Client Settings S to Z
  • 07 Mar 2024
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Client Settings S to Z

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Article summary

Table 9. Client Settings S to Z.

Setting Name


Setting Dependencies

Search Engine Optimization

When set to Yes, BrassRing users can configure the individual Talent Gateways, Global Talent Gateways, or Basic Gateways to enable Search Engine Optimization for the jobs posted to that gateway.

Options: No (default) or Yes.

Released with R12.2: Search Engine Optimization.


Search Reason

Provides a reason for search for logged OFCCP search activity.

Options: No or Yes

Released with R9.0: Reports OFCCP Search Activity.

If users can conduct searches that are not tied to a Req, insert how those users are able to record the reason for their search.

Selecting Free Form displays a Text box within BrassRing.

Selecting Pre-Defined displays a single select field within BrassRing. The search reasons that display in the single select list are configured from the Search reason administration page in Workbench.


Search Reason Overnight Default

Configures a default search reason that records the overnight search criteria for the Optional user’s overnight searches filing to a Working Folder or My Inbox. Enables the Optional user's overnight searches to continue to run after the user privilege is turned on while still complying with associating a search reason to the search.

Options: text field. No (Default).

See also: ODP72 - Community Gateway Enhancements - candidate search OFCCP compliance


Send job posting to Broadbean without intermediate page

Removes the intermediate posting page, with the attributes: Apply URL mapping, Location mapping, and support for up to five custom fields. Ensures that all the fields are mapped properly. Fields that are required for integration must be mapped in order for posting to occur, but it is recommended to map all Broadbean fields.

Options: No or Yes (default).

Released with R12.5: Posting Reqs Broadbean Enhancements (RDP 547).


Send job posting to SmartPost without intermediate page

Allows BrassRing users to go directly to a SmartPost page, skipping the BrassRing intermediate page. This setting allows users to choose whether to:

  • Skip the intermediate page and proceed directly to SmartPost’s Job Creation page.

  • Skip the intermediate page and proceed directly to SmartPost’s Source page.

  • Continue using this current path with the BrassRing intermediate page (this allows intermediate page or No).

Options: No (default), Yes with job creation page, or Yes with source page

No provides no change in workflow and the 10 custom fields are not available for use)

Yes with job creation page: as landing page. User can edit data.

Yes with source page: as landing page. User cannot edit data so is redirected to the job creation page if anything required is missing.

Complete requisition template mapping in Workbench and configure SmartPost as a posting partner in BrassRing.

Send req translations to TalentBrew without intermediary page

Allows users to send req data that is translated to multiple languages directly to TalentBrew (TMP Pathways) for posting, skipping the intermediate page unless multiple Job Apply URLs are created for a given language.

Options: No (default) or Yes

After Yes has been selected, No cannot be selected.

Complete requisition template mapping in Workbench and configure TalentBrew as a posting partner in BrassRing.

Session Expiration: Agency Manager

Sets the amount of time before the user is logged out due to inactivity for all BrassRing Agency gateways for your organization.

Options (single select pull-down menu): 15 min, 30 min, 1 hr, 2 hrs, 3 hrs, 4 hrs, 8 hrs, 24 hrs (default).


Session Expiration Warning Prompt: Agency Manager

Sets the amount of time between when the session timeout warning prompt is displayed to the user due to inactivity, and the actual time when the session expires and the user is logged out automatically.

Options (single select pull-down menu): 30 sec, 1 min, 2 min, 5 min (default), 10 min.

Released with R12.0: Security - Session Time out for Agency Managers.


Session Expiration: BrassRing

Sets the amount of time before the user is logged out due to inactivity for BrassRing for your organization.

Options (single select pull-down menu): 15 min, 30 min, 1 hr, 2 hrs, 3 hrs, 4 hrs, 8 hrs, 24 hrs (Default).


Session Expiration Warning Prompt: BrassRing

Sets the amount of time between when the BrassRing session timeout warning prompt is displayed to the BrassRing or Talent Gateway user due to inactivity, and the actual time when the session expires and the user is logged out automatically.

