Infinite BrassRing RAM Triggers FAQ
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Infinite BrassRing RAM Triggers FAQ

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Article summary


Product: Infinite BrassRing

Client Training and Enablement Session Details

Topic: BrassRing RAM Triggers. Date: November 20th, 2018.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Can you intercept the RAM if you later decide you don't want the communication to go out?

If a RAM is delayed, the trigger evaluates the conditions at the time it runs. So if the conditions are no longer true, then the actions will not occur. To add - that's for delayed processing

So delayed triggering if still not in the original triggering event it will not run the rules?

For delayed processing - Trigger event occurs, trigger fires (looks at the mechanism and event), delay elapses, then trigger is run - rules are run (without looking at the mechanism and event again). If you're delaying on HR status, you need to include a condition to check to see if the candidate is still in the status. If they're not, it won't perform the action.

If you create a delayed trigger off of an HR Status and an applicant is moved into that HR Status, but then the status is undone, does the trigger get cancelled?

For delayed triggering - Trigger event occurs, delay elapses, trigger fires (looks at mechanism and event), then trigger is run - rules are run.. So this way it only runs for candidates who are still in the HR status that is the triggering event.

Is it possible to select a user to be CCed in a communication sent via RAM?

Not as a true CC but you can send it to them in addition

if we user the delay trigger mechanism to issue the candidate the rejection communications, would we be able to set up a condition to delay the HR status mask update on the responsive TG? what i found is that a candidate can see immediately that is rejected but no communication, which defeats the delayed rejection message principle

Unfortunately no, the HR status mask or category cannot be delayed. This is a good RFE though.

Please share the link for RAM documentation on Infinite Knowledge Center

RAM Documentation can be found HERE


What is the RAM trigger run frequency?

RAM triggers run every minute. However, this depends on the load on the system at the time. Results vary.

How does the Update HR Status action work?

Any HR status can be selected for an HR Status Update action. If there is a need to update a candidate to an HR status that does not follow the Closed tracking logic, then the client setting ByPass ClosedLogic when Updating HRStatus in RAM needs to be enabled, or the action fails.

What is a good practice for RAM triggers that evaluate modified req form fields?

When you use the trigger mechanism of Req Edit, followed by rules with conditions evaluating Req form fields that might have been modified, configure trigger timing of at least 30 minutes. This allows enough time for the data to be processed to evaluate both the old and new values.

How do the req and candidate context work?

The list of conditions and actions available are driven based on the trigger mechanism, trigger event, and trigger context. Sometimes req or candidate information cannot be used since the configured items do not have req or candidate context. As an example, a multiple per candidate form, not tied to a req. If using this form as the trigger, req conditions and actions are not allowed since the req is not in context. In addition, actions such as updating an HR status are not allowed, since the HR status update occurs within a req. The trigger context attribute can be used to get around this, but it might produce undesired results.

What is a good practice for using the Not Equals Operation with req form fields?

When using the Not Equals operation with req form fields, it is important to also create a second condition to check the req template. This ensures that the Not Equals operation is evaluated correctly even when the trigger is run in the context of another req template.

How can I edit the Triggering Event after the RAM trigger is created?

After Rules are created for the RAM, the triggering mechanism cannot be edited. There are three choices:

  1. Delete the entire trigger and create a new one, making sure to update the Triggering Event.

  2. Delete all of the Rules, update the Triggering Event and readd the Rules.

  3. Create a trigger, copy the rule from the old trigger, and then delete the old trigger.

How can I delete a RAM trigger?

RAM triggers can only be deleted in draft mode. If the RAM trigger has been inactivated, it must be reactivated and then edited (to put it into draft mode). Then, it can be deleted.

What if I have actions that involve form fields that depend on each other?

Should I add them to the same rule? Do not put actions that depend on each other involving form fields in the same rule. Example:

  • Action - Update form field X to value Blue. Send communication notice to candidate where field X is a criterion for a blurb in that communication. The form might not get updated in time to pull the correct value that is needed for the blurb if both are actions are in the same rule. You can’t arrange the order of operations in a rule.

  • Solution: Have the form update in a rule then send the communication in next rule.

My RAM trigger is failing to update the candidate’s status in my Closed Reqs, what can help resolve this?

If you are attempting to update a candidate’s status, by using a RAM trigger, in a req that is Closed, the client setting “RAM-Allow HR Status update for closed reqs” must be enabled first. This client setting allows your RAM to update the candidate’s status even through the req is in a closed status. Contact your Infinite representative to enable this client setting.

My RAM is failing to update the candidate’s status in my Canceled Reqs, what can help resolve this?

If you are attempting to update a candidate’s status, by using a RAM, in a req that is Canceled, the client settings “RAM-Allow HR status update to trigger candidate export integrations” and “RAM – Allow HR Status update for closed reqs” must be enabled first. This client setting allows your RAM to update the candidate’s status even through the req is in a canceled status. Contact your Infinite representative to enable this client setting.

I have created a RAM that updates my candidate to the HR status that starts my Background Check process. It’s updating the candidate’s status but not sending them to my Background Check vendor by using the integration, what can help resolve this?

If you are attempting to update a candidate’s HR Status, by using a RAM, to something that would send the candidate in an integration over to your Background Check vendor, you need the client setting RAM-Allow HR status update to trigger candidate export integrations enabled first. This client setting allows RAM to update the HR status and start the integration. Contact your Infinite representative to enable this client setting.

