Identity Provider Changes
  • 22 Feb 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Identity Provider Changes

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Article summary


In order to ensure an improved user experience for SSO integration, Infinite requires that the client's IdP implement the following features:

Table 57. Required and optional SSO features


Required or Optional?


Client IdP should return proper HTTP status code


  • When the requested URL is not found, the HTTP status code 404 should be returned.

  • When the requested URL is found, the HTTP status code 200 should be returned

Client IdP should enable CORS for Infinite BrassRing Platform server


This allows the Infinite BrassRing Platform to check if the IdP site is available for the user to access when the browser is HTML5 enabled.

The customer's IdP server should return an Access-Control-Allow-Origin Header containing the Infinite BrassRing Platform login page's host name.

Infinite will provide more information to client when this is implemented in client's IdP server.

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