Options (single select pull-down menu): 30 sec, 1 min, 2 min, 5 min (default), 10 min



Options: Ordered by code or Ordered by description

Ordered by code orders the scaled select lists by code.

Ordered by description orders the scaled select lists by description.



Enables code security and Resume Security Access Groups. The codetypeid value that is entered for SecurityCTID is used.

Options: No or Yes.



The client’s 3-character code, which is also stored in the ClientList prefix. This three letter code is used for tracking purposes by the BrassRing Talent Data Center. The client prefix / code was depreciated in BrassRing Release 5.0.

Options: Display only (auto populated).



The DSN (Data Source Name) to the database.

Options: Display only (auto populated).



Used for determining the source for image tags. Default value for this client setting during client creation process is /jetstream/500/images. Either HTTP or HTTPS depending on whether they have elected to use SSl encryption (HTTPS).

Options: Text field.



JCDD fields on the Approval elink page updates automatically during routing approval when an approver selects a new JCDD code. During the update, if a JCDD field does not have an updated value, the saved values in the requisition are retained for all fields, including Job Title and Job Description.

Options: No (Default) or Yes.

Released with R13.1: Reqs - JCDD Update on Approval eLink.

If set to yes, when adding Job Codes the system requires the user to create a Job Req Template that contains default data for that Job Code that is used when creating new reqs.

This setting cannot be inactivated if Session.JobCodeDefaultData Auto-fill on edit is set to Yes.

Session.JobCodeDefaultData Auto-fill on edit

Triggers the JCDD fields on the Approval elink page to update automatically during routing approval when an approver selects a new JCDD code.

Options: No or Yes.

Released with R13.2: Reqs - Enhanced Layout and Workflow.



Allows users to type in notes by using a text box or allows the Administrator to enter notes through Admin+ that appear in a select list.

Options (single select): FreeForm or Canned .

Freeform supplies users with a text area, which allows then to type in notes.

Canned allows the administrator to enter notes through Admin+ that appear in a select list.



The DSN to the reporting database.

Options: Text field



Options: No or Yes (default)



Used to determine the location of the BrassRing root directory.

Options: text field. Default value for this client setting during client creation process is [/jetstream/500].



Anti-spoofing measure so emails show BrassRing address in addition to individual user email address. Default value is 0. Used for clients with firewall issues. If value is other than 0, the value replaces the FROM email address on all the emails and eLinks generated by BrassRing.

Options: text field



Selecting Yes enables the client site for Talent Gateway functions. No disables Talent Gateways function.

Options: No or Yes


SmartApproval URL

BrassRing Custom Approval Workflow URL. Insert a URL given by Engineering if Smart Approval is on.

Options: text field: No (Default)


Social Referral

By default None is selected. If either of the other two radio buttons are selected and saved, then a standard custom candidate form is created automatically. This form is used for all ownership and reporting of referral data.

Per Candidate selection create the form with form type of multiple per candidate. Candidates who are designated as a referral retain this designation for all reqs the candidate is filled to. Optional settings to submit a general referral without designating a req is allowed.

Per Req selection creates the form with form type of multi per candidate per req. Candidates who are designated as a referral retain this designation for the req that they were submitted for. Submitting a general referral that is not associated with a req is not allowed.

Any changes to this setting impacts multiple modules and functions, and incurs a cost. Open a support ticket if the client is willing to bear the cost.


SSO Validation Request Time Interval

Length of time that might elapse so that a validation request might be completed during single sign-on.


Suppress enhanced posting options

Disables Save function for the Update newly selected/unselected postings only button on the Edit Posting Options page in BrassRing. Updates function when users edit the Days until posted or Days to remain posted fields for a Talent Gateway or Agency Manager.

Options: No or Yes.

Released with R13.0: Posting Reqs - Update Newly Selected or Unselected Only Button.


