Export and Import Form Field Options
  • 19 Apr 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Export and Import Form Field Options

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Product: Workbench

Relevant eLearning


Overview of Exports and Imports

During the implementation phase of the system, your Infinite representative imports data for you such as candidate form fields, candidate form field options, req form fields, req form field options, and users. After your ‘go live’ date, if you need to add a long list of form field options to an existing form field for example, you can use the export and import feature to perform this action efficiently and in a timely manner. If you have an existing list of options, best practice is:

  1. Export your list of options.

  2. Amend the list by adding or inactivating options.

  3. Import the new list of options.

You need to have at least one profile per import so that you can reuse this profile for any new imports of that import type in the future.


Export Form Field Options

  1. Select Tools → Forms → Candidate forms.

  2. From the list of forms, select the Administer form fields icon for the candidate form.

  3. From the list of fields, select the Administer field options icon of the form field from which you want to export the options.

  4. Select Actions → Export to Excel

  5. The Launch Export screen appears. Insert the name of the export and select Launch.

  6. To access the Excel file, select Tools → Task Manager. The Task Queue screen appears.

  7. From within the Task Queue screen, select the icon for the file you would like to download or view.

  8. Save the file as an Excel 97-2003 Workbook (.xls). Currently, there is a limitation in Workbench that does not allow using a newer version of Excel.

Import Form Field Options

To import a list of form field options, you need to amend the export file and must create a profile to upload the data.

  1. Follow the Export Form Field Options process. The Excel file (xls) has two worksheets:

    1. Properties include Client Name, Form Name, and Field Name.

    2. Options include the list of options with Code, Description, and Status.

  2. Delete all rows from the Properties sheet, except for Client, Form, and Field.

  3. On the Options sheet:

    1. If you are adding new options, then delete all rows, and add your new options to the sheet.

    2. If you are changing existing options, update the existing options.

  4. Save the changes.

  5. In Workbench, select Tools → Imports → Profiles.

  6. Select Actions → Add new profile.

  7. In the Profile Name field enter the name.

  8. Add a description if needed.

  9. Select Make profile available to other users to share a profile with others.

  10. Select the appropriate Import Type:

    • Users

    • Codes

    • Fields (Candidate)

    • Fields (Req template)

    • Fields (Req custom)

    • Field association (Req forms)

    • Options (Candidate)

    • Field association (Candidate forms and Doc Subsidiary forms)

  11. To upload the Excel file, select Upload your file and select Browse.

  12. Select Next.

  13. The Map Import Profile appears which shows you the columns from the import file.

    • If your columns on the import file are not lined up properly, the import fails.

    • Use the overwrite feature if you are changing the description of an option or inactivating an option.

  14. Select Finish.

  15. Select Launch.

  16. If your import file is a list of options, select the appropriate Form as well as the Form field on the Launch screen.

  17. Add your import file again by selecting Browse.

  18. Select Launch.

  19. To monitor the report select Tools → Task Manager. After the import has completed, select the binoculars for details on what data was imported.