Landing Pages Best Practices
  • 26 Feb 2024
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Landing Pages Best Practices

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Article summary


Product: Lead Manager and Acoustic Campaign.

Landing Pages

Infinite recommends the following best practices for using landing pages with Acoustic Campaign in your organization.

Types of Landing Pages

  • Acoustic Campaign does not limit the number of landing pages that are used by each customer. Clients are responsible for creating and maintaining their own landing pages.

  • Common uses for landing pages are:

    • Primary landing page on your careers site. Often referred to as your talent community page.

    • Career fairs.

    • University hiring event.

    • New store opening.

    • Site expansion that includes new products, services, areas, or locations.

    • Internal mobility interest.

    • Campaign specific.

  • If your organization consists of multiple brands, you might want to create a landing page for each brand.

Designing Landing Pages

  • Landing pages should be branded to match other recruitment marketing material. Recruitment is marketing and you want leads to be engaged like customers to attract top talent. It is recommended to work with your internal branding or marketing department. Your company should have a style guide to give you guidance on the fonts, colors, and logos that match your company brand.

  • Including a member of your marketing team as a Acoustic Campaign user is beneficial, as they can access the tool and review and approve content if needed or create content for use by the sourcing and recruiting teams.

  • To save time and effort in designing new landing pages, existing pages can be copied as a template. The new page can then be modified as needed for content or data collection fields. If landing pages are no longer being used, they can be closed.

  • Regularly used content, such as images and logos, can be added to the Asset Library in Acoustic Campaign. These can be added to communications and landing pages, saving the time for users having to find and upload assets for your communications.

  • While landing pages are used to capture crucial lead information, it is recommended to limit the fields as the landing page is not an actual application. Ensure that you have captured information that is required to foster a relationship going forward.

  • Recommended fields include but are not limited to:

    • First and last name.

    • email address.

    • Mailing address.

    • Contact phone number.

    • Areas of interest.

    • Custom fields based on business need, for example: seasonal, internship, or full time opportunities.

  • Landing pages can be configured to allow leads to upload their resumes or CVs to save time having to send a communication requesting a leads resume or CV. Uploaded resumes or CVs are automatically parsed into Lead Profiles.

  • Each landing page should include a note in the footer or elsewhere on the page indicating that by submitting their information they are opting in to receiving communications from your organization.

  • Source codes can be used to identify the landing page lead submitted their details on. Using separate source codes can differentiate your primary landing page from an event or other campaign-specific page.

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