Configure Low Availability Slots Alert
  • 07 Mar 2024
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Configure Low Availability Slots Alert

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Article summary


Product: Event Manager.

Configure Low Availability Slots Alert

Administrators first configure the alert message template, the alert notification parameters, and then the event series template. The low availability slots alert and threshold can be edited by just editing one event within the series. Unlike all other event attributes, the alert settings are a series level attribute so editing one event impacts all events within the series.


Configure Low Availability Slots Alert

  1. Admin Templates Message Templates New/Edit Message Template.
The Message Template displays.

  2. Create a message template using the [em_event_series_name] and [em_min_available_slots] message tokens. Use only the following message tokens when configuring the low availability slots alert message template as all other message tokens displays as blank spaces in the low availability slots alert message template.

    • [em_recip_firstname]

    • [em_recip_lastname]

    • [em_recip_fullname]

    • [em_event_template_name]

    • [em_event_series_name]

    • [em_attachments]

    • [em_min_available_slots]

  3. Select Save.

  4. Select Admin → System → Notifications.

  5. Select the message template by using the pull-down menu in the Minimum Available Slots Alert.
 This is the message template that is automatically generated and sent to event team members when the number of available slots in the future event series falls below the configured default minimum threshold for the event series.

  6. Input the number for the default threshold of available slots for the existing and new event series in the Default Minimum Available Slots. Valid values are any number between 1 and 99.

  7. Select Save.

  8. Select New Event → Select Event Template → Select Event Series.

  9. Check Alert the Event Team when checkbox while completing all event fields for a new event series or recurring event.

  10. Select Save.