Configuring Job Application Filter and Table Display
  • 28 Feb 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Configuring Job Application Filter and Table Display

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Article summary


On the Manage New Hires page, there is a Job Application filter and a Job Application column in the Table Display.


The Job Application filter includes the following standard fields:

  • Active. Job application status: Active, Inactive

  • Create Stamp (requisition; job application ID).


It can also include custom fields, provided they are configured to be searchable.

When you select the Table Display link to open the Edit Columns popup, there are now new columns called Active and Create Stamp.

The filters will automatically index and display results for all new job applications.

Note: If clients want historical data (specifically for job application and status) to also be indexed, they must create a maintenance ticket.


For the System Configuration tab, on the TS Filter and Display Fields screen, the following standard fields support a Job Application filter and Job Application table display on the Manage New Hires page.

  • Requisition: Create Stamp

  • Job Application: Active


The following fields and respective entities can be used as filters or in the Table Display:

  • JobApplication field: entity Active field

  • Job Requisition field: entity ReqNumber

  • JobApplication field: entity id

  • Job Application field: entity created date

Four fields are needed for Filter and Table Display columns in the Manage New Hires page. Two of those fields are newly configured: Create Stamp and Active. Two other fields were already configured: ID and Working Title.