Client Settings P to R
  • 06 Mar 2024
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Client Settings P to R

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Article summary

Table 8. Client Settings P to R.

Setting Name


Setting Dependencies

Password Frequency BrassRing

Controls the frequency at which passwords must be changed for BrassRing system. The default setting is N/A indicating that the system does not automatically prompt users to change their password. However, the client recommended default for this is 90 days.

Options: 30 days, 60 days, 90 days (default) .


Password Frequency Agency

Controls the frequency at which passwords must be reset for Agency Manager. The default setting is N/A indicating that the system does not automatically prompt users to change their password. However, the client recommended default for this is 90 days.

Options: 30 days, 60 days, 90 days (default)


Password Frequency Gateway

Controls the frequency at which passwords must be changed for Talent Gateways. The client recommended default for this is 90 days.

Options: 30 days, 60 days, 90 days (default)



Obsolete, use the Password Frequency BrassRing, Agency, and Gateway settings.


Posting Options Page – New UI

Sets the display of the updated Posting Options and Site Options pages.

Options: Yes or No.


Posting partner vendor

Allows clients to choose all the posting partner vendors that are displayed on the posting options page and for selection on posting defaults page.

Options: Multi select check-box: Arbita, Broadbean, eQuest, First Advantage, JWTInside / EasyPost, LogicMelon, Multiposting (allows BrassRing users to post requisitions to generic job boards and aggregators), Prospective Media, SmartPost, Solique, TalentBrew / Kenexa Job Distributor.

Released with R11.0: Posting Partner Changes. R12.5: Posting Reqs Broadbean Enhancements

For Multiposting option, also set Automatically populate req data for edit to posting partner intermediate page to Yes.

Map [Posting interface-mapping requisition] form field attribute for vendor posting fields

Preferred candidate eLink – include attachments

Allows users to include access to any attachments associated with candidate submissions by using the preferred candidate email. Provides access to any attachments associated with candidate submissions by using the preferred candidate email that is sent to designated recipient when candidate meets the minimum preferred candidate target score.

Options: Yes or No

Released with R13.2: Attachments – Include with Preferred Candidate email (RDP 663).


Preferred candidate email (Notify the following users when a candidate meets or exceeds preferred candidate target) default to.

Notifies the selected users when a candidate meets or exceeds preferred candidate target.

Options (single select pull-down menu): Recruiter & Hiring Manager, or Blank


Prevent closing of Req if hiring requirement not met

This setting allows clients to choose to allow or prevent your system users from closing a requisition before hiring is complete in that req. Users will be able to Close the req if there are candidates in a Hired HR Status Category or if the positions remaining for the req is less than the number of positions. Users with the appropriate user type privileges can Cancel the req instead.


Purchased Languages

Select languages that client has purchased for workflow only, Talent Gateway languages, or both UI and workflow. After a language is selected, it cannot be deselected.


RAM – allow HR status update for closed & cancelled reqs

Allows performing HR Status update of candidates in closed requisitions by using all trigger mechanisms

Options: Yes or No


RAM – allow HR status update to trigger candidate export integrations

Options: Yes or No


Redirect candidate to Event Manager (event batches)

When enabled, the user is redirected to Event Manager based on the event that is attached to the req.


Redirect candidate to Event Manager (single event or series)

Creates the EMEvents custom req field so BrassRing user can create requisitions and associate the Event Manager Event req field with the EMEvents custom field. Allows BrassRing users to use the Assign To Event Instance field filter when manually sending candidates to Event Manager. Events that are offered in the Assign to Event Instance pull-down menu are filtered by the event or event series that is configured in the EMEvents, the list of events and event series, custom req field.

Options: Yes or No

Released with R13.2: Event Manager – Enhancements


Referral rights expiration (1-180)

Is used to set the system to update a referral status automatically to Expired when the referral rights expiration period ends.

Options text field: N/A (default)



Used to provide the URL for custom Analytics reports, if there are no custom reports the setting says No, and the navigation menu does not present the option for Custom reports to any BrassRing users for this client.

Options text field: No (default)



Used to provide the URL for custom reports, if there are no custom reports the setting says No, and the navigation menu does not present the option for Custom reports to any BrassRing users for this client.

Options text field: No (default)


Req Attachments

Allows recruiters to add and delete attachments to and from their requisitions. Cannot be disabled if at least one req template has enabled attachments.

