Lead Manager June Release
  • 27 Jun 2024
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Lead Manager June Release

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Article summary

The new Lead Manager features for the current release are listed here.

Lead Manager: Bulk Actions on Filtered List 


Starting this release, users can efficiently purge leads from the system in bulk within the Lead Manager. 


Bulk Delete is enabled only when a filter is applied in the search. 


They can initiate this process by filtering leads based on specific criteria, such as those added before a particular date. 


Once filtered, the system presents the refined list, enabling users to act on it simultaneously.


This feature is available only from the My Leads View, Unassigned Leads View, and Lead Campaign count link view.


Upon initiating the deletion process, users are presented with the filtered list for action. 


Selecting the leads and choosing "Delete" from the Actions dropdown menu, a confirmation pop-up appears 


"A bulk action delete request has been submitted. The selected leads will be deleted shortly. You will receive an email regarding the status of this request upon completion."

This is an asynchronous process that runs in the backend and an email is sent on the status of the action.


An alert message is triggered if the selected leads exceed 50,000 within a 24-hour timeframe. 


"We allow only 50,000 leads to be deleted within a 24-hour timeframe. You have exceeded this limit with your selection. Please submit the bulk delete request after some time." 


Internal Reference Azure Board # 44719.

Lead Manager: Profile Picture display 


Starting this release, the candidate's profile picture is displayed in Lead Manager when the candidate is shared from BrassRing. 


Upon sharing a candidate's profile without a profile picture from BrassRing to Lead Manager, a circle with the first letters of the candidate's first and last name is displayed beside the lead's name. 


Note: In Workbench, in User Type Privilege under Candidate Action3 " View Candidate Profile Picture" should be enabled and the candidate should have a profile picture in BrassRing.


Internal Reference Azure Board # 44596.