Talent Gateway login type

Determines the type of string that can be used for the user name field when creating an account and after logging in to the TG. Candidates must create user names in accordance with this setting. The type is determined by the Talent Gateway login type client setting, and the user name retrieval process is active for both types of user names.

Options: E-mail address only (default) or Allow any unique login string.

Released with R13.3: Talent Gateways - Candidate Self-Service Login Management.

Changes the login for all full Talent Gateways to use a user name rather than an email address and allows user to enter any unique string or an email address. Standard hardcoded text changes from email address to user name and configurable default text that has not been customized. After this has been set, it cannot be unset. User names cannot exceed 100 characters, spaces are not allowed, and the string and cannot include the < or > characters.


Talent Gateway Score - Update HR Status

Setting this option as yes allows the update of a candidate’s HR Status based on whether the candidate achieves a minimum required score on the Talent Gateway, this must be set per Talent Gateway. Users can select one HR Status when filing candidates with a passing score to the Req folder, and a different HR Status when filing candidates with a failing score to the Req folder.

Options: No or Yes

Released R12.2 Talent Gateways – Update HR Status Based on Candidate’s Score. Updated R13.4: Reqs - Redesigned Posting Pages.

Update HR Status Based on Candidate's Score, enables selection of HR Status when entering scoring from Posting Options → Questions → Scores.


Talent Gateway Search API - Enable Preview XML

Defines the parameters on clients site and run queries, then displays results on their site without being on the gateway. Enables a link to the search results page, passing a specific query either on the URL or in a form resulting in the user seeing the search results page rather than XML. The API generates the XML for all custom and standard fields in Verity. The results are displayed through the client’s website to the user as a typical search results page.

Options: No or Yes

Released with R11.5: Talent Gateways - Web Service API


Talent Match

Turns on Talent Match functions. After this has been activated, users must add Talent Match to their search fields to appear on candidate search screen. If turned off it is taken out of all user's search fields.

Options: No or Yes


Talent Record default view

(No longer applicable. Classic BrassRing UI only)Allows client to choose a default view for the talent record. Change to PDF if they prefer to see PDF version of resume first in Talent Records and when displaying in an eLink.

Options: Overview (default), Resume PDF, or Resume text

This setting is restricted to the Classic BrassRing only. It is not applicable to the features in Responsive BrassRing.

TG login details management

Provides a username-retrieval process for candidates who have forgotten the login user name on their Talent Gateway accounts, and makes more security question choices available. Enables candidates who are applying for jobs by using Mobile Apply to:

  • Retrieve their Login Name (user name) by using the Forgot Login Name function.

  • Access their Assess assessments.

  • Send friends jobs by using email from the Job Details page.

Options: password reset or Enhanced self-service login management

Released with R13.4: Candidates - Mobile Apply.

Enhanced self-service login management is a self-service capability for candidates accessing Mobile Optimized Talent Gateways by using Mobile Apply.

  • Requires the selection of three security question and answer pairs.

  • Includes a longer list of abbreviated security questions.

  • Provides Forgot Login Name for candidates accessing job application workflow by using Mobile Apply

TG Login Security Question Override

Provides the ability to select number of security questions that need to be given to users.

Options: 3 Security Questions (Default), 2 Security Questions, or 1 Security Question


TG Score (Requires a Platinum Gateway)

Launches a different form depending on whether the Talent Gateway has a GQ or no GQ, or has a Job-Specific Questions widget with or without questions, and so forth.

Options: No (default) or Yes.

Released with R12.1: Talent Gateways Score Link Enhancement.

If this client setting is set to yes, then:

  • Talent Gateway Scores are available for searching from: Req Folders, Working Folders, In box, My Candidates, and Search.

  • Talent Gateway Score is available in Menu → My Candidates → Find a candidate → Search.

  • Talent Gateway Score is an optional Output field while viewing candidates in association with Search folders.

  • And also optional search field in candidate searches.

  • For all Platinum Talent Gateway clients TG Score is a standard search field from the My Candidates → FInd area of Enterprise.

  • This function only applies to clients with Platinum Gateways as Platinum is the only service level that allows for scoring of TG questions.


