Create, Edit, or Deactivate, Message Templates
  • 11 Jun 2024
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Create, Edit, or Deactivate, Message Templates

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Product: Event Manager.

Create, Edit, or Deactivate, Message Templates

There are two methods to create a new communication Template.

  • Selecting New creates a new blank message template.

  • Selecting a template, and selecting Save as New, creates a new template with the selected template content applied.

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Create a Message Template

  1. To create a new message template, select Admin → Templates → Message Templates.

  2. Select New, or select a template, and select Save as New.

  3. On the New Message Template page, insert a template name and description.

  4. Select Categories and Branding images as required. The categories selected define when the communication template are made available to the user to be sent from Event Manager.

  5. Enter the email subject and body.

    • Personalization tokens can be added to the email by selecting and dragging the token onto the email. Tokens are only populated in the emails that are sent within the correct context. For example, Event specific tokens are only populated in the communication if the communication is sent from within an Event.

  6. To add merge fields from a Requisition, select the Requisition merge fields, and select Add.

  7. Include an iCalendar file or choose to include a PDF file of the event schedule if needed.

  8. Add any attachments as needed.

  9. Check Active, and select Save.

Edit a Message Template

  1. To create a new message template, select Admin → Templates → Message Templates.

  2. Select a template, and select Edit.

  3. Update the template as needed, and select Save.

Deactivate a Message Template

  1. To create a new message template, select Admin → Templates → Message Templates.

  2. Select a template, and select Edit.

  3. Uncheck Active, and select Save.