Customizing BrassRing Talent Gateways for Event Manager
  • 07 Mar 2024
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Customizing BrassRing Talent Gateways for Event Manager

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Product: Event Manager.

Customize your BrassRing TGs for each Event Manager

Invitation and Registration links on a BrassRing Talent Gateways must be configured separately.


Customize your BrassRing TGs for each Event Manager

  1. In Workbench, select Tools → Talent Gateways.

  2. Select your Talent Gateway.

  3. Select the Text Customization icon for your gateway.

  4. Scroll to the Landing Logged In tab.

  5. Clear the check box for the Hide on Gateway setting.

  6. Enter the custom text:

    • Event Manager Page Link Text Displays the event invitation or event registration link text.

    • Event Manager Page Summary Text Displays under the Page Link Text and explains what happens when candidates select the link.

  7. Select Save.

  8. Scroll to the Event Manager tab to complete the Text fields.

    • Event Manager Page Text displays when candidates land on an event invitation/registration page.

    • Event Manager Page Text - no registrations. Message display notifies candidates when no event invitations or registrations are available.

    • Event Manager Page Text - req folder label. This label is the column heading title for positions (reqs/jobs) on the event invitation page.

    • Event Manager page - Req Folder Display: Select one: Req ID | Job title | Both. Displays under req folder label text on the event invitation page.

    • The next three customized text fields work together:

      • Event Manager page text - Processing Page: Candidates see this text first. Displays when the system is processing the candidate's application.

      • Event Manager page text - System is Busy page: Displays when the system cannot immediately process the candidate's application. Can contain extra instructions for candidates.

      • Processing Threshold (in seconds): Default is 20 seconds.

    • When the system is configured to direct candidates to the EM BrassRing Talent Gateway page at the end of the apply workflow, the last three text customization fields work together.

      • Candidate processing adds the candidate BrassRing and assigns the candidates an HR Status. A candidate's HR Status initiates the event batch and sends an automatic event invitation, and the candidate lands on the EM BrassRing TG page where the invitation link displays.

      • Processing Threshold determines how many seconds the client wants candidates to wait for the system to process. If the Processing Threshold elapses and the candidate is still on the processing page, the candidate receives the following message.

      • System is Busy. Configure text to tell candidates to look for an invitation email.

  9. Select Save.