Common Services - Assessments
  • 06 Mar 2024
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Common Services - Assessments

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Article summary


Product: Workbench

Common Services - Assessments

Assessments play a very important role in evaluating a candidate’s skills in the process of hiring. There are various organizations that provide comprehensive assessment solutions available in the market and BrassRing can integrate with any of them given that it is beneficial to the clients.

BrassRing has already integrated with various 3rd party assessment vendors. Clients can choose the assessment vendors that are available or they can request for adding a new vendor that they are interested in. BrassRing supports 3rd party vendor integration through our Common Service Assessment API. Vendors need to comply with API guidance, BrassRing engineering will set-up the integration and QA will test and certify the integration.

Click HERE to review the Assessment-BrassRing Configuration Guide that covers:

  • Client Settings

  • Configuring the Assessment Vendor

  • Banding and Batches

  • Custom Req Fields and Candidate Forms

  • User Type Privileges

  • Talent Gateway Settings and Text Customizations

  • RAM Triggers

  • The BrassRing User Experience

Frequently Asked Questions

Integration Questions

  • What is your primary method of integration (API)? Web Services, HTML, or other? Web Services

  • What triggers an API call?

    When recruiter clicks on send assessment. Assessment list will be requested.

    Request session call – click on assessment link in TG or Launch in BR.

    Result posting – as soon as the candidate completes.

  • What happens during an API call? Data gets exchanged.

  • What data is sent between BrassRing and Vendor during an API call? Predominantly Assessment details, Candidate, req details and results.

  • How do the systems acknowledge that data has (or has not) been received? Status is sent back as “Success” or not.

  • What retry logic exists to ensure that API communications are successful? Vendor must retry to post assessment as soon as a failure status sent back.

  • What if a candidate finishes the assessment in time but the results are not received by Brassring due to system issues until after that assessment time has expired?Assessments status shows as In-Progress, candidate may click on the link again. We recommend vendors to display a message when the assessment link s clicked that the assessment is complete and results are in process.

  • When are e-mails sent to the candidate? RAM can be configured to trigger automated communication upon HR Status update. RAM can be configured to auto update HR status based on Assessment Score.

  • Can you explain what a session means to BrassRing in terms of a Assessment is being Requested? Session is the time limit given for each assessment. The session starts as soon as the candidate clicks on the assessment URL and assessment launches.

  • What is represented by the session ID? And what is the max length of this field? A unique identifier for each session.

  • Can you add a custom field to the Assessment form to be populated by the integration (coming from the vendor)? No. Vendors can only use the standard fields on the form to send information in. If the vendor isn't using a field, they may be able to re-purpose it.

  • What is represented by the session URL? Is that a stored URL link for the survey? Session URL represents an individual Assessment which is not in final state). Every time a candidate clicks on the assessment to take, the candidate is redirected to the same session URL.

Candidate Questions

  • Where will Candidates take assessments from? Candidates can take assessments: Directly from TGs (All assessments are listed in Pending Assessment Page. OR Launch Assessment at the end of the application flow). Through e-links sent to e-mails or launched by recruiters on their screen.

Recruiter Questions

  • We would like to send assessments to our candidates after the Recruiter has completed a phone interview NOT at the candidate application phase. Is this possible? Yes possible, in three ways:

    1. Recruiter can run any assessments attached to the req(job) on demand from the candidate record.

    2. Recruiter can manually send email communication to the candidate after phone interview.

    3. RAM trigger can be set up to send out auto communication email to the candidate that contains link to take the assessment.

  • Can assessment orders be initiated automatically based on a certain candidate status, initiated manually, or both? If triggered manually, can recruiters order an assessment for a single candidate or a group of candidates? Yes, both. An assessment order request contains only one candidate.

  • Does the Assessment Order Request (AOR) get sent to vendor when the candidate clicks within the workflow, or does the registration occur before the candidate reaches the relevant stage of the application? (I.e. are they clicking on a URL that instigates a registration or the actual vendor assessment URL?) AOR sent only when candidate clicks the assessment link. Link from e-mail redirects to the assessment page in career portal which lists the pending assessments that are direct links to Vendor. Candidate can get to this page directly from career portal.

