Final Dispositioning
  • 04 Mar 2024
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Final Dispositioning

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Article summary


Product: BrassRing

Final Dispositioning

Final dispositioning is completed by updating the candidates HR status to a Final Status. For more information, see Tracking Submissions.

When the final HR Status is submitted for the candidate a disposition form might open. Complete the form with as much detail as possible.

Typical examples of final dispositions companies use include:

  • Not Interested – Candidate.

  • Not Interested – (Company Name).

  • Offer Declined.

  • Offer Accepted.

  • Hired.

Updating the statuses of your candidates is important for two reasons.

  • By keeping your candidates HR statuses up-to-date, others can easily access this information and decide whether to pursue a candidate you are no longer considering.

  • Many reports your organization runs are based on HR status. Keeping this information current is a key to maximizing the usefulness and validity of these reports. Statuses are also used to determine which HR Status Category is shown to a candidate when they are reviewing their job submissions on the Responsive Talent Gateways. Keeping the statuses up-to-date ensures your candidates are informed of where they are in the hiring cycle.

Most companies opt to have the Candidate type for a hired candidate automatically change from External to Internal. After you have extended an offer, and it is accepted by the candidate you are hiring, assign a final HR Status to the candidate and close the req.

To ensure accurate reporting, be sure to update all candidates in req folders to a final status.

BrassRing shows the most recent date Hired was assigned for employee referral candidates who originally worked for your company, left your company, and were rehired.