Field Option Management
  • 04 Mar 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Field Option Management

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Article summary


Product: Workbench

Manage Field Options

  • Field options contain the available responses to radio button, check box, single-select, and multi-select form fields. For example, options for the form field Are you willing to travel? might be radio buttons Yes and No.

  • Like form fields, many field options are loaded into BrassRing during implementation. Also, like form fields, the previously loaded field options can be edited or inactivated, and new options can be added.

  • There is a 255 character limit for field options. However, options for single-select and multi-select should be kept to 40 characters or fewer, so that they appear in the space that is allowed for the pull-down menu. If options are cut off within the pull-down, the user can select Selection Details to view the entire text.

  • If integrating with an HRIS system, options should be designed in BrassRing to map the other system. This helps prevent compatibility issues.

  • Options can be translated into the additional languages your company might be using. If additional languages are being used, all options must be translated. Even if you choose not to translate an option for a particular language, the company default language should be repeated by copying and pasting the default language in that language’s option field. This prevents blank spaces from displaying in BrassRing.

  • Modifications to Talent Gateway forms, fields, and options are only be reflected for new reqs posted moving forward. Reqs previously posted do not adopt the new attributes.

  • Limit the number of non-alpha and non-numeric characters, such as the ampersand (&) and punctuation (commas, periods, and so on), to improve data integrity and make searching easier.

  • By default, options are sorted in numerical order, then in alphabetical order. Sort order can also be designated. If a numeric value is entered, the order in which options are to appear is designated. Numbers less than 10 should begin with a zero, for example 03.

  • Fields can pull option lists from:

    • Other options lists on forms or reqs that exist in Workbench.

    • Code tables.

    • User lists (All active users, All BrassRing users, All Recruiters, All Managers).

    • Req lists (All reqs, All open reqs, All pending reqs, All posted reqs).

    • Location or Country lists (managed by Infinite).

  • To limit user confusion with field responses, be as descriptive as possible.

  • As a best practice, when sorting by designated sort order, number options so that they appear in sort order. Consider picking numbers in an interval, such as 05, 10, 15 to allow for changes.


Adding Field Options

  1. Select Tools → Forms → Candidate Forms.

  2. From the list of forms, select the Administer form fields icon for the form.

  3. From the list of fields, select the Administer field options icon for the field.

  4. Select Actions → Add new option.

  5. Insert in a Code. This is the unique identifier for this option in the data table. Character limit is 255.

  6. Insert a Description. The Description is the label that appears on the form in BrassRing. The label cannot exceed 255 characters. To translate this option, select the plus sign +. Type in the translations for each language.

  7. Enter the Sort order.

  8. Identify if the option appears in a certain text color or icon when it appears on the panes and the candidate output grids, by using the Icon / text color of option.

  9. Select Save.

Adding Multiple Field Options

  1. Select Tools → Forms → Candidate Forms.

  2. From the list of forms, select the Administer form fields icon for the form.

  3. From the list of fields, select the Administer field options icon for the field.

  4. Select Actions → Add multiple options.

  5. Insert an Option Code. This is the unique identifier for this option in the data table. Character limit is 255.

  6. Insert an Option Description. The Description is the label that appears on the form in BrassRing. The label cannot exceed 255 characters.

  7. Enter the Sort order.

  8. Select Save.

Edit Field Options

  1. Select Tools → Forms → Candidate Forms.

  2. From the list of forms, select the Administer form fields icon for the form.

  3. From the list of fields, select the Administer field options icon for the field.

  4. From the list of options, select the Edit icon.

  5. Update the Field Option and select Save.

Translate Field Options

When translating into multiple languages, all options must be translated. Even if you choose not to translate an option for a particular language, the company default language should be repeated. Copy and paste the default language option label into the other language’s option field. This prevents blank fields from displaying in BrassRing.

When adding options by using the add multiple options function, the option must be translated by using Actions → Translate Options.

  1. Select Tools → Forms → Candidate Forms.

  2. From the list of forms, select the Administer form fields icon for the form.

  3. From the list of fields, select the Administer field options icon for the field.

  4. Select Actions → Translate options. The first language displayed defaults to English (US).

  5. Select the language for your field option translation.

  6. Type the translations into the fields.

  7. When you are finished with one language, use the Language pull-down menu to select the next language translation option.

  8. Select Save.

Inactivating Field Options

  1. Select Tools → Forms → Candidate Forms.

  2. From the list of forms, select the Administer form fields icon for the form.

  3. From the list of fields, select the Administer field options icon for the field.

  4. From the list of options, select the Inactivate icon for the option to be inactivated.

  5. Select Inactivate.

  6. The confirmation window automatically closes.

Export To Excel

To export the fields on the Candidate form into an Excel spreadsheet:

  1. Select Tools → Forms → Candidate Forms.

  2. From the list of forms, select the Administer form fields icon for the form.

  3. Select Actions → Export to Excel.

  4. The Launch Export screen appears. Enter the name of the file, and select Launch.

  5. Select Tools → Task Manager to view and download the report.

Exporting the Configuration Report

Workbench users can export all candidate form settings, including form details, field details, and field associations to Microsoft Excel. This is useful for quickly reviewing and comparing the form settings.

  1. Select Tools → Forms → Candidate Forms.

  2. To queue the export, select the desired form, and select Configuration Report.

  3. A confirmation that the form export has been queued in Task Manager displays. The confirmation includes the forms database name.

  4. Select Tools → Task Manager to view and download the report.