Configure System Notifications and Scheduling Settings
  • 07 Mar 2024
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Configure System Notifications and Scheduling Settings

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Article summary


Product: Event Manager.


Configure System Notifications

  1. To configure system notifications, select Admin → System → Notifications.

  2. Update notification settings as needed. The notification settings that can be configured are:

    • Set the Candidate Confirmation Message.

    • Set the Candidate reminder/schedule message and schedule.

    • Set the Candidate Invitation Message.

    • Set the Event Team Confirmation Message.

    • Set the Event Team Cancellation Message.

    • Set the Default Assessor Reminder Message and schedule.

    • Set the Assessor Cancellation Alert Message.

    • Set who to Send Assessor Cancellation Alerts To.

    • Set to Notify Hiring Managers.

    • Enable Enhanced Message Attachments.

    • Set to Send ICalendar files as attachments.

    • Enable Event Change Notifications.

    • Set the Minimum Available Slots Alert.

    • Set the Default Minimum Available Slots.

  3. Select Save.

Configure Scheduling Settings

  1. To configure scheduling settings, select Admin → System → Scheduling.

  2. Set the scheduling settings as needed. The scheduling settings that can be configured are:

    • Enable Candidate Registration Locking.

    • Set the Default Registration Page.

    • Set the Default registration link expiration.

    • Enable past events reschedules.

    • Enable Remove Event Location option.

    • Set the Default Time Zone.

    • Enable Candidate Send Email Button.

    • Set to Display Email Recipients to Candidates.

    • Enable "Unscheduled" candidate time slot.

    • Enable candidate overbooking.

    • Set Default candidate reschedule restrictions.

    • Set the Default Event Start Time.

    • Set the Default event length.

    • Set the Default activity length.

    • Set the Time block size.

    • Set the Time Format.

    • Set the Date Format.

    • Enable restriction settings for event invitations.

    • Enable Enhanced Assessor Scheduling.

    • Set the Start Day of the Week.

    • Enable the People button on assessor schedule.

    • Enable to Check Req Status before self scheduling.

  3. Select Save.