HR Status Overview
  • 05 Mar 2024
  • 5 Minutes to read
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HR Status Overview

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Product: Infinite BrassRing

HR Status Overview

  • Tracking Logic is the BrassRing function that is used to move candidates through a Talent Pipeline. Each milestone is referred to as an HR Status.

  • Tracking Logic is unique to your organization.

  • You have the ability to either force all candidates to go through a specific step before another; this is known as a Closed tracking logic, or you have the ability to move candidates to any status in each step from 0-filed to Hired; this is known as an Open Tracking Logic. A closed tracking logic is used by most organizations because it helps determine a consistent workflow and process.

  • A HR Action is the process of moving candidates through the hiring process by using a named HR Status that is part of the tracking logic.

  • A HR Status is the result of an HR action and the named step of the tracking logic to which a candidate is assigned.

  • Tracking Logic is defined at the client level, not user type, or req template level.

  • Clients can hide candidates in specific HR Statuses or allow users to update HR Status by using an eLink.

  • You can set up an HR Status to open a candidate form along the process.

  • HR Statuses can appear in the eLink pull-down options. User privileges determine whether the selected HR Status is a suggestion or an update within BrassRing.

  • An auto email to the candidate can be generated upon moving a candidate to a certain HR status or when filed into a req.

  • HR Status updates can assist with other automated features:

    • Filter access to candidates by HR status.

    • Form pop-up.

    • Email Notification.

    • Candidate type update.

    • Block HR Status update if candidate forms are missing.

    • Initiate Background Check.

    • Initiate Onboarding.

  • An HR Status can either be a Start, Intermediate, or Final status. HR Status names can have up to 70 characters and be translated into any supported language:

    • 0–filed: The standard status of 0-filed is included as a choice when a candidates status is updated for the first time.

    • Start: Candidates have a start status of none until they are actively updated or moved into a folder. A start status appears when the candidate’s status is updated for the first time from none to 0-filed. No other HR Statuses can come before this type.

    • Intermediate: The most common status that includes all of the steps between the first and last steps. Next steps and preceding steps can be determined for this type.

    • Final: The last step in the process, this type can have preceding steps only. This status can be linked to other triggers in BrassRing such as auto-countdown, close reqchange candidate type, and other automation manager triggers.


This category includes items that occur if the HR status is updated: pop up forms, Interview Builder options, Event Manager settings, and Onboarding.

  • Popup Form: Select the candidate form that appears when a candidate is updated to that HR Status. If you do not want a form to appear, do not select anything.

  • Build 20.04.06. Select Make popup form required to set the selected form as required to be completed before the HR Status is changed for the candidate.

  • Include in ‘Respond to elink’ list of HR status: If you want the HR Status to appear in the list of statuses that are located in an elink next to the ‘respond to elink’ section, add a check mark. This allows the recipient of the elink to select this HR Status as an option when they are responding to the elink.

  • Email: Email addresses listed here receive a notification whenever a candidate is updated to this HR Status. The notification indicates that the candidate is on the HR Status.

  • Convert Candidate Type: Designate a candidate type for the final status to flip to when the candidate is updated.

  • Count Down Positions: Select this field if you would like the number of positions to decrease by 1, when a candidate is updated to this status.

  • Automatically close filled requisitions: Select this field if you would like the req to automatically close once a candidate is updated to this status.

  • Event Manager: If the Event Manager product is enabled, you can pass the resume key through to that manager.

  • Civil Service Manager: This section is applicable for United States government clients.

  • Onboarding: The items within this section indicate what occurs in Onboarding if the HR status is updated. Onboarding must be enabled by an Infinite rep for these fields to become active.

  • Other Actions Using this HR Status: This section identifies other settings/actions that are affected by an HR Status update. This section is a view only.


When the HR Status is updated, restrictions identify what actions that should not take place.

  • Hide candidates in HR Status in req folders for these user types: Select user types that cannot see candidates in this HR status.

  • User types that cannot UPDATE candidates to this HR Status: Select user types that should not be able to update candidates to this HR status.

  • User types that cannot UNDO candidates in this HR Status: Select user types that should not be able to undo candidates in this HR status.

  • Block HR Status update – Forms not attached: The circumstances that block an HR Status from being updated if a form is not created or approved.

  • Block actions – Requisitions related settings: Identifies other actions that should not happen if the HR Status is updated.

Talent Gateway & Agency Manager settings

Select the fields in this category to set HR Status settings that affect the TGs and Agency Managers.

  • Agency Manager: Masks (labels that convey candidate’s general status without exposing detailed status/steps in hiring process)

  • Talent Gateway: Allows the status to appear on the submission check on the Talent gateway. Identifies where the candidate is in the process. You can mask this HR Status. Identify Withdraw and Reactivate buttons.

  • Withdraw and Reactivate buttons: Located on the Talent Gateway status check screen for candidates to withdraw or reactivate for requisitions.

    • Block job submission withdrawal when withdrawing candidate is at this HR status: Candidates are not allowed, on the Talent Gateway, to withdraw their application from the job if they are currently at this HR Status. For example, your organization may want to enable this setting for a final disposition HR Status like Company Not Interested or an intermediate status such as Offer Extended.

    • Block job submission reactivation when any candidate in req folder is at this HR status: Candidates are not allowed to reactivate their application after they have withdrew themselves from consideration from a job on the Talent Gateway.