Configure eLink Respond Instructions
  • 22 Apr 2024
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Configure eLink Respond Instructions

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Product: Infinite BrassRing

eLink Respond Instructions

BrassRing users use eLinks to share candidate information with other users and non-system users. When received, an eLink allows the recipient to send a response back to the original sender by selecting Respond. Workbench users are able to modify the instructions that appear with the Respond button.

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Setting eLink Respond Instructions

  1. Select Tools → Settings → Instructions → eLink respond instructions.

  2. On the eLink Respond Instructions page, enter the customized text in the Respond Instructions text box. The default text is, Click to send your feedback on this candidate.

  3. Select Preview to see how the text appears to users.

  4. Select Save, Cancel to close the window without saving your changes, or Revert to saved to restore the previously saved version.