Manage Activity Fields
  • 12 Jul 2024
  • 12 Minutes to read
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Manage Activity Fields

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Article summary

Activities are the building blocks of workflows.


You use the Manage Activity Fields screen to create/modify activities, select activities, and display fields that you can add to the selected activity.

Every step in a workflow is an activity, and you can:

  • Attach forms and correspondence templates to activities so they can be included in workflow steps.

  • Associate additional functionality, such as phone screen or interview questions, with activities.

The fields and options:

  • Specified for an activity affect the options users see when completing the activity, regardless of whether it is completed via a task, in the Applicants tab, or in the Current tab.

  • Users see are controlled by activity settings and field properties configured in the Manage Activity Fields screen.

  • Determine which fields and disposition codes display on the tab, as well as the applicant status and the “success button” the user selects to complete the activity. For applicants, activity settings determine the feedback status they see.

Users can also configure:

  • Enhanced e-signature as an option on tasks. Note: If configured here and you want it on a task, you must also configure in the workflow.

  • Standalone settings.

How to Access the Screen

  1. In the Global Toolbar, display the Settings menu and select Settings.

  2. Select the System Configuration tab, if necessary, to display system configuration options.

  3. Display the Show drop-down list and select Activity Fields. The Manage Activity Fields screen displays.

Tasks You Can Do on This Screen

  • Add icon

    - Add new activities.

  • Clone icon

    - Make a copy of the currently selected activity that must be saved with a different name.

  • Save icon

    - Modify and save core activities.

  • Preview icon

    - Preview activity fields.

Field Descriptions on This Screen

Screen Item


Active check box

Makes the selected activity active or inactive.

Activity Names and Fields (list pane)

Lists all available activities and the fields that can be added to each activity.

No fields can be added to the following template types; instead, they come with a standardized set of fields for all clients. (You cannot create a custom activity from these.)

  • I-9 Section 1

  • I-9 Section 2

  • I-9 Section 3

  • E-Verify

  • Onboarding US W4

  • State Forms

  • Tax Credit Check

Fields can be added to the following template types:

  • No_Template

  • Generic Form Activity. You can configure whether or not the Generic Form Activity requires a signature. Note: The Enable New Hire Synchronization with Admin check box on the Onboard Settings pane of the System Configuration: Manage System Settings screen must be selected in order to configure the Generic Form Activity template (including the E-Signature Required check box).


  • Select an activity and display its details, display the drop-down list and select an activity name.

  • View available fields, expand the Available Fields node in the list pane and then expand the node for an entity.

  • Search for an activity, enter text in the text box, and select the Go

    Go icon


Go icon

Go icon

Go command.

Screen Item


Display Settings

Control how the activity displays.

  • Name: Specifies the activity name.

  • Display Name: Specifies the label for the activity name. This field differentiates the actual template name that appears to the Onboarding Manager and the Display Name of the activity that appears to the new hire.

  • Template Type: Enables the inclusion of additional functionality within the activity.

  • TS Template Type: Talent Suite template type.

    • This field acts as a quick identifier and ready reference to identify whether an activity belongs to the Talent Suite or the standalone Onboard system, and facilitates quick migration of clients to the Talent Suite.

    • The TS Template Type drop-down is available for E-Verify, I-9 Sections 1, 2, 3, and W-4 and State form activities.

    • The Enable Talent Suite Configurations setting must be enabled in System Settings > Onboard Settings for you to view the TS Template Type field in the Manage Activity Fields screen.

    • When administrators create a new Talent Suite template activity, they can ignore the default Template Type drop-down list and select from the TS Template Type drop-down list.

    • The Talent Suite template type options that appear in the TS Template Type drop-down list are driven by dictionary D_TS_ACTIVITY_TEMPLATE.

  • Success Button Label: Specifies the label for the success button, which is the button a user selects to complete the activity and move to the next workflow step.

  • Encrypt Uploaded Documents check box: Indicates whether documents uploaded to the system during completion of the activity are encrypted.

  • Allow Bulk Completion check box. Allows completion of bulk actions. It is visible only for the activities whose Talent Suite template type is No Template or Onboard Start or Onboard End. By default, it is not enabled for all activities.

  • Restrict Claim Tasks check box. For the Hiring Manager (HM) user type, there is a capability that allows the ability to claim tasks. It has a boolean value and is saved to the KT_ACTIVITY table. By default, this setting is disabled. These tasks cannot be claimed by the responsible user if the setting has been enabled.

  • Enable Stand Alone Activity Settings check box. Note: When selected, the Stand Alone Activity Settings pane displays. It contains:

    • Responsible User Types drop-down.