Time / Date Display by User’s Time Zone

Provides BrassRing users with the advantage of viewing the time and date from their own time zone instead of the server time zone, within BrassRing. Display time based on user's time zone instead of the default server time zone (EST). This setting cannot be disabled if at least one user type has Change time zone privilege enabled.

Options: No (default) or Yes.

Released with R13.2: Date Time Display – User Time Zone.


Time Zone user default

Users can select a default time zone that they want the times to be displayed in throughout the application.

Released with R13.2: Date Time Display – User Time Zone.

Time and Date Display by User’s Time Zone must be switched to Yes for this setting to be enabled

Trigger based Candidate Purge Threshold

Default 1.


Trigger based Req Purge Threshold

Default 1.


UI Locales

Select the languages that the client has purchased for User Interface translations. After a language is selected, it cannot be deselected.


USA Jobs Application - HRStatus Integration.

No longer valid.. Options: Yes or No


User Code Filtering

Clients can assign job codes to groups and associate one or more groups with specific BrassRing users. BrassRing users can then search through a significantly reduced set of job codes when creating a new requisition. Cannot be disabled when Code access groups are actively in use. Set Code access groups from Tools → Users → Code Access Groups.

Options: Yes or No.

Released with 12.1: Job Codes Filtering Code Access Groups for job Codes.


User name differentiator

Adds a selected differentiator to user pull-down to differentiate similar user names. Differentiates users with the same name, both in BrassRing and in BrassRing Custom Approval Workflow.

Options (single select): None, Employee id, or Phone#.

Released with R11.0: Recruiter Experience - Differentiator for Users with Same Name.

Build 20.04.06. This Client Setting also applies to Lead Manager.


User Signature

Enables a Recruiter or User Signature Image Tokens feature. Adds signature field to User account. Signature use is based on who the Recruiter is on the Req. User can check box in eLink or email to “include signature” once this setting is enabled. Cannot be disabled if at least one user type has the signature privilege enabled.

Options: Yes or No

Released R11 - Enable/disable all functionality related to the signature field and tokens. Also need two User Privileges from Menu → Admin → Admin+ → Users → Edit or Signature administration. Signature use is based on who the Recruiter is on the Req. User can check box in eLink or email to include signature if this setting is enabled. Updated R13.0: Communications - Recruiter User Signature Image Tokens.



Options (single select): 3.6, 4.0, 5.0, 5.5, or 7.0.



The clients Talent Gateway version number. This feature is not in use. This setting might be used if Infinite supports different TG versions. This setting alone suffices for both basic and full Talent Gateways.

Options (single select): 1.5, 1.6, or 1.7.



The clients Basic Talent Gateway version number.

Options(single select): 2.0, 2.5.


View ‘Other profiles Link’ on Talent Record

Enables BrassRing users to see an icon on the Talent Record that opens up all the other profiles a candidate has if enabled.

Options: No or Yes.


Work Opportunity Tax Credit Integration

Enables WOTC eligibility check for clients participating in US federal Work Opportunity Tax Credit program. Enable if the client would like to integrate with a WOTC vendor. On selecting Yes the WOTC vendor details open for configuration.

Options: Yes or No. Configure opens Configure WOTC Settings (Sub-Company ID and Sub-Company Password mandatory if vendor is ADP.


Years exp\Grad year config

Enables clients to choose not to show Max years’ experience field for candidates if needed to eliminate perception of age discrimination. Select the desired search option for the Years experience field that displays on the [Search] page for candidates.

Options: Display both min and max search field (default), Display min search field only, or Display max search field only.

Released R10.

Display both min and max search field: When on the [Candidate Search] page in BrassRing, Recruiters can enter both minimum and maximum years experience when searching for candidates.

Display Min search field only: If the client wants to permit Recruiters to search on only the minimum number of years of work experience under the [Years exp] config setting, select this option in Workbench.

After this is selected, only the minimum years experience candidate search field is available for users wherever the field displays or is output.