Email Markers Extended to Custom Emails
  • 28 Feb 2024
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Email Markers Extended to Custom Emails

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Article summary


Third-party email markers can be used for custom emails.

These changes are specific to correspondences configured in Onboard.

This allows clients to create additional emails based on their business processes to either send additional notifications to third-party approvers or include third-party information to other users.

You can configure the following tags in the body of custom e-mail templates and attach them to third-party activity: Assign I-9 Approver.

  • <%jobApplication.thirdPartyApprover.Third Party Approver First Name%>

  • <%jobApplication.thirdPartyApprover.Third Party Approver Last Name%>

  • <%jobApplication.thirdPartyApprover.Third Party Approver E-mail Address%>

These values will be populated once Assign I-9 Approver task is completed (third-party approver is already assigned).