    • Permitted User Types drop-down.

    • Number of Days Available After Creation field.

    • Reminder E-Mail check box, along with The Reminder Should Be Sent [n] Days Before the Due Date.

    • Escalation E-Mail check box, along with The Escalation Should Be Sent [n] Days After the Due Date.

  • I-9 Section 2 Start Date Driving Field check box. This shows the source field. This is needed to allow a Hiring Manger to claim tasks.

  • E-Signature Required check box.

  • Enhanced E-Signature check box

  • Auto Disposition check box: Specifies that applicants who fail to pass a background check are automatically dispositioned. Note: This check box displays only in activities with a template type of Background Check Results Received.

Screen Item


Disposition Codes

Specifies the disposition codes available for the activity. You select a disposition code by selecting its check box. Each selected code is represented by a disposition code button in the Applicants tab.


Define milestones, phases and status for the activity.

  • Job Milestone: One of five milestones each job may move through during the hiring process – Closed to new applicants, Interviews begun, Posted externally, Released from hold, or Revealed to hiring manager.

  • Job Phase: Indicates whether the job is in the selection phase or the hiring phase.

  • Job Sub Phase: Indicates the most recent action that has taken place.

  • Applicant Job Status: Indicates the applicant’s status regarding the job (for example, application completed, review, screening, and so on). Note: This value cannot be changed once a candidate has applied to a job.

  • Applicant Feedback Status: Indicates the status an applicant sees in the application during completion of the activity (for example, Your application is in review, Complete an evaluation, Authorize background check, and so on). Note: If this field is blank, the previously specified status continues to display.

Field Name

Specifies the name of the field as tracked by the system.


Specifies the name of the field as it is displayed to users.


Indicates whether the field is required.


Indicates the type of information the field displays.


Specifies the name of the dictionary that contains options associated with the field, if applicable.

View Only

Indicates the field is displayed in read-only mode.


Indicates the field is enabled for use in the activity.

Field Validation

Specifies a validation rule applied to the field.

Display Format

Indicates the format in which data appears for date fields and text fields that house Social Security numbers or postal code or currency values.


Forces the system to maintain the value specified for the field in a correlated activity.

Reorder text box and Go (Arrow) icon

Reorders field hierarchy sequence. When you enter a number in the Field Properties section Search Number text box, and select the Go icon

Go icon

, the field reorders to the hierarchy level for the number entered in the text box.

Delete Field icon

Delete icon

Deletes the selected field from the activity.

Upward arrow icon

Upward arrow icon

Moves the selected field upward one row.

Downward arrow icon

Downward arrow icon

Moves the selected field downward one row.

Creating an Activity

If the core activities cannot be used or modified to meet all the client’s needs for workflows you can create new activities.

When you create a new activity, none of the options in the Activity Settings section are specified and only the Notes field is specified in the Field Properties section. If you do not need the Notes field, you can remove it after you add at least one other field to the activity.

Note: Once you create a new activity, you cannot delete it, so ensure a new activity is really necessary before you create one. If you create an activity but find that it is not needed, you can deactivate the activity, which makes it unavailable for use in workflows.

Configuring I-9 Section 2 Third-Party Approval

Note: If clients are using Third-Party Approval, they must deselect the Allow Third Party I-9 Section 2 Approver check box in the workflow configuration to avoid the new hire entering third-party details again in Section 2.

  1. Transfer the responsibility of assigning a third-party approver from the new hire to the employer. This means new hires will no longer need to enter the third-party approver details in I-9 Section-1. These fields will be removed.

  2. Split existing third-party approver into two new approver types: internal approvers (actual employees and existing users) and external approvers (for example, external legal counsel).

  3. Create a new approval activity that allows an onboard manager or a preassigned responsible user type to assign the approver for a new hire.

    1. A new activity called I-9 Section-2 Approver must be added into the workflow. This will allow clients to configure who the third-party approver for the respective new hire should be. The default task owner for this activity is: Hiring Manager. Note: This activity should never be after Section 1, but can be moved to an earlier place in the process.

    2. The activity has three sections:

      • Assign Internal Approvers: This is a prepopulated list of users who are assigned to the third-party user group. Responsible users can select a user and select Submit to assign Section 2 to that user for approval. Note: Administrators must use the user import feature in the Admin application to do a one-time sync to give all their necessary Talent Suite users access to Onboard and assign them to the third party approvers user group.

      • Assign External Approvers: This is a prepopulated list of external people who are not employees but need to approve I-9 Section 2 (for example, external legal counsel).

      • Add External Approvers: This allows users to add external approvers on the fly. Users cannot use this option to add existing employees who do not have access to Onboard.