  • Can the email be resent to the candidate? If this is the case would it be a new registration (I.e. separate link) or a resend of the original link? e-mail can be resent manually; above answer explains the second step.

  • If an e-mail is lost can a candidate still login to the ATS and access the hyper-link to take the assessment? Yes.

  • Is there the ability to set a time frame for completion of the VENDOR Assessments? (Link expiry) Yes.

  • Is this flexible for any assessment or does this need to be specially set-up per each type of assessment integrated? Configurable.

  • For a Sitting, do you store just the Overall Score, or the Detailed scores also? If Detailed scores also, is there a maximum number of fields available to house these scores (please state)? Overall Score.

  • Can scores be displayed in Candidate grids? (i.e. multiple candidate scores are available on a single page) Configurable to display them from the assessment forms.

  • If VENDOR reposts a score to the ATS, will the score be added to the candidate record, or will there be a problem accepting a score for a candidate who has already completed? I.e. will the existing score need to be removed first before a new score is reposted? No. Repost is not possible if there is an existing score. existing score need to be removed first before a new score is reposted

  • Can equations be configured within the ATS that combine data including VENDOR scores to calculate derived scores like an overall fit score for example? Yes. Banding such as recommended, not recommended with colour coding can be configured.

  • Within BrassRing, are scores from assessments held against a candidate’s application for a specific role only, or if they apply for another role would the latest assessment results be stored against the old application too? Similarly, can old scores reports be transferred to a new role/requisition to mitigate the need for candidates to complete assessments more than once? If the assessment id is same, scores will be copied over.

  • If VENDOR reposted a large volume of scores at once, could this cause issues on the ATS side? Repost is not possible in the standard integration. Client/Vendor can check with PSE through the client if this is possible via custom work.

  • Can a candidate be sifted automatically and progressed into a new status by the ATS system automatically by evaluation of an SHL score or derived score? Are there limitations or specific fields used only? Yes, with RAM.

  • Can a second Assessment Request be triggered to SHL based on an evaluation of an SHL score? Yes, with Assessment Hurdle Score within a Batch or with RAM for individual assessments outside batch.

  • If there is more than one assessment tied to a Job Code, can the recruiter send one email communication with one link that provides the candidates access to all applicable assessments attached? Yes, the email that is sent in the above 3 methods will have a link(s) all of which would take the candidate to a single page in Talent Gateway which will always list all applicable assessments associated with the job/candidate.

  • If we send the assessments through a vendor, can the system flag to recruiters when the candidate has already completed an assessment? Upon candidate completing an assessment, vendor would send results back to BrassRing that in turn creates candidate form in Brassring. So, recruiter can manually check for the existence of that candidate form or set up a RAM to send out notification email upon this candidate form creation.

  • Can the recruiter add an ad-hoc assessment (aside from the ones that have been mapped to the Job Code)? Does the recruiter have the option to choose from a pick list of items? Yes, this is possible using Run assessment feature in BrassRing.

Workbench User / Configuration Questions

  • How do you find the assessment IDs in Workbench? Go to Tools > Integrations > Assessments > List of assessments are available > Right-click and View Source to find the IDs.

  • Assessment integration with 3rdparty, looking to set the lifespan of the assessments. For those that have passed the tests this is fine, they're setting all tests to the same lifespan. However for those that fail a test, they cannot retake until 4 months after they failed. Is this possible to setup?A candidate cannot retake assessment until the lifespan expires regardless of the assessment result (pass or fail). Clients need to set up parameters (with help from the Infinite Assessments team) that determine how long test results are valid. When these parameters are set up, an applicant who has completed assessments within the designated time frame will not have to retake the assessments for a different job requisition. Once an assessment is complete, candidate will not be allowed to retake unless the recruiter assigns the assessment to candidate for retake. Candidates can retake only those assessments that are assigned to them to retake. Recruiter sends the assessment e-link for a candidate to retake.