Options: Yes or No

Released with R11.0: Recruiter Experience - Req Attachments


Req Attachments File Size (mb)

Not Used. Indicates the amount of disk space in MB allotted to clients for file attachments to candidate records

Options: Single select pull-down menu.

Released with R12.3: Candidate Attachment Supported file types. Maximum size per req attachment (R11).


Req calculation days on hold

Options: Most recent days on hold, or Total number of days on hold


Req final status selection for enforcing final status

Allows a client to determine for which final statuses enforcement applies. Enables clients to select final statuses for enforcement of the Enforce final status of all candidates req form attribute

Options (multi select checkbox): Canceled, Closed, Deleted, or On hold

Released with R13.3: Reqs - Enforce Final HR Status when Closing


Req offers remaining field

Helps to count down the req's remaining openings based on intermediate HR Statuses that can be triggered earlier in their process, by pre-final intermediate HR Statuses. Cannot be disabled if at least one of the following is using this attribute: Req template, Open req pane, HR status.

Options: Yes or No (default)

Released with R13.4: Reqs - Offers Remaining Field


Req privilege based on User Profile option

Provides a means to create a My Req relationship for users without including them in the Recruiter, Hiring Manager, or Requisition Team fields. The user is granted a My Req relationship when you assign field options on the user’s profile from the field that is selected here.

Selecting Configure opens the Search for field – Requisition fields screen.

Released with R13.4: Reqs - Setting My Req Relationship by using User Profile.


Req subsidiary forms

Provides configurable forms that are designed to capture additional information that is related to requisitions. The function of these forms is similar to that of candidate forms but forms of this type are attached to a requisition and not a candidate.

Options: Yes or No (default)

Released with R11.0: Recruiter Experience - Req Subsidiary Forms



Creates custom req field ‘Allow Reapplies’ which allows candidates to reapply to the same requisition later. A custom req field must be assigned on at least one req form, and an HR status needs to be set to allow reapplies.

Options: Yes or No (default)

Released with R11.5: Talent Gateways - Letting Candidates Reapply to a Req



Allows all resumes that are loaded with a valid req code to automatically file into the associated job req folder, and notifications to be automatically sent to Req Team members.

Options: No (default), Yes, or emp.

When set to Yes all resumes that are loaded with a valid req code are automatically filed into the associated job req folder.

When set to emp all resumes that are loaded with a valid req code and a candidate type of Employee are automatically filed into the associated job req folder.



Displays decline button on req approval page. Selecting Decline updates the Req status to decline by that approver and sends a status change notification email if configured. It is not recommended that a client uses email notification and req addendum without using req decline. Users require Declined reqs user privileges. After this setting is enabled, it cannot be disabled.

Options: Yes or No

Released with R13.2: Reqs - Enhanced Layout and Workflow



Turns on the auto req email function for both filed to a req and based on HR Status. This setting must be enabled before req auto emails to candidates are configured, Req Additional information.

Options: N/A (default), Yes, or No



Controls the column ‘Req ID’ while pulling reports on requisition data. An Infinite Solutions Expert must be consulted before editing this setting.

Options(single select pull-down menu): Auto, No , or Optional

Released with R11.0: Reporting - Source Yield Report

When opening a requisition in BrassRing the system can automatically create a Job Req Code by using either a user specified ReqID or a BrassRing generated AutoReqID.

No: No Job Req code is created. Used for clients that create Reqs in another system that is integrated with BrassRing, such as SAP or PeopleSoft.

Auto: A code of the Job Req Code Type is created by using asystem-generated AutoReqID with the Req Code naming convention.

Optional = A code of the Job Req Code Type is created by using the value that is entered into the ReqID field of the Job Req form with the Job Req Code naming convention.


Require a message when declining req approvals

Asks approver of a req to enter a message when declining a req.

Options: Yes or No


Require a message when rerouting req approvals

Asks approver to enter a message when changing a req and routing back for reapproval by previous approvers.

Options: Yes or No


Restrict access by IP address

Enables clients to restrict access to BrassRing by IP address.

Options: Yes or No


Restrict access by IP address: Authorized values

Enables clients to enter specific IP addresses that they want to restrict accessing BrassRing to.

Selecting Configure opens a page where user can enter specific IP address


Rules Automation Manager

Manages rules that are associated to an HR Status update or form insert or update automating candidate flows within BrassRing. Cannot be disabled if a RAM trigger has been created.

Options: No or Yes

Released with R12.3: Rules Automation Manager