Job Codes
  • 01 Mar 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Job Codes

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Article summary


Product: Infinite BrassRing

Manage Codes

  • BrassRing on Cloud has three default code types in the system: Job code, Job Req ID (job code), and Source code. Your organization may have additional code types by which codes are grouped, such as Division code, Business Unit code, or Agency code.

  • Once a code is assigned to a candidate, it becomes a unique identifier that allows BrassRing users to recognize and identify specific information pertaining to that candidate’s resume or CV submission.

  • All codes belong to one of several overall categories, also known as code types.

  • During the implementation of BrassRing on Cloud, your company decided on the code types that best meet the needs of its users and management. Your certified Workbench Administrator will be responsible for adding and changing code types after implementation is complete and your company is live on BrassRing on Cloud.

  • Keep in mind that each code type has its own set of functionality. For example, job codes supply default job data for requisitions, such as the job description. Source codes identify the source that generated the resume or CV for your company, such as a job board or a newspaper.

  • When candidates apply to a job with a Codes question, such as Source Code or Job Code, inactive codes are not displayed. Candidates are presented only Active codes. Updated Build 19.08.19.

Manage Job Codes

  • It is best practice to use the same naming convention when adding job codes. This helps retain data integrity.

  • If your company is not using req default data with job codes, you will only need to enter the Job code, job title, and the appropriate job description. The job description you enter will still auto-populate on the req form.

  • Job codes offer additional functionality beyond identifying which types of jobs candidates applied for. You can associate default job req information with your job codes so that when they are selected in the req creation process, the default job information will auto-populate on the req form.

    • First, by having information automatically populate on the req form, it serves as a time saver for the creator of the req. Second, by having Super Users enter the significant pieces of data such as cost center, department number, or pertinent HR data, the need for regular users to guess this information or inaccurately enter it, is eliminated.

  • If a job code is deactivated, and a req created previously using this job code is now being saved as new, all the previous values are retained however, the job code is no longer displayed. The user must add a job code and if there is Job Code Default Data available, all the new values would populate as per newly selected job code. Updated Build 19.08.19.

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Add Job Codes

  1. Select Menu → Admin → Admin+ → Codes.

  2. The list of code types opens. Select the Administer code list icon for the Job Code.

  3. Select Add new code.

  4. Insert a name and a description for the code. This should be the job title corresponding to the job code. It will always accompany the job code in BrassRing on Cloud.

  5. Select Save.

  6. If your organization is going to associate default req data with job codes, select a req forms to associate with the job code.

  7. Select Continue.

  8. Complete those fields on the req form that should populate when the job code is selected by individuals creating reqs.


    You are not adding a real req; you are determining which fields should pre-populate on the req form whenever a job code is selected during the req creation process. If your organization uses additional languages, you can click on the language toggle at the top of the screen to add defaults for that language.

  9. Select Save and continue.

  10. If you selected more than one req form in Step 6, you are prompted to go through the next req form after completing one.

  11. The Posting Screen appears with the Talent Gateways your company is using. Set the default settings for the Talent Gateways, select default questions and score those questions (if available/appropriate).

  12. Select Continue.

  13. If needed, insert a default message to the first approver and Req team.

  14. Select Finish.

Editing Job Codes

  1. Select Menu → Admin → Admin+ → Codes.

  2. Select the edit icon for the list code type to be edited. You might notice a checkbox appearing (Replace the req template default job description with the above job code job description), if your company uses default job code data. If left unchecked, the contents of the job description field while editing job codes will not replace the contents of the req template default job description field. If checked, the contents of the req template default job description field are replaced with the job description from the Edit code page. This checkbox is visible only when editing job codes, not when adding them.

  3. Make any applicable changes, and select Save.

  4. Select OK.

Deactivating Codes

You can deactivate a code at any time. But before doing so, confirm that the code is no longer going to be used by any of your users. Also, when a code is deactivated, data integrity could be compromised. For example, there may be reqs currently open that have an association with the job code you have chosen to deactivate.

  1. Select Menu → Admin → Admin+ → Codes.

  2. Select the Administer code list icon for the appropriate code type.

  3. Select the Deactivate icon for the code.

  4. Select OK.

Reactivating Codes

  1. Select Menu → Admin → Admin+ → Codes.

  2. Select the Administer code list icon for the appropriate code type.

  3. Select the Inactive link in the upper left corner of the screen.

  4. Select the Activate icon for the code. The code returns to the list of active codes.

  5. Select OK.