Dashboard Visualizations
  • 29 Feb 2024
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Dashboard Visualizations

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Article summary


Product: Workbench and Infinite BrassRing.

Dashboard Visualizations

  • The Visualization library is a workspace where the Admin can create visualizations and share with other personas.

    • Editing a visualization automatically cascades the changes to it’s persona workspace counterparts.

    • Deleting a visualization from the Visualization Library makes it’s Persona workspace counterpart a standalone visualization. This action does not delete it from the Persons workspace.

  • The Persona Dashboard is a workspace visible only for Admin users. Each persona dashboard can be managed individually by the Admin user. Visualizations added in this workspace are not be available in the library workspace and are private for that persona.

    • Deleting a visualization from the Persona Dashboard deletes the visualization from the persona dashboard workspace and make all its subscribed User Dashboard counterpart a standalone visualization. This action does not delete it from the user’s dashboard.

    • When visualizations are edited by an Admin user at the Persona level after the user has edited the same visualization on the User’s dashboard.

    • Updated versions available icon is shown. Restore from Default button is shown on the My Dashboard view.

    • Remove from My Dashboard, Overwrite, and Unsubscribe buttons are shown on the My Persona Dashboard view.


Configure User Type Privileges for the Metrics Dashboard

  1. Select Tools → Users → User Types.

  2. Select the Reports 2 Edit type permissions icon.

    1. Metrics Dashboard Access allows users to manage the dashboard access for a user type.

    2. Metrics Dashboard Admin grants the user type administrator access to the dashboards. Admin users see the fields that their user type is granted access for. This is for security reasons, as fields are not only displayed but results are also generated for those fields.

    3. Metrics Dashboard UserAllow Edits grants the user type edit access to the dashboard visualizations. All Admins automatically have Edit access.

Push a Visualization to Personas

  1. In Infinite BrassRing, access the Visualization Library by selecting Menu → Admin → Visualization Library.

  2. Select Push to Personas on the visualization to be pushed to personas. Visualizations can be searched by title if needed.

  3. Select the personas to have the visualization.

  4. Select Submit. A confirmation message displays stating that the publish has been successful.

Remove a Visualization from Personas

  1. In Infinite BrassRing, access the Visualization Library by selecting Menu → Admin → Visualization Library.

  2. If the is already subscribed by a persona, then that persona has an indicator. Uncheck the indicator.

  3. Select Save.