Form I-9 - Usage Overview
  • 27 Feb 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Form I-9 - Usage Overview

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Article summary


Both Onboard and Onboard Manager are needed to manage Form I-9.

Reports can be pulled for all I-9 and W-4 fields. This is in combination with Job & Applicant entity fields. Onboarding managers can run one consolidated report to know who completed I-9 and who completed with I-9 receipts.

Clients can pull standalone I-9 data as part of their reports. A report can be generated for standalone I-9 information when a combination of job, job application, E-Verify, and I-9 entities are used.

An I-9 audit report provides detailed audit information of an I-9 form.

  • It contains job application information. This provides insight into what field was updated and with what value, who the user was, and the timestamp.

  • The audit information is specific to the job application to which the I-9 form is associated.

  • This report can only be downloaded by users who have the CAP_I9_AUDIT_REPORT capability.

Refer to the DHS website for more Form I-9 information:

  • I-9 Central (overview of Form I-9)

  • Acceptable documents (List A, B, and C; receipts, and so on).

    • A receipt is used as a temporary placeholder for a document that needs to be replaced because it was lost, stolen, or damaged. A receipt is only valid for 90 days AFTER presenting for employment authorization. The hire must be able to present the real document before the time limit ends.

    • Validations were removed for List A and C documents when the expiration date is later than the start date, but before the submission date.

Note: An eSignature is used to sign the Form I-9 PDF. The eSignature process is not discussed in detail in this document since it is a separate task to create one. It is possible, however, to edit an eSignature before signing Form I-9.

  1. A new hire (using Onboard) completes/signs/submits Section 1 of Form I-9 (Employee Information and Attestation). This task appears as I-9 Section 1 on the My Tasks page.

    • A wizard assists the new hire to complete the task. As part of this process, it presents links to the three lists of acceptable identity and employment eligibility documents the new hire needs to present for verification purposes.

    • Once the new hire completes the fields, Onboard automatically populates the data into Section 1 of a Form I-9 PDF file, and prompts the hire to electronically sign/submit the document. Note: Once the hire signs/submits the completed form, it cannot be modified unless the system requests it.

    • The submitted Form I-9 PDF moves in the workflow to Onboard Manager.

  2. An onboarding manager (using Onboard Manager) completes/signs/submits Section 2 of Form I-9 (Employer or Authorized Representative Review and Verification). This includes the review/verification of the hire's Section 1 of Form I-9. This task appears as I-9 Section 2 on the My Tasks page.

    • A wizard assists the onboarding manager to review/verify the hire's Form I-9, as well as verification documents and other information.

    • If there is:

      • No discrepancy with the hire's Form I-9, the onboarding manager completes the verification, and is prompted to electronically sign/submit the document.

      • A discrepancy (I-9 information the hire provided does not correspond to what was requested), the onboarding manager selects an I-9 Section 1 Reset button to reopen Form I-9. The system automatically sends the hire an email indicating changes are needed and allows the hire to complete the I-9 Section 1 task once again (via Onboard).

  3. If needed, an onboarding manager (using Onboard Manager) completes/signs/submits Section 3 of Form I-9 (Reverification and Rehires). This is used for hire reverification/rehire. Note: The I-9 Section 3 can be configured as a standalone task that needs no workflow, or it can be configured so that the expiration of documents used originally in I-9 Section 2 automatically triggers the I-9 Section 3 task.

    • On a hire profile page in Onboard Manager, selecting a pointer by a hire name displays a menu. One of the menu items (if configured) is I-9 Section 3. Selecting it causes I-9 Section 3 to appear as a task on the My Tasks page.

    • A wizard assists the onboarding manager with the hire reverification/rehire fields.

  4. If the employer participates in the E-Verify program, an onboarding manager (using Onboard Manager) interfaces with the E-Verify program to confirm the new hire's work authorization. This includes submitting the new hire's Form I-9 to E-Verify. This task appears as E-Verify on the My Tasks page.