I have inactivated, or deleted, a RAM trigger but my users, or candidates, are reporting that they are still receiving the communications, or seeing the effects of the trigger in the BrassRing system. What is happening and how can I resolve it?

This is most likely being caused by a RAM trigger that had a delay that is configured for delay processing only. RAM triggers with delay triggering or aging are not be affected. If the RAM was triggered, but not run, before inactivation or deletion, the trigger rules are still read and the actions will still be carried out after the delay has elapsed. This occurs despite the RAM inactivation/deletion. Solution: Before inactivation/deletion, create a new first rule with no condition and an Exit Action as the action. This stops the trigger from reading any of the subsequent rules. If the trigger is deleted before adding the exit rule, submit a support ticket that requests engineering to activate the trigger again. If the rules appear to be missing and there is no option to add rules, when the trigger is activated again, request Infinite's engineering team to use a different trigger with the exit rule to define the rules for the deleted trigger. To avoid such an issue, it is recommended to use Delay Triggering and Aging Delay Mechanisms instead of Delay Processing.

Condition with date: What does the date > DD (90) mean?

The Date is compared with the current date when the trigger runs +90 days. The condition will be true if the Date is more (greater) than 3 months (90 days) in the future.

Condition with date: What does date < DD (-90) mean?

The Date is compared with the current date when the trigger runs -90 days. The condition is true if the date is older (less) than 3 months (90 days) in the past.

I added a rule and the new rule has not processed?

Two possible explanations:

  1. Trigger status is success with exit action – meaning that an action that terminated/exited the trigger (such as an HR Status Update) was taken before the new rule. To resolve this, reorder the rules so the rule that has the exit action falls after other rules that you would like to run.

  2. A new version of the trigger was created, and by design, older reqs use the older version of the trigger. To resolve this, delete the older version of the trigger so the new trigger version is used for all reqs.

What is the minimum delay for a trigger?

Delay Processing supports delays between 0.1 hour (6 minutes) and 190 days. Delays less than 0.1 hour are ignored. If you use a delay of 0.1 hours, consider system delays and system maintenance. Therefore, it is recommended to use delays of at least 1 hour. Delay Triggering or Aging supports delays of 1 hour or more (no limit).

On the Update HR Status action, what is the difference between the two options (Only update in other reqs (all active req templates) and Only update in other reqs (this req template)) and the two options (Update across all active reqs in all req templates and Update across all active reqs in this req template)?

The two options (Only update in other reqs (all active req templates) and Only update in other reqs (this req template)) only update the HR Status but do not trigger another RAM based on that HR status (if there is one setup). The two options (Update across all active reqs in all req templates and Update across all active reqs in this req template) update the HR status and trigger another RAM based on that HR status (if there is one setup).

Can I select more than one HR Status as the Triggering Event for a single trigger?

Yes, you can select multiple HR statuses when building a RAM trigger. It is recommended that you add conditions to the various rules to look for the specific status when the rule runs. This can help reduce the number of triggers your organization might create.

What does Skipping rule to filter Candidate mean in the RAM log?

The skipping rule to filter Candidate in RAM log means that there is no condition setup to filter candidates based on the open requisition. Usually, conditions such as proximity allow you to filter candidates based on the req location. This usually indicates issues with trigger configuration or misuse of the pull trigger. The result might have a significant performance impact. Example: If the trigger doesn't pull, it's either because no evergreen req match the open req or no valid candidate in the selected evergreen req.

RAM Trigger FAQs

Why are RAM triggers being inactivated?

To improve efficiency, active triggers that have not fired for a period of six months are Inactivated.

When did these notifications start?

April 10th, 2017. These notifications are sent on a weekly basis only if there are RAM triggers that have not fired for the past six months.

Why am I receiving a RAM trigger inactivation notification?

You are listed as a Tier 5 or Power User in Workbench for your organization.

How do I read the email notification?

  1. CliendId = A unique identifier for the BrassRing account.

  2. Client = The client name.

  3. TriggerID = A unique identifier for the individual RAM trigger.

  4. Trigger Name = The name of the RAM trigger in Workbench.

  5. Added On = The date that the RAM trigger was added into Workbench.

  6. Activated On = The date the RAM trigger was last activated.

  7. Expected Inactivation = This is the date that we will inactivate the RAM trigger.

  8. Last Activated By = The name of the person that last activated the RAM trigger.

What happens once the RAM trigger is inactivated?

Inactivated RAM triggers are placed in the Inactive window. To reactivate the RAM trigger, contact your Infinite Representative. It is recommended to review the trigger configuration before reactivation, to ensure that the trigger does fire for candidates or reqs in the future.

What are my next steps?

If you receive a RAM trigger inactivation email we suggest that you log in to Workbench and review that RAM trigger to determine if it is still needed for your current recruitment process. If not, you can inactivate that RAM trigger. This action stops the weekly emails from being sent for the specific trigger. If the RAM trigger is still needed, it is recommended to review the rules, conditions, and actions to determine why the RAM trigger has not fired for any candidates or reqs in the past six months. The RAM log can also be used to review why candidates or reqs are not meeting your defined criteria. Reconfiguration might be required so that the RAM trigger does fire in the future.