  4. All existing third-party approvers that were previously created from I-9 Section 1 are shown as External Approvers.

  5. If clients want to move any of the approvers from External to Internal, they must create a maintenance ticket that contains the list of users who will be assigned as internal approvers.

  6. Allow approvers to be assigned for a new hire from Brassring. Clients must pass the user name of the approver as part of the job application entity in the B-O integration. Within the XSL mapping:



    <xsl:value-of select="$Onboard/*:Candidate/*:UserArea/*:Id[@idOwner='ThirdPartyApproverName']/*:IdValue" />


    1. The user must already have access to Onboard as a third-party user. Otherwise, this user is not assigned, and an error message will display during the B-O integration.

    2. Approvers can also be assigned via the V2 services.

    3. The user is assigned as an internal approver and the details are autopopulated in the approval activity. The responsible user type must review and complete the activity.

  7. Add two new markers to the third-party approval communication template:

    • <>. Displays due date for I-9 section 2 approval activity to be completed.

    • <%=new hire.startdate%>. Displays the start date of the new hire.

    To create a new activity:

  1. Display the Manage Activity Fields screen.

  2. Select the Add icon Add icon. The screen refreshes and displays empty fields for creating a new activity.

  3. In the Activity Settings section, enter a name for the activity in the Name text box.

  4. If necessary, display the Template Type drop-down list and select a template to enter. Note: The need to specify a template type depends on what action is taken to complete the activity.

  5. In the Success Button Label text box, enter the label text that displays on the success button.

  6. If you want documents uploaded as part of the encrypted activity, select the Encrypt Uploaded Documents check box.

  7. Select the check boxes for the disposition codes associated with the activity.

  8. Select options for the job milestone, job phase, job sub-phase, applicant job status, and applicant feedback status, as needed. Note: Only the job phase and applicant job status are required fields.

    To add a field to the activity:

  9. Expand the Available Fields node in the list pane and then expand the node for the entity you use to add a field. Available fields are displayed as hyperlinks; fields that have already been added display as plain text.

  10. In the list pane, select the link for the field you want to add. The field is added to the Field Properties section.

  11. If necessary, use the upward arrow and downward arrow icons upward and downward arrow iconsto move the field to a different position.

  12. Specify the appropriate field properties.

  13. Add more fields as needed.

  14. Select the Save icon Save icon.

  15. To see what the activity looks like in the Applicants tab, select the Preview icon Preview icon. Note: New activities are active by default. If you need to make an activity inactive, clear the Active check box and then save the activity.

Copying an Activity

If an existing activity field is similar to a new activity field you want to add, you can copy the existing activity field and modify it to create the new activity field.

Copying an activity field is available for all legacy activities and nonstandard activities in the Talent Suite.

You do not see the Clone icon for system activities in the Talent Suite.

You can only clone activities of these TS Template Types: NO_TEMPLATE,GENERIC_FORM_ACTIVITY, ONBOARD_END, ONBOARD_START.

When you select the Clone icon, all the current activity's field information is automatically copied, excluding the Name field. You must enter the new activity name, and optionally, modify any other details. When you select Save, a new activity is created with the given name.

  1. Display the Manage Activity Fields screen.

  2. In the list pane, select the activity field you want to copy.

  3. Select the Clone icon Clone icon to copy the selected activity field.

  4. Specify the language and modify activity settings as needed.

  5. Select the Save icon Save icon.

Modifying an Activity

You can modify an activity by changing the activity settings or by adding, modifying or deleting fields.

Fields available for addition to the activity are grouped by entity in the list pane.

Note: You can modify an activity only if it is not currently in use in an active workflow.

  1. Display the Manage Activity Fields screen.

  2. To modify an activity:

    • In the list pane, display the drop-down list and select the name of the activity you want to modify.

    • Modify the activity settings and field properties as needed.

    • Select the Save icon Save icon.

  3. To add a field to the activity:

    • Expand the Available Fields node in the list pane and then expand the node for the entity used to add a field. Available fields are displayed as hyperlinks; fields that have already been added display as plain text.

    • In the list pane, select the link for the field you want to add. The field is added to the Field Properties section.

    • If necessary, use the Up and Down icons to move the field to a different position.

    • Specify the appropriate field properties.

    • Add more fields as needed.

    • Select the Save icon Save icon.

    • To see how the activity looks, select the Preview icon Preview icon.

  4. To remove a field:

    • Select the field name in the Field Properties section. The screen refreshes and highlights the selected field.

    • Select the Delete icon Delete Field icon. The screen refreshes and the field is removed from the activity and once again made available in the Available Fields list.

    • Select the Save icon Save icon.