Job Code Instructions
  • 01 Mar 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Job Code Instructions

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Article summary


Product: Workbench

Job Code Instructions

You can create custom instructions for your Super Users to follow when adding new job codes to BrassRing. You can assign default data that is associated with job codes. When a particular job code is selected when creating a req, the default information that is associated with that job code auto-populates on the req form. Setting instructions can help your Super Users. For example, there might be a new division rolling out BrassRing that needs extra job codes specific to their hiring needs. Detailed instructions can help guide the way for your Super Users entering in the new codes.

  • The instructions only appear if you are using job codes with default data enabled.

  • To enter translated job code instructions, select the plus sign + and type your translation into the text field.

  • These instructions are viewable by anyone who has access to add a job code with default data.

Setting Job Code Instructions

  1. Select Tools → Settings → Instructions → Job code instructions.

  2. Insert the instructions into the Enter Instructions text box. HTML tags are accepted. The character limit is 4,000.

  3. Select Preview to preview the new instructions.

  4. If needed, select Set to default to restore the default job code instructions.

  5. Select Save.

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