final non-hire status. At that point, candidates in the next tier appear in the folder for consideration and disposition. This process continues with succeeding configured tiers.

For more information, see Candidate Tiering.

Released with R12.4: Candidates Candidate Tiering. Updated with Release 13.2: Candidate Tiers – View More Candidates Enhancement

Options: No (default) or Yes


CK Editor tabbing space

Options: No spaces or 4 spaces


Client Base Locale

The default language that is used for that client’s account, BrassRing UI default locale. After this has been set, this setting cannot be changed.



Used in file share to locate client-specific directory.


Comm. name format for Auto-fill Recruiter&Manager

This setting allows clients to define the format of the recruiter and manager fields in the communications module.

Options: Firstname Lastname or Lastname, Firstname (default)


Common Service Integration Type (Background Check, etc.)

If enabled multiple items are created in Workbench for the common services integrations, Background Check, Video Interviewing, and WOTC. The standard Background_Check_Integration candidate form is automatically created and the schema is made available for selection when creating a Candidate Export subscription.

Options: No or Yes


Copy candidate forms – ignore form field validations

When candidate forms are copied, this setting allows field validation in those candidate forms to be bypassed.

Options: No or Yes


Context specific cookie crumb of a req page

No longer applicable. If this setting is configured to Yes, and the user goes to the req form landing page, the cookie crumb is not there. However, if they move from req form page to the job code page the system shows only one cookie crumb that represents the req form switch. Similarly, they move to the req details page then system shows two cookie crumbs.

This setting is no longer applicable as the req creation process is displayed on one page.

Options: No (default) or Yes



This is a text field that houses the numeric ID for the Code Type that is used in the acknowledgment process (auto-populated at DB creation).



This is a text field. 0 indicates that none are specified or not enabled otherwise, the CodeTypeID for the Code Type, which controls the Agency code type, which is coupled with Agency manager = Yes.



This is a text field. 0 indicates none that is specified or not enabled (default setting) otherwise, the TDC uses this CodeTypeID to automatically create codes of the specified Code Type, auto-populated at database creation. When a new code is created this way, we need to know what CodeTypeID to give it.



The numeric ID for the Code Type, which is used for Job Codes, auto-populated at DB creation. The Job Code type allows for a description box and job req default data.



The numeric ID for the Code Type, which is used for Job Req Codes, auto-populated at DB creation. The job req code type is auto-populated as per the ReqTrigger Client Setting.



This is a text field. 0 indicates none that is specified are or not enabled otherwise, the CodeTypeID for the Code Type, which controls user-group access to resumes, which are coupled with session.codesecurity = Yes.



The numeric ID for the Code Type, which is used for Source Codes, auto-populated at database creation.



This is a text field and is a pipe-delimited string of CodeTypeIDs and numeric characters is used to depict how each code is displayed on the cutNpost form. The string should consist of the CodeTypeID followed by a forward slash / then a 0, 1, 2 or 3.


Custom Reports Have Been Localized

No longer used. This setting is not used and should be set to no.