  • Using assessments and allowing candidates to reapply: If a candidate withdraws before completing the assessment, and then reapplies within 7 days before the incomplete assessment of the original application has expired, will a new assessment initiate and remain open for the next 7 days? If the Assessment ID is same, the assessment will launch from where the candidate has left-off previously for all future reqs with same assessment. If the assessment already expired, recruiter must manually give retake in this scenario.

  • When in a talent record, one of the System Admin users can see/use the ’run assessment’ and ‘retake assessment’ options but, for the other System Admin user, these two options are greyed out. Is this likely to be associated with Permission settings within BrassRing, or within Assess? This could be because of user privileges, check user settings in workbench.

  • For clients that trigger an assessment to go out via a RAM trigger once an HR status is hit: Client wants to add a third assessment but they don't want it to go to the candidate until they hit a certain HR Status. The issue is that is already two other assessments that are being triggered at the time candidates apply. So, I am not sure there is an automated way to do that since they don't want to make any changes to the existing assessments. All positions are on the same TG. Trigger assessment e-link based HR Status in RAM

  • Identify what user type permission gives a person the ability to select 'Run Assessment'? Currently they can select 'Retake Assessment' but not 'Run.' Please check user permissions in workbench, there is an option for ‘Run Assessment’. Refer to the configuration guide.

    1. Assessment – run: This privilege enables the user to manually run any assessment assigned to the apply requisition.

    2. Assessment – run optional assessments: This privilege enables the user to manually run any assessment that is not assigned to the requisition.

    3. Assessment – run retake: This privilege enables the user to manually run a previously completed assessment for a candidate to enable to candidate to retake the assessment.

  • When candidate is kicked out or logged out of the assessment, they should not be stopped from going back to take the assessment later (WSI Assessment)? Unless the assessment lifespan expires, candidate can continue with the assessment anytime. Some vendors may put a cap on number of sessions but is upon agreement with the customer. BrassRing does not limit this.

  • Is the text around taking an assessment at the end of a responsive GQ can be edited? Yes, the text can be configurable at text customization.

  • How do you configure the KAS Assessment Form used in common service assessment integration to display additional dimension scores names and dimension scores? See here

  • If you update the lifespan on an assessment, does it take effect on all reqs currently posted with that assessment attached or do you have to repost the req? Lifespan can be configured at individual assessment level or at vendor level. If edited, it applies to all reqs with the assessment attached.

  • Where can you update the Return Candidate URL for an assessment - Chemistry Group? Support cannot update this URL, but engineering can.

  • I am currently launching an assessment at the end of the application process. We are posting these jobs to both the External and Internal TG’s. We only want the External Candidates to take the Assessment, as the Internals already passed an assessment to be currently working for the company. So my question is this; can we attach the Assessment to the Req and only add it to the External TG? This is possible to configure assessments to only External TGs. When posting a requisition, the user can select the batch to be presented on each of the gateways the Req is posted to. This provides flexibility to accommodate unique requirements for internal versus external candidates.

  • Does the [assessment] token work for auto-launch on responsive TG/Responsive GQ? The TG settings has text saying auto-launch not supported for responsive TG/GQ? Auto Launch is not supported for responsive.

  • The KAS Assessment form(s) and the KAS Overall Results form will be deleted from a candidate's talent record immediately after a Retake Assessment function is initiated. This is true regardless of form multiples? The talent record will still house the results of the assessment(s) taken under an "Assessment Completed" action but the "Form Added" action for these forms will be gone.

  • I'm adding an Assessment manually in Workbench and am getting an error when trying to add an Assessment code/ID over 40 characters. When manually adding an Assessment, the ID field has a 40 character limit. If the vendor creates the assessment with a sync process the character limit for the ID field is 100 characters.

  • Can the assessment form be added manually by a user? Assessment form is added by integration itself. But in the candidate talent record you will see the user details because the integration adds the user (first name, lastname) who has created the requisition.