Create, Edit, or Deactivate, Event Templates
  • 07 Mar 2024
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Create, Edit, or Deactivate, Event Templates

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Product: Event Manager.

Create, Edit, or Deactivate, An Event Template

  • Event templates are used to create templates for recurring events.

  • There are two methods to create a New Event Template:

    • Selecting New creates a new blank template.

    • Selecting a template, and selecting Save as New, creates a new template with the selected templates settings applied.

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Create A New Event Template

  1. To manage event templates, select Admin → Templates → Event Templates.

  2. Select New, or select a template and select Save as New.

  3. On the New Event Template page, insert a template name and description. Event Manager users see the template name when creating a new event, so it is recommended to make this as specific as possible.

  4. Select the Event type and details as needed.

    • If required, enter any custom fields, outcomes, event team, time slots, groups, rooms, activities, and attachments.

  5. Select Save to save the template.

Edit a Template

  1. To edit a template, select Admin → Templates → Event Templates.

  2. Select the template, and select Edit.

  3. Update the template as needed, and select Save.

Deactivate a Template

  1. To edit a template, select Admin → Templates → Event Templates.

  2. Select the template, and select Edit.

  3. Uncheck Active, and select Save.