E-Verify - Usage Overview
  • 27 Feb 2024
  • 6 Minutes to read
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E-Verify - Usage Overview

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Article summary


An onboarding manager uses Onboard Manager to review/verify the hire's Form I-9, then to interface with the E-Verify program to initiate/resolve/close cases.

Employers enrolled in E-Verify must verify each hire's Form I-9 information matches government records, thereby ensuring a legal workforce.


The E-Verify task can be configured as a standalone task that needs no workflow. Standalone E-Verify is reportable. An onboarding manager can assign a standalone E-Verify task to a new hire. In Onboard Manager, an onboarding manager can assign standalone tasks (I-9 Section 1, I-9 Section 2, I-9 Section 3, and E-Verify) to a new hire. Standalone tasks can be completed at any point of time, even after Onboard End, regardless of the other tasks in the workflow.

If clients need data related to standalone E-Verify, there are entity combinations that allow them to pull the report. There are two entity combinations that pull standalone E-Verify activities into a report.

  • Combination 1:

    • EverifyCase

    • I9

  • Combination 2 (takes performance into consideration):

    • Everify Case

    • Job Application

    • I9

    • Job

    • Generic Activity Entity

Note: These combinations cannot be changed for client specific needs.


With E-Verify, the onboarding manager:

  • Creates a case. The onboarding manager uses information from the hire's completed/signed Form I-9 to create a case.

  • Gets results. E-Verify displays a case result within seconds, but some cases may require additional action. Case results can be initial, interim, or final. Every case must reach a final case result before the onboarding manager can close it.

  • Closes the case. The onboarding manager closes the case once there is a final case result.

  • Runs an E-Verify audit report (if needed).

    • This report is only available for Talent Suite clients.

    • Data migrated from Onboard in a non Talent Suite environment to Onboard in a Talent Suite environment is available.

    • The audit report is self-service.

    • It provides the case history from creation to closure.

    • It includes employee verification data used for E-Verify.

    • It includes eligibility status (as a column and a filter).

    • It is a standard report with fixed columns and cannot be altered.

    • Adhoc report functionality cannot be utilized using the E-Verify Audit report.

    • By default, the report is weekly based ([this week]). Scheduled mails for the report are for this weekly basis.

Refer to the DHS website for more E-Verify information:

This topic assumes:

  • The hire used Onboard to complete/sign/submit Section 1 of Form I-9 (as part of the I-9 Section 1 task).

  • The onboarding manager used Onboard Manager to complete/sign/submit Section 2 of Form I-9 (as part of the I-9 Section 2 task).

The onboarding manager is now ready for E-Verify.

  1. On the My Tasks page of Onboard Manager, the onboarding manager selects the E-Verify task. An Initiate Employment Verification page displays that shows fields automatically populated from the new hire's Form I-9 Section 1 information.

    • If the case is not opened within 3 business days (72 hours) of the new hire's employment start date, a reason is needed.

  2. The onboarding manager reviews the hire's Form I-9 information on the Initiate Employment Verification page.

    • If there is a discrepancy with the hire's Form I-9, the onboarding manager selects the Reopen I-9 option.

    • If there is no discrepancy with the hire's Form I-9 information, the onboarding manager selects the Initiate E-Verify option.

  3. Once a case is submitted to E-Verify, E-Verify compares the hire's Form I-9 with SSA (Social Security Administration) and DHS (Department of Homeland Security) databases and provides a case result within seconds (though some results may require additional action). The desired case result is that the hire is authorized to work.

  4. If there are issues, an interim E-Verify case result is returned:

    • DHS or SSA Tentative Nonconfirmation (TNC). Information doesn't match DHS or SSA records. Additional action is required from the onboarding manager.

    • DHS or SSA Case in Continuance. Hire visited an SSA field office or contacted DHS, but more time is needed.

    • DHS Verification in Progress. Case is referred to DHS for further investigations. No action is required at this time. DHS usually responds within 24 hours, although some responses may take up to 3 federal government workdays. The onboarding manager should check daily for a response.

    • Review and Update Employee Data. Onboarding manager should review, update, and resubmit the hire's Form I-9 information.

  5. Sometimes clarifying information is included in the E-Verify case result that indicates the problem area. For example:

    • Non US Citizen

    • Missing DMV Number

  6. An E-Verify case result called Photo Verification prompts the onboarding manager to compare a hire's photo ID with a photo returned from DHS, and to indicate whether or not the photo matches the new hire.

  7. Every case must reach a final case result before the onboarding manager can close it. Final E-Verify case results are:

    • Employment Authorized. The hire is authorized to work.

    • DHS or SSA Final Nonconfirmation. E-Verify could not verify a hire's employment eligibility after the hire visited SSA or contacted DHS.

    • DHS No Show. The hire did not contact DHS within the required 8 federal government workdays.

    • Error: Close Case and Resubmit. Case cannot continue because the expiration date entered for the hire's U.S. passport, U.S. Passport Car, or driver's license is incorrect. The onboarding manager must resubmit the case to E-Verify.

  8. Once a final E-Verify case result is received, the onboarding manager closes the case.

    • From an Employment Authorized page, select the Close Case button.

    • From other pages, select a Close Case option, then answering two questions:

      • Is the hire currently employed with the company?

      • What is the close case reason?


Initially, onboarding managers only see a Validate I-9 option, but later they have other options: Initiate E-Verify, Re-open I-9, and Close Case.

  • When onboarding managers select Validate I-9, the following message displays: [Begin by validating the case details. The case can be submitted only after the details have been validated and the status shows as Draft. An E-Verify case must be created no later than the end of three business days after the employee begins work for pay].

  • The Draft Case service call validates the I-9 details and generates a case number. A response is received from DHS: [I-9 details validated. In case of errors, please re-open I-9 to make the necessary updates; or click on 'Initiate Everify' to submit the case details to DHS].

  • If the I-9 is validated successfully, then the following message displays: [Case has been validated successfully. Case can now be submitted. An E-Verify case must be created no later than the end of three business days after the employee begins work for pay.]

  • If the I-9 is not validated successfully (there is unconfirmed data), then the following message displays: [The following list of fields that must be confirmed for SSA/DHS in order to continue processing the case. In case of discrepancies, re-open I-9 and update the necessary fields; Else, go ahead and submit the e-verify case].

  • When onboarding managers select Validate I-9 after a case number is generated, then the Edit Case service call updates the I-9 details.

  • Once a case number is generated, then the Initiate E-Verify, Re-open I-9, and Close Case options display.

  • Onboarding managers can close the case while in Draft status by providing the case closure reasons.


A duplicate case check is performed before E-Verify case creation for the new hire on the basis of Social Security Number (SSN). Once I-9 Section 2 is completed, a duplicate case check is performed.

DHS has enhanced the duplicate check process and will display a list of existing E-Verify cases (if they exist) for a new hire before an E-Verify case can be created. This is done by sending the SSN of the new hire to DHS.

When there are duplicate cases existing for the new hire, when the onboarding manager selects the E-Verify task, the link named Hide Existing E-Verify Cases with the Same SSN displays. This list provides the Case Number, Created On Date and Status of the E-Verify cases.

When there are duplicate cases existing for the new hire, when the onboarding manager selects Validate I-9, a text field displays that allows you to enter a reason to continue with case creation. Enter a reason before selecting Create Draft.

  • The text entered into the text field is sent to DHS for any case creation where a duplicate case already exists.

  • The text field allows a maximum of 255 characters.

  • If more than the maximum number of characters are entered, then the following message displays:[Invalid value for "duplicate_continue_reason", the character length must be smaller than or equal to 255].

  • If no duplicate reason text is provided, then the following message displays: [Invalid value for "duplicate_continue_reason", a reason is required].