Client Settings G to I
  • 06 Mar 2024
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Client Settings G to I

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Article summary

Table 5. Client Settings G to I.

Setting Name


Setting Dependencies

Gateway Questionnaires

Defaulted to Yes for all clients. This allows clients to create Gateway Questionnaires in their system.

Options: Yes or No

Released with R8.0: Gateway Questionnaires - New Feature


Gateway Questionnaires - enable custom labels

Widgets in GQ normally default to same wording as question in the Candidate Form they are pulled from. This option is used relabel a question with specific wording for that GQ. Data is still be stored with the original label, but the question can look different depending on the audience to answer it.

Options: No or Yes

Released with R10.0.


Gateway Questionnaires – Responsive apply

Enabled for all clients

Options: No or Yes


Gateway Questionnaires – enable informal locales

Informal locales are only used for the Gateway Questionnaires. Only change this setting if the client uses these locales for their Gateway Questionnaires.

Options: No or Yes


Generic Login Messaging: BrassRing

Displays the Generic Login Message on the login page and the Generic Confirmation Message on the forgot password page for the appropriate product.

Options: On or Off (default)

Released with R12.0: Security - Generic Login Messaging


Generic Login Messaging: Agency Manager

If off, incorrect user name or password gives the message: We were unable to find that email and password in our system. Forgot password link with invalid user name gives the message: The email address was not recognized. Please check the spelling and try again..

If on, same result for wrong user name, but wrong password gives the message: The information you entered does not match our records. Please try again. At forgot password, invalid user name gives normal message saying Password link will be emailed to you; same is if a valid username was entered.

Options: Off (default) or On

Released with R12.0.


Generic Login Messaging: TG

If off, incorrect username or password gives the message: We were unable to find that e-mail and password in our system.. Forgot password link with invalid username gives the message: The e-mail address was not recognized. Please check the spelling and try again.

If on, the same result for wrong username, but wrong password gives the message: The information you entered does not match our records. Please try again. At forgot password, invalid username gives normal message saying password link will be emailed to you; same is if a valid username was entered.

Options: Off (default) or On

Released with 12.0.


Google – enable access for Google Drive & Google account (limited to Responsive Talent Gateways).

Allow users to access Google drive from mobile.

Options: No or Yes


Google API Key

Unique key given by Google for clients to be able to attach files from their Google drives. This is needed for BrassRing to authenticate and access files.


Google Client ID

Unique client ID provided by Google. Required along with API Key and secret key.


Google Secret Key

Unique Secret key provided by Google. Required along with API Key and Client ID.


Google - enable access for Google Drive & Google account (limited to Responsive Talent Gateways)

Enables candidate access to their Google drive when applying by using mobile devices.

Originally released with R13.3: Candidates - Mobile Apply Enhancements.


GQ – Enable GQ Merge Fields in Word based Document templates

Enables, the GQ merge fields for selection in Word-based document templates and blurbs for clients in association with the PSE trigger.


  • Setting 1: Yes or No

  • Setting 2: Single select drop-down (select a number of rows)

  • Setting 3: Single select drop-down (select a number of rows)

Released with 13.3: Communications - GQ Response Merge Fields.


GQ – Number of rows for 'Education' widget merge fields on document templates, blurbs

Maximum number of rows that be created for 'Education' using merge fields in document templates or blurbs.

Options: 1-10 (default 5)


GQ – Number of rows for 'Experience' widget merge fields on document templates, blurbs

Maximum number of rows that be created for Experience by using merge fields in document templates or blurbs.

Options: 1-20 (default 10)


GTG default language of job posting

Applies only to Global TGs to the language of posting field on the search page. Defaults to GTG selected locale meaning the language that the candidate has selected to view the site in will be automatically selected in this field. If changed to all, the All selection is automatically selected no matter the language selection. Also applies to Global Agency Managers.

Options: GTG selected locale or All


Hide "Notify users" check box for HR Status update

When this setting is turned on, the Notify users working with this candidate check box is hidden for all users anywhere the HR status update options display.

Options: Yes or No

Released with R10.0: HR Status Update Hide Notify Users


HR Status blocked period (1 - 10 Days)

7 day posting.

Options: text field


HR Status display existing Optional popup form

Enabling this setting enables a user to view or edit an HR status in existing linked form instead of simply seeing a message that it exists. When enabled the form that is linked to the HR Status is available so that the BrassRing user can edit or view it instead of seeing a message that the form exists.

Options: Yes or No

Released with R12.4: HR Status Display Optional Popup Form


HR Status limited to req folder in elinks

Limits view of eLink recipient to only HR Status of current req. Prevents the eLink recipient from looking through all of the jobs to which the candidate in question has applied. For a given eLink, the candidate record displays only the job that relates to the folder from which the eLink was sent.

Options: Yes or No

Originally released with R11.5: Recruiter Experience - Limiting Visibility of HR Statuses in Candidate eLinks


HR Status restrictions

If enabled, Block req HR status update when the req is not posted for a defined period of time and Block auto req cancellation can be used in Tracking Logic. Otherwise only the bottom two Block options are available.

Released with R10.0.


Infinite email address to receive RAM alerts

This allows Infinite representatives to receive log information when a RAM trigger fails. To enter multiple email addresses, use the comma delimiter between each email address. This is restricted to only Infinite email addresses and not external email due to the sensitive information contained within the email.


Import allow Code Access Group creation

Allows user or external system the ability to create Code Access Groups upon import.

Options: Yes or No

Released with R12.4: Integration Maintaining Code Access Groups



Determines whether a Req ID is inactivated when the Req is closed. Req codes are auto-inactivated when a req is closed.

Options: Yes (default) or No

The default setting is yes so req codes are auto-inactivated when a req is closed.


Instafiler Email Display

Added Build 20.03.09

If candidate name is selected, the name of the candidate is displayed in the email notification that is sent by Insta filer.

If candidate count is selected, then the number of candidates that are being added is sent in the email.


Integration Candidate Relationship Management (CRM)

Enables Candidate Relationship Management (CRM) preconfigured integrations with BrassRing

Options: None, Avature, or Lead Manager.

Updated Build 20.03.09: First Advantage and Intra worlds removed.


Integration CRM - Include Resume with Candidate Export to CRM

Options: No or Yes


Integration Interview Builder

Interview Builder has been retired. This setting is no longer valid.


Integration tab enabled

Enable if there is integration to Assessments, turns on the Integration tab in the Talent Record, which has data on completed assessments and a button Run assessment.

Options: Yes or No

This option also gives access to Client setting: IntegrationAssessment.


Enables and allows integration of one or more assessment vendors with BrassRing.

Options (multi-select check box): Previsor, Searchable KAS, 2X Assess, Quintela, Shaker, Aon Hewitt, APTMetrics, BHI, APTMetrics-BestBuyOnly, Infor-PeopleAnswers, CEB, SHL-UK, Assess-System, ChemistryGroup, HackerEarth, CEB, SHL-China, LaunchPad, Thomas International, TalentPlus, Profiles, CEB, SHL-ME, CEB, SHL-CI, Select International, Korn Ferry Hay Group, Capp

Integration vendors are added regularly. Contact your Infinite representative for the latest list of available assessment vendors.

Set Integration tab enabled to Yes. Choose IntegrationAssessment Considered for or Result option. Enter numerical value representing number of days for Integration Assessment link expiration (1-365).

IntegrationAssessment Considered for, Result

Hyperlink to assessment results, normally set to Hyperlink if using Kenexa assessment product.

Options: Display Hyperlink or Display Text Only


IntegrationAssessment link expiration (1 - 365)

Sets the number of days the assessment link is available before it expires. Candidates returning to complete an assessment, more than X days after first being asked to take it, no longer have access to the link. A fresh link can be generated by using the Run Assessment action.

Options: Text field.

Controls the expiration of an assessment link on the BrassRing side. The expired assessment is no longer display in the Talent Gateway Pending Assessments page as of the day after it expired.



Allows clients who have implemented SAP or PeopleSoft integration to be notified by using email when an error has occurred in requisition processing to a given contact email address.

Options: Text field

Used for clients who have implemented SAP or PeopleSoft integration. If the client wants to be notified by using email when an error has occurred in requisition processing, a contact email address is placed in this field, and all error messages from the requisition import and validation process is sent to this contact. The default value of No does not send any emails, but still returns the error messages by using the WDDX process.



Used in XML Messaging when creating, updating a User. This setting should contain 0 indicating not enabled or a valid GroupID from the User Groups table for the client. The Integration group is responsible for updating this setting. The default setting is 0.

Options: Text field



Used in XML Messaging when creating, updating a Requisition. This setting should contain 0 indicating not enabled or the EmployeeID of a recruiter from the Users table for this client. The Integration group is responsible for updating this setting. The default setting is 0.

Options: Text field



Used in XML Messaging when creating, updating a User. This setting should contain 0 indicating not enabled or a valid UserTypeID from the UserTypes table for this client. The Integration group is responsible for updating this setting. The default setting is 0.

Options: Text field



Allows users to include Req information along with candidate records in XML messaging. Also enables users to map req fields at the index level rather than at the template level.

Options: Yes or No (default)

Released with R12.1: Integrations Candidate Export



Enables clients to select whether single or all candidates in the folder need to be exported by using XML messaging. This setting is used for XML messaging for exporting candidate data. It indicates whether single or all candidates in the folder need to be exported.

Options: Yes (default) or No



Used to indicate the status, or folder, in which a candidate is placed when they are hired. The value is the internal Hire Systems folder ID for the hired folder. Some clients might not have such a status. The default value is 0, indicating there is not a hired status for this client. The initial use is for SAP, XML integration.

Options: Text field



Turns on multi-language functions, for both workflows and User Interfaces. After International is turned on, it cannot be turned off.

Options: Off (default) or On

Purchased Languages, UI Locales, Client